

eeg_badchannels(eeg, bad_threshold=0.5, distance_threshold=0.99, show=False)[source]#

Find bad channels

Find bad channels among the EEG channels.

  • eeg (np.ndarray) – An array (channels, times) of M/EEG data or a Raw or Epochs object from MNE.

  • bad_threshold (float) – The proportion of indices (for instance, the mean, the SD, the skewness, the kurtosis, etc.) on which an observation is considered an outlier to be considered as bad. The default, 0.5, means that a channel must score as an outlier on half or more of the indices.

  • distance_threshold (float) – The quantile that defines the absolute distance from the mean, i.e., the z-score for a value of a variable to be considered an outlier. For instance, .975 becomes scipy.stats.norm.ppf(.975) ~= 1.96. The default value (.99) means that all observations beyond 2.33 SD from the mean will be classified as outliers.

  • show (bool) – Visualize individual EEG channels with highlighted bad channels. Defaults to False


  • list – List of bad channel names

  • DataFrame – Information of each channel, such as standard deviation (SD), mean, median absolute deviation (MAD), skewness, kurtosis, amplitude, highest density intervals, number of zero crossings.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: eeg = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: bads, info = nk.eeg_badchannels(eeg, distance_threshold=0.95, show=False)


eeg_diss(eeg, gfp=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Global dissimilarity (DISS)

Global dissimilarity (DISS) is an index of configuration differences between two electric fields, independent of their strength. Like GFP, DISS was first introduced by Lehmann and Skrandies (1980). This parameter equals the square root of the mean of the squared differences between the potentials measured at each electrode (versus the average reference), each of which is first scaled to unitary strength by dividing by the instantaneous GFP.

  • eeg (np.ndarray) – An array (channels, times) of M/EEG data or a Raw or Epochs object from MNE.

  • gfp (list) – The Global Field Power (GFP). If None, will be obtained via eeg_gfp().

  • **kwargs – Optional arguments to be passed into nk.eeg_gfp().


np.ndarray – DISS of each sample point in the data.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: eeg = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: eeg = eeg.set_eeg_reference('average')
EEG channel type selected for re-referencing
Applying average reference.
Applying a custom ('EEG',) reference.
Removing existing average EEG reference projection.

In [4]: gfp = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg)

In [5]: diss = nk.eeg_diss(eeg, gfp=gfp)

In [6]: nk.signal_plot([gfp[0:300], diss[0:300]], standardize=True)


  • Lehmann, D., & Skrandies, W. (1980). Reference-free identification of components of checkerboard-evoked multichannel potential fields. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 48(6), 609-621.


eeg_gfp(eeg, sampling_rate=None, method='l1', normalize=False, smooth=0, robust=False, standardize_eeg=False)[source]#

Global Field Power (GFP)

Global Field Power (GFP) constitutes a reference-independent measure of response strength. GFP was first introduced by Lehmann and Skrandies (1980) and has since become a commonplace measure among M/EEG users. Mathematically, GFP is the standard deviation of all electrodes at a given time.

  • eeg (array) – An array (channels, times) of M/EEG data or a Raw or Epochs object from MNE.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Only necessary if smoothing is requested.

  • method (str) – Can be either l1 or l2 to use the L1 or L2 norm.

  • normalize (bool) – Normalize GFP.

  • smooth (float) – Can be either None or a float. If a float, will use this value, multiplied by the sampling rate.

  • robust (bool) – If True, the GFP extraction (and the data standardization if requested) will be done using the median/MAD instead of the mean/SD.

  • standardize_eeg (bool) – Standardize (z-score) the data across time prior to GFP extraction using nk.standardize().


gfp (array) – The global field power of each sample point in the data.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: eeg = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: eeg = nk.eeg_rereference(eeg, 'average')

In [4]: eeg = eeg.get_data()[:, 0:500]  # Get the 500 first data points
  • Example 1: Compare L1 and L2 norms

In [5]: l1 = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, method="l1", normalize=True)

In [6]: l2 = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, method="l2", normalize=True)

In [7]: nk.signal_plot([l1, l2])
  • Example 2: Compare Mean-based and Median-based

In [8]: gfp = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, normalize=True)

In [9]: gfp_r = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, normalize=True, robust=True)

In [10]: nk.signal_plot([gfp, gfp_r])
  • Example 3: Standardize the data

In [11]: gfp = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, normalize=True)

In [12]: gfp_z = nk.eeg_gfp(eeg, normalize=True, standardize_eeg=True)

In [13]: nk.signal_plot([gfp, gfp_z])


  • Lehmann, D., & Skrandies, W. (1980). Reference-free identification of components of checkerboard-evoked multichannel potential fields. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 48(6), 609-621.


eeg_power(eeg, sampling_rate=None, frequency_band=['Gamma', 'Beta', 'Alpha', 'Theta', 'Delta'], **kwargs)[source]#

EEG Power in Different Frequency Bands

See our walkthrough for details.

