

eog_process(veog_signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs)[source]#

Process an EOG signal

Convenience function that automatically processes an EOG signal.

  • veog_signal (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The raw vertical EOG channel. Note that it must be positively oriented, i.e., blinks must appear as upward peaks.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of eog_signal() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments passed to other functions.


  • signals (DataFrame) – A DataFrame of the same length as the eog_signal() containing the following columns:

    • EOG_Raw: The raw signal.

    • EOG_Clean: The cleaned signal.

    • EOG_Blinks: The blinks marked as “1” in a list of zeros.

    • EOG_Rate: Eye blink rate interpolated between blinks

  • info (dict) – A dictionary containing the samples at which the eye blinks occur, accessible with the key "EOG_Blinks" as well as the signals’ sampling rate.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Get data
In [2]: eog = nk.data('eog_100hz')

In [3]: eog_signals, info = nk.eog_process(eog, sampling_rate=100)

# Plot
In [4]: nk.eog_plot(eog_signals, info)


  • Agarwal, M., & Sivakumar, R. (2019, September). Blink: A Fully Automated Unsupervised Algorithm for Eye-Blink Detection in EEG Signals. In 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) (pp. 1113-1121). IEEE.


eog_analyze(data, sampling_rate=1000, method='auto')[source]#

EOG Analysis

Performs EOG analysis on either epochs (event-related analysis) or on longer periods of data such as resting-state data.

  • data (Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary of epochs, containing one DataFrame per epoch, usually obtained via epochs_create(), or a DataFrame containing all epochs, usually obtained via epochs_to_df(). Can also take a DataFrame of processed signals from a longer period of data, typically generated by eog_process() or bio_process(). Can also take a dict containing sets of separate periods of data.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000Hz.

  • method (str) – Can be one of "event-related" for event-related analysis on epochs, or "interval-related" for analysis on longer periods of data. Defaults to "auto" where the right method will be chosen based on the mean duration of the data ("event-related" for duration under 10s).


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed EOG features. If event-related analysis is conducted, each epoch is indicated by the Label column. See eog_eventrelated() and eog_intervalrelated() docstrings for details.

See also

bio_process, eog_process, epochs_create, eog_eventrelated, eog_intervalrelated


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Example 1: Event-related analysis
In [2]: data = nk.data("eog_100hz")

# Process the data for event-related analysis
In [3]: df, info = nk.bio_process(eog=data, sampling_rate=100)

In [4]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(df, events=[500, 4000, 6000, 9000], sampling_rate=100,
   ...:                           epochs_start=-0.1,epochs_end=1.9)

# Analyze
In [5]: nk.eog_analyze(epochs, sampling_rate=100)
  Label  Event_Onset  ...  EOG_Rate_Min_Time  EOG_Blinks_Presence
1     1          500  ...           0.010553                    1
2     2         4000  ...           1.900000                    1
3     3         6000  ...           1.900000                    0
4     4         9000  ...           1.407538                    1

[4 rows x 10 columns]

# Example 2: Interval-related analysis with same dataset
In [6]: nk.eog_analyze(df, sampling_rate=100)
   EOG_Peaks_N  EOG_Rate_Mean
0         44.0      24.476583


eog_plot(eog_signals, info=None)[source]#

Visualize EOG data

  • eog_signals (DataFrame) – DataFrame obtained from eog_process().

  • info (dict) – The information Dict returned by eog_process(). Defaults to None.

See also



  • Though the function returns nothing, the figure can be retrieved and saved as follows

  • .. code-block:: console – # To be run after eog_plot() fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(“myfig.png”)


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Simulate data
In [2]: eog_signal = nk.data('eog_100hz')

# Process signal
In [3]: eog_signals, info = nk.eog_process(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100)

# Plot
In [4]: nk.eog_plot(eog_signals, info)



eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method='neurokit')[source]#

Clean an EOG signal

Prepare a raw EOG signal for eye blinks detection.

  • eog_signal (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The raw EOG channel (either vertical or horizontal).

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of eog_signal() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000.

  • method (str) – The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of "neurokit" (default), “agarwal2019”, “mne” (requires the MNE package to be installed), “brainstorm”, “kong1998”.


array – Vector containing the cleaned EOG signal.

