The package is centered around one function, report()
, which goal is to transform a Julia object into readable text. It also provides useful general and domain-specific functions to efficiently process psychological data.
Simulate some Data
Let's start by simulating some correlated data:
using Psycho # Import the Psycho package
# Simulate some data wit ha specified correlation coefficient (0.3)
data = simulate_data_correlation(0.3)
# Describe the data
The data contains 100 observations of the following variables:
- y (Mean = 0 ± 1.0 [-2.32, 2.6])
- Var1 (Mean = 0 ± 1.0 [-3.16, 2.01])
The results reported here and those in your console might be not be exactly the same. This is due to the random nature of some functions that generates different results at each run.
As we can see, we have successfully generated two numeric variables, y
and Var1
. Moreover, the report()
function works on a DataFrame and provide a quick and convenient description of your data.
This report
is quite flexible. For example, running report(data, median=true, levels_percentage=false)
will display the median instead of the mean and the raw count of factor levels insteand of the percentage. See the documentation for details.
Fit a Linear Regression (LM)
using GLM # Import the package for fitting GLMs
model = lm(@formula(y ~ Var1), data)
report(model, std_coefs=false)
We fitted a linear regression to predict y with Var1 (Formula: y ~ 1 + Var1). The model's explanatory power (R²) is
of 0.09 (adj. R² = 0.08). The model's intercept is at -0.0. Within this model:
- Var1 is significant (Coef = 0.3, t(98) = 3.11, 95% CI [0.11; 0.49], p < .01) and can be considered as small (Std. Coef = 0.3).
Applying the report()
function to a linear model returns the model's formula and a general index of the model's predictive performance (here, the normal and adjusted R²). It also reports all the parameters (the "effects" in psychology) and their characteristics: the coefficient (β), the statistic (the t value), degrees of freedom, the confidence interval and the p value. It also returns, by default, the standardized coefficients (which in, in this case, the same as the raw one as our data was generated standardized). It is used as an index of effect size and interpreted with rules of thumb (Cohen's (1988) by default). In our example, the regression coefficient of Var1
is indeed the one that we specified (0.3
): everything worked correctly.
Fit a Multiple GLM
Let's fit a more complex model involving more variables and a binomial outcome (made of zeros and ones).
# Simulate some data suited for logistic regression with multiple groups
data = simulate_data_logistic([[0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.3]])
# Describe the data
The data contains 200 observations of the following variables:
- y (Mean = 0.72 ± 0.45 [0.0, 1.0])
- Var1 (Mean = 0 ± 1.01 [-2.37, 2.44])
- Var2 (Mean = 0.06 ± 0.95 [-2.11, 2.67])
- Group (1DS, 50.0%; 2QC, 50.0%)
We generated a dataset with one outcome (0 and 1), two numeric variables (Var1
and Var2
) and one factor (Group
) with two levels. To fit a logistic model (a subtype of GLMs suited for binomial outcomes), we do as previously, but with writing glm
instead of lm
and adding an additional argument at the end to specify the Binomial
nature of the model.
model = glm(@formula(y ~ Var1 + Var2 * Group), data, Binomial())
We fitted a logistic regression to predict y with Var1, Var2 and Group (Formula: y ~ 1 + Var1 + Var2 + Group + Var2 & Group).
The model's explanatory power (Tjur's R²) is of 0.07. The model's intercept is at 1.42. Within this model:
- Var1 is not significant (Coef = 0.25, z(195) = 1.42, 95% CI [-0.1; 0.59], p > .1) and can be considered as very small (Std. Coef = 0.25).
- Var2 is not significant (Coef = 0.55, z(195) = 1.96, 95% CI [-0.0; 1.1], p = .05) and can be considered as very small (Std. Coef = 0.53).
- Group: 2HV is not significant (Coef = -0.34, z(195) = -0.96, 95% CI [-1.03; 0.35], p > .1) and can be considered as very small (Std. Coef = -0.34).
- Var2 & Group: 2HV is not significant (Coef = -0.01, z(195) = -0.03, 95% CI [-0.73; 0.7], p > .1) and can be considered as very small (Std. Coef = -0.01).
Mixed Models
Bayesian Models