  • Gamma (30-80 Hz)

  • Beta (13-30 Hz) * Beta 1 (13-16 Hz) * Beta 2 (16-20 Hz) * Beta 3 (20-30 Hz)

  • SMR (13-15 Hz)

  • Alpha (8-13 Hz)

  • Mu (9-11 Hz)

  • Theta (4-8 Hz)

  • Delta (1-4 Hz)

  • eeg (array) – An array (channels, times) of M/EEG data or a Raw or Epochs object from MNE.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Only necessary if smoothing is requested.

  • frequency_band (list) – A list of frequency bands (or tuples of frequencies).

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to nk.signal_power().


pd.DataFrame – The power in different frequency bands for each channel.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Raw objects
In [2]: eeg = nk.mne_data("raw")

In [3]: by_channel = nk.eeg_power(eeg)

In [4]: by_channel.head()
   Channel     Gamma      Beta     Alpha     Theta     Delta
0  EEG 001  0.007912  0.003845  0.001344  0.005561  0.027990
1  EEG 002  0.003008  0.001429  0.001318  0.005474  0.025051
2  EEG 003  0.002763  0.001745  0.001449  0.006438  0.029593
3  EEG 004  0.009794  0.004741  0.001129  0.002785  0.013515
4  EEG 005  0.004743  0.002953  0.002069  0.005958  0.020404

In [5]: average = by_channel.mean(numeric_only=True, axis=0)

In [6]: average["Gamma"]
Out[6]: 0.005154868723667879


  • Lehmann, D., & Skrandies, W. (1980). Reference-free identification of components of checkerboard-evoked multichannel potential fields. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 48(6), 609-621.


eeg_rereference(eeg, reference='average', robust=False, **kwargs)[source]#

EEG Rereferencing

This function can be used for arrays as well as MNE objects.

EEG recordings measure differences in electrical potentials between two points, which means the signal displayed at any channel is in fact the difference in electrical potential to some other recording site. Primarily, this other recording site is the ground electrode, which picks up electrical noise that does not reach the other scalp electrodes. Consequently, the voltage difference between ground and EEG scalp electrodes is also affected by this noise.

The idea behind re-referencing is to express the voltage at the EEG scalp channels with respect to another, new reference. It can be composed of any recorded channel or an average of several channels.

  • eeg (np.ndarray) – An array (channels, times) of M/EEG data or a Raw or Epochs object from MNE.

  • reference (str) – See mne.set_eeg_reference(). Can be a string (e.g., ‘average’, ‘lap’ for Laplacian “reference-free” transformation, i.e., CSD), or a list (e.g., [‘TP9’, ‘TP10’] for mastoid reference).

  • robust (bool) – Only applied if reference is average. If True, will substract the median instead of the mean.

  • **kwargs – Optional arguments to be passed into mne.set_eeg_rereference().


object – The rereferenced raw mne object.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: raw = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: eeg = raw.get_data()
  • Example 1: Difference between robust average

In [4]: avg = nk.eeg_rereference(eeg, 'average', robust=False)

In [5]: avg_r = nk.eeg_rereference(eeg, 'average', robust=True)

In [6]: nk.signal_plot([avg[0, 0:1000], avg_r[0, 0:1000]], labels=["Normal", "Robust"])
  • Example 2: Compare the rereferencing of an array vs. the MNE object

In [7]: avg_mne = raw.copy().set_eeg_reference('average', verbose=False)

In [8]: nk.signal_plot([avg[0, 0:1000], avg_mne.get_data()[0, 0:1000]])
  • Example 3: Difference between average and LAP

In [9]: lap = nk.eeg_rereference(raw, 'lap')

In [10]: nk.signal_plot(
   ....:     [avg_mne.get_data()[0, 0:1000], lap.get_data()[0, 0:1000]],
   ....:     standardize=True
   ....: )


  • Trujillo, L. T., Stanfield, C. T., & Vela, R. D. (2017). The effect of electroencephalogram (EEG) reference choice on information-theoretic measures of the complexity and integration of EEG signals. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 425.


eeg_source(raw, src, bem, method='sLORETA', show=False, verbose='WARNING', **kwargs)[source]#

Source Reconstruction for EEG data

Currently only for mne.Raw objects.

  • raw ( – Raw EEG data.

  • src (mne.SourceSpace) – Source space. See mne_templateMRI() to obtain it from an MRI template.

  • bem (mne.Bem) – BEM model. See mne_templateMRI() to obtain it from an MRI template.

  • method (str) – Can be "sLORETA", "MNE" or "dSPM". See mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse_raw().

  • show (bool) – If True, shows the location of the electrodes on the head. See mne.viz.plot_alignment().

  • verbose (str) – Verbosity level for MNE.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to mne.make_forward_solution() and mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator() and mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse_raw().

See also



eeg_source_extract(stc, src, segmentation='PALS_B12_Lobes', verbose='WARNING', **kwargs)[source]#

Extract the activity from an anatomical source

Returns a dataframe with the activity from each source in the segmentation.

Parcellation models include: * ‘aparc’ * ‘aparc.a2005s’ * ‘aparc.a2009s’ * ‘oasis.chubs’ * ‘PALS_B12_Brodmann’ * ‘PALS_B12_Lobes’ * ‘PALS_B12_OrbitoFrontal’ * ‘PALS_B12_Visuotopic’ * ‘Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000’ * ‘Yeo2011_7Networks_N1000’

  • stc (mne.SourceEstimate) – An SourceEstimate object as obtained by eeg_source().

  • src (mne.SourceSpaces) – An SourceSpaces object as obtained by eeg_source().

  • segmentation (str) – See above.

  • verbose (str) – Verbosity level for MNE.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to mne.extract_label_time_course().


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: raw = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: src, bem = nk.mne_templateMRI()

In [4]: stc, src = nk.eeg_source(raw, src, bem)

In [5]: data = nk.eeg_source_extract(stc, src, segmentation="PALS_B12_Lobes")

In [6]: data.head()



mne_data(what='raw', path=None)[source]#

Access MNE Datasets

Utility function to easily access MNE datasets.

  • what (str) – Can be "raw" or "filt-0-40_raw" (a filtered version).

  • path (str) – Defaults to None, assuming that the MNE data folder already exists. If not, specify the directory to download the folder.


object – The raw mne object.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: raw = nk.mne_data(what="raw")

In [3]: raw = nk.mne_data(what="epochs")



Conversion from MNE to dataframes

Convert MNE objects to dataframe or dict of dataframes.


eeg (Union[, mne.Epochs]) – Raw or Epochs M/EEG data from MNE.

See also



DataFrame – A DataFrame containing all epochs identifiable by the "Epoch" column, which time axis is stored in the "Time" column.


Raw objects

In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Download MNE Raw object
In [2]: eeg = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [3]: nk.mne_to_df(eeg)
             Time    EEG 001    EEG 002  ...    EEG 058    EEG 059    EEG 060
0        0.000000  -4.276182  -0.614833  ...   0.172054   0.142613   0.177187
1        0.006660 -13.719613  -2.243887  ...   0.598532  -0.210385   0.867487
2        0.013320 -14.106715  -1.705863  ...   2.516463   0.738738   3.247686
3        0.019980 -11.129011   0.357117  ...   4.067970   1.712777   4.825973
4        0.026639 -14.703818   2.077917  ...   4.015080   1.821963   3.875845
...           ...        ...        ...  ...        ...        ...        ...
41695  277.682047  34.466499  56.709267  ...  17.592953  19.040349   6.905037
41696  277.688707  26.214251  52.595785  ...  18.241601  21.146145   9.016836
41697  277.695367  19.576043  44.539640  ...  20.342592  23.406952  12.009144
41698  277.702027  17.385905  35.788460  ...  24.164947  26.420318  16.159330
41699  277.708686  16.283964  31.688199  ...  27.597833  28.958848  20.147470

[41700 rows x 60 columns]

Epoch objects

# Download MNE Epochs object
In [4]: eeg = nk.mne_data("epochs")

In [5]: nk.mne_to_df(eeg)
           Time     Condition  Epoch  ...   EEG 058   EEG 059   EEG 060
0     -0.199795   audio/right      0  ... -0.252893 -2.647777 -0.990753
1     -0.193135   audio/right      0  ... -1.866898 -2.966418 -1.344063
2     -0.186476   audio/right      0  ... -0.085722 -0.845712  0.242641
3     -0.179816   audio/right      0  ...  2.890358  1.223851  2.005156
4     -0.173156   audio/right      0  ...  3.853468  1.556440  2.389586
...         ...           ...    ...  ...       ...       ...       ...
30523  0.472849  visual/right    317  ...  3.417263  0.898245  4.373624
30524  0.479509  visual/right    317  ...  3.311567  1.424799  5.198189
30525  0.486168  visual/right    317  ...  1.874429  0.310056  4.958517
30526  0.492828  visual/right    317  ...  0.135185 -1.766825  3.130921
30527  0.499488  visual/right    317  ...  0.199427 -2.366780  2.027200

[30528 rows x 62 columns]

Evoked objects

# Download MNE Evoked object
In [6]: eeg = nk.mne_data("evoked")

In [7]: nk.mne_to_df(eeg)
         Time                                 Condition  ...   EEG 059   EEG 060
0   -0.199795    0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.072215  0.376835
1   -0.193135    0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.133655  0.524040
2   -0.186476    0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.259057  0.635795
3   -0.179816    0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.432169  0.716484
4   -0.173156    0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.612105  0.806934
..        ...                                       ...  ...       ...       ...
101  0.472849  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.130764  1.961003
102  0.479509  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.466693  2.076868
103  0.486168  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.796296  2.274223
104  0.492828  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.983311  2.395821
105  0.499488  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  3.122418  2.414186

[212 rows x 61 columns]


mne_channel_add(raw, channel, channel_type=None, channel_name=None, sync_index_raw=0, sync_index_channel=0)[source]#

Add channel as array to MNE

Add a channel to a mne’s Raw m/eeg file. It will basically synchronize the channel to the eeg data following a particular index and add it.

  • raw ( – Raw EEG data from MNE.

  • channel (list or array) – The signal to be added.

  • channel_type (str) – Channel type. Currently supported fields are ‘ecg’, ‘bio’, ‘stim’, ‘eog’, ‘misc’, ‘seeg’, ‘ecog’, ‘mag’, ‘eeg’, ‘ref_meg’, ‘grad’, ‘emg’, ‘hbr’ or ‘hbo’.

  • channel_name (str) – Desired channel name.

  • sync_index_raw (int or list) – An index (e.g., the onset of the same event marked in the same signal), in the raw data, by which to align the two inputs. This can be used in case the EEG data and the channel to add do not have the same onsets and must be aligned through some common event.

  • sync_index_channel (int or list) – An index (e.g., the onset of the same event marked in the same signal), in the channel to add, by which to align the two inputs. This can be used in case the EEG data and the channel to add do not have the same onsets and must be aligned through some common event.

Returns: – Raw data in FIF format.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: import mne

In [3]: raw = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [4]: ecg = nk.ecg_simulate(length=50000)

# Let the 42nd sample point in the EEG signal correspond to the 333rd point in the ECG
In [5]: event_index_in_eeg = 42

In [6]: event_index_in_ecg = 333

In [7]: raw = nk.mne_channel_add(raw,
   ...:                         ecg,
   ...:                         sync_index_raw=event_index_in_eeg,
   ...:                         sync_index_channel=event_index_in_ecg,
   ...:                         channel_type="ecg")


mne_channel_extract(raw, what, name=None, add_firstsamples=False)[source]#

Channel extraction from MNE objects

Select one or several channels by name and returns them in a dataframe.

  • raw ( – Raw EEG data.

  • what (str or list) – Can be "MEG", which will extract all MEG channels, "EEG", which will extract all EEG channels, or "EOG", which will extract all EOG channels (that is, if channel names are named with prefixes of their type e.g., ‘EEG 001’ etc. or ‘EOG 061’). Provide exact a single or a list of channel’s name(s) if not (e.g., [‘124’, ‘125’]).

  • name (str or list) – Useful only when extracting one channel. Can also take a list of names for renaming multiple channels, Otherwise, defaults to None.

  • add_firstsamples (bool) – Defaults to False. MNE’s objects store the value of a delay between the start of the system and the start of the recording (see Taking this into account can be useful when extracting channels from the Raw object to detect events indices that are passed back to MNE again. When add_firstsamples is set to True, the offset will be explicitly added at the beginning of the signal and filled with NaNs. If add_firstsamples is a float or an integer, the offset will filled with these values instead. If it is set to backfill, will prepend with the first real value.


DataFrame – A DataFrame or Series containing the channel(s).


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: import mne

In [3]: raw = nk.mne_data("raw")

In [4]: raw_channel = nk.mne_channel_extract(raw, what=["EEG 060", "EEG 055"], name=['060', '055'])
NOTE: pick_channels() is a legacy function. New code should use inst.pick(...).

In [5]: eeg_channels = nk.mne_channel_extract(raw, "EEG")
NOTE: pick_channels() is a legacy function. New code should use inst.pick(...).


mne_crop(raw, tmin=0.0, tmax=None, include_tmax=True, smin=None, smax=None)[source]#

Crop mne.Raw objects

This function is similar to raw.crop() (same arguments), but with a few critical differences: * It recreates a whole new Raw object, and as such drops all information pertaining to the original data (which MNE keeps, see mne-tools/mne-python#9759). * There is the possibility of specifying directly the first and last samples (instead of in time unit).

  • raw ( – Raw EEG data.

  • path (str) – Defaults to None, assuming that the MNE data folder already exists. If not, specify the directory to download the folder.

  • tmin (float) – See mne.Raw.crop().

  • tmax (float) – See mne.Raw.crop().

  • include_tmax (float) – See mne.Raw.crop().

  • smin (int) – Cropping start in samples.

  • samx (int) – Cropping end in samples.

Returns: – a cropped mne.Raw object.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: raw = nk.mne_data(what="raw")

In [3]: raw_cropped = nk.mne_crop(raw, smin=200, smax=1200, include_tmax=False)

In [4]: len(raw_cropped)
Out[4]: 1000



Return Path of MRI Template

This function is a helper that returns the path of the MRI template for adults (the src and the bem) that is made available through "MNE". It downloads the data if need be. These templates can be used for EEG source reconstruction when no individual MRI is available.



verbose (str) – Verbosity level for MNE.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: src, bem = nk.mne_templateMRI()

Any function appearing below this point is not explicitly part of the documentation and should be added. Please open an issue if there is one.

Submodule for NeuroKit.

eeg_simulate(duration=1, length=None, sampling_rate=1000, noise=0.1, random_state=None)[source]#

EEG Signal Simulation

Simulate an artificial EEG signal. This is a crude implementation based on the MNE-Python raw simulation example. Help is needed to improve this function.

  • duration (int) – Desired recording length in seconds.

  • length (int) – The desired length of the signal (in samples).

  • sampling_rate (int) – The desired sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • noise (float) – Noise level.

  • random_state (None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator) – Seed for the random number generator. See for misc.check_random_state for further information.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: eeg = nk.eeg_simulate(duration=3, sampling_rate=500, noise=0.2)

In [3]: _ = nk.signal_psd(eeg, sampling_rate=500, show=True, max_frequency=100)

Convert MNE Raw or Epochs object to a dictionary


eeg (Union[, mne.Epochs]) – Raw or Epochs M/EEG data from MNE.

See also



dict – A dict containing all epochs identifiable by the ‘Epoch’ column, which time axis is stored in the ‘Time’ column.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: import mne

# Raw objects
In [3]: eeg = nk.mne_data("filt-0-40_raw")

In [4]: eeg_dict = nk.mne_to_dict(eeg)

# Print function result summary
In [5]: eeg_dict_view = {k: f"Signal with length: {len(v)}" for k, v in eeg_dict.items()}

In [6]: eeg_dict_view
{'Time': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 001': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 002': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 003': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 004': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 005': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 006': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 007': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 008': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 009': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 010': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 011': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 012': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 013': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 014': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 015': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 016': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 017': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 018': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 019': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 020': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 021': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 022': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 023': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 024': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 025': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 026': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 027': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 028': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 029': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 030': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 031': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 032': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 033': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 034': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 035': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 036': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 037': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 038': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 039': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 040': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 041': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 042': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 043': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 044': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 045': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 046': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 047': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 048': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 049': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 050': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 051': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 052': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 054': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 055': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 056': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 057': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 058': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 059': 'Signal with length: 41700',
 'EEG 060': 'Signal with length: 41700'}

# Epochs objects
In [7]: eeg = nk.mne_data("epochs")

In [8]: eeg_epoch_dict = nk.mne_to_dict(eeg)

# Print function result summary
In [9]: list(eeg_epoch_dict.items())[:2]
           Time    Condition  Epoch  ...   EEG 058   EEG 059   EEG 060
  0   -0.199795  audio/right      0  ... -0.252893 -2.647777 -0.990753
  1   -0.193135  audio/right      0  ... -1.866898 -2.966418 -1.344063
  2   -0.186476  audio/right      0  ... -0.085722 -0.845712  0.242641
  3   -0.179816  audio/right      0  ...  2.890358  1.223851  2.005156
  4   -0.173156  audio/right      0  ...  3.853468  1.556440  2.389586
  ..        ...          ...    ...  ...       ...       ...       ...
  101  0.472849  audio/right      0  ... -2.192243 -2.387890 -1.541278
  102  0.479509  audio/right      0  ... -0.021716 -0.982978  0.273934
  103  0.486168  audio/right      0  ...  1.874214 -0.173544  1.589030
  104  0.492828  audio/right      0  ...  2.029083 -0.981268  2.536503
  105  0.499488  audio/right      0  ...  0.851983 -2.525927  2.537903
  [106 rows x 62 columns]),
           Time    Condition  Epoch  ...    EEG 058   EEG 059   EEG 060
  106 -0.199795  visual/left      1  ...  -4.763071  0.593029 -8.698777
  107 -0.193135  visual/left      1  ...  -5.348706 -0.402868 -7.543228
  108 -0.186476  visual/left      1  ...  -4.630239 -0.660721 -6.730368
  109 -0.179816  visual/left      1  ...  -3.753920 -0.964667 -6.870185
  110 -0.173156  visual/left      1  ...  -3.126691 -1.182883 -6.617166
  ..        ...          ...    ...  ...        ...       ...       ...
  207  0.472849  visual/left      1  ...  11.307531  8.871835  4.198474
  208  0.479509  visual/left      1  ...  10.934272  8.397933  3.610862
  209  0.486168  visual/left      1  ...   9.927593  7.322843  2.649118
  210  0.492828  visual/left      1  ...   8.222366  5.534040  1.418036
  211  0.499488  visual/left      1  ...   6.414197  4.024137 -0.016883
  [106 rows x 62 columns])]

# Evoked objects
In [10]: eeg = nk.mne_data("evoked")

In [11]: eeg_evoked_dict = nk.mne_to_dict(eeg)

# Print function result summary
In [12]: eeg_evoked_dict
{'0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right':          Time                               Condition  ...   EEG 059   EEG 060
 0   -0.199795  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.072215  0.376835
 1   -0.193135  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.133655  0.524040
 2   -0.186476  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.259057  0.635795
 3   -0.179816  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.432169  0.716484
 4   -0.173156  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ...  0.612105  0.806934
 ..        ...                                     ...  ...       ...       ...
 101  0.472849  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ... -2.041421 -2.118799
 102  0.479509  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ... -2.287646 -2.186724
 103  0.486168  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ... -2.288583 -2.009481
 104  0.492828  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ... -2.223187 -1.855036
 105  0.499488  0.50 × audio/left + 0.50 × audio/right  ... -2.211877 -1.922924
 [106 rows x 61 columns],
 '0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right':          Time                                 Condition  ...   EEG 059   EEG 060
 0   -0.199795  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  0.386601 -0.068992
 1   -0.193135  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  0.402392 -0.016917
 2   -0.186476  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  0.457849  0.211525
 3   -0.179816  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  0.420493  0.407154
 4   -0.173156  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  0.300138  0.463436
 ..        ...                                       ...  ...       ...       ...
 101  0.472849  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.130764  1.961003
 102  0.479509  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.466693  2.076868
 103  0.486168  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.796296  2.274223
 104  0.492828  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  2.983311  2.395821
 105  0.499488  0.51 × visual/left + 0.49 × visual/right  ...  3.122418  2.414186
 [106 rows x 61 columns]}