See also

signal_filter, eog_peaks


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Get data
In [2]: eog_signal = nk.data('eog_100hz')

# Clean
In [3]: df = {"Raw": eog_signal}

In [4]: df["neurokit"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='neurokit')

In [5]: df["kong1998"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='kong1998')

In [6]: df["agarwal2019"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='agarwal2019')

In [7]: df["mne"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='mne')

In [8]: df["brainstorm"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='brainstorm')

In [9]: df["blinker"] = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100, method='blinker')

# Visualize
In [10]: pd.DataFrame(df).plot(subplots=True)
array([<Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >,
       <Axes: >], dtype=object)


  • Agarwal, M., & Sivakumar, R. (2019). Blink: A Fully Automated Unsupervised Algorithm for Eye-Blink Detection in EEG Signals. In 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) (pp. 1113-1121). IEEE.

  • Kleifges, K., Bigdely-Shamlo, N., Kerick, S. E., & Robbins, K. A. (2017). BLINKER: automated extraction of ocular indices from EEG enabling large-scale analysis. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 12.

  • Kong, X., & Wilson, G. F. (1998). A new EOG-based eyeblink detection algorithm. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 30(4), 713-719.


eog_features(eog_cleaned, peaks, sampling_rate=1000)[source]#

Extracts Features of EOG Eye Blinks

Extracts features of EOG eye blinks e.g., velocity measures, blink-amplitude-ratio (BAR), duration, and markers of onset and offset of each blink.

The positive amplitude velocity ratio (pAVR) and the negative amplitude velocity ratio (nAVR). The positive amplitude velocity ratio is the ratio of the maximum amplitude of the blink over the maximum velocity (rate of change) during the blink upStroke. Similarly, the negative amplitude velocity ratio is the ratio of the maximum amplitude of the blink over the maximum velocity found in the blink downStroke. These measures have units of centiseconds and are indicators of fatigue.

The blink-amplitude ratio (BAR) is the average amplitude of the signal between the blink leftZero and rightZero zero crossings divided by the average amplitude of the positive fraction of the signal “outside” the blink. BAR values in the range [5, 20]. BAR is a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the blink to the background in a candidate signal.

  • eog_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned EOG channel, extracted from eog_clean().

  • peaks (np.array) – Vector containing the samples at which EOG-peaks occur.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of eog_signal() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000.


info (dict) – A dictionary containing information of the features of the EOG blinks, accessible with keys "Blink_LeftZeros" (point when eye closes), "Blink_RightZeros" (point when eye opens) , "Blink_pAVR", "Blink_nAVR", "Blink_BAR", and "Blink_Duration" (duration of each blink in seconds).


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Get data
In [2]: eog_signal = nk.data('eog_100hz')

In [3]: eog_cleaned = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100)

In [4]: peaks = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned, sampling_rate=100)

In [5]: info = nk.eog_features(eog_cleaned, peaks, sampling_rate=100)


  • Kleifges, K., Bigdely-Shamlo, N., Kerick, S. E., & Robbins, K. A. (2017). BLINKER: automated extraction of ocular indices from EEG enabling large-scale analysis. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 12.


eog_peaks(veog_cleaned, sampling_rate=None, method='mne', **kwargs)[source]#

Locate EOG eye blinks

  • veog_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned vertical EOG channel. Note that it must be positively oriented, i.e., blinks must appear as upward peaks.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The signal sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Needed for method "blinker" or "jammes2008".

  • method (str) – The peak detection algorithm. Can be one of "neurokit", "mne" (requires the MNE package to be installed), or "brainstorm" or "blinker".

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the EOG signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Needs to be supplied if the method to be used is "blinker", otherwise defaults to None.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments passed to functions.


array – Vector containing the samples at which EOG-peaks occur,

See also



In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Get data
In [2]: eog_signal = nk.data('eog_100hz')

In [3]: eog_cleaned = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100)
  • Example 1: NeuroKit method

In [4]: signals, info_nk = nk.eog_peaks(eog_cleaned,
   ...:                                 sampling_rate=100,
   ...:                                 method="neurokit",
   ...:                                 threshold=0.33,
   ...:                                 show=True)

In [5]: nk.events_plot(info_nk["EOG_Blinks"], eog_cleaned)
  • Example 2: MNE-method

In [6]: signals, info_mne = nk.eog_peaks(eog_cleaned, method="mne")

In [7]: nk.events_plot(info_mne["EOG_Blinks"], eog_cleaned)
  • Example 3: brainstorm method

In [8]: signals, info_brainstorm = nk.eog_peaks(eog_cleaned, method="brainstorm")

In [9]: nk.events_plot(info_brainstorm["EOG_Blinks"], eog_cleaned)
  • Example 4: blinker method

In [10]: signals, info_blinker = nk.eog_peaks(eog_cleaned, sampling_rate=100, method="blinker")

In [11]: nk.events_plot(info_blinker["EOG_Blinks"], eog_cleaned)


  • Agarwal, M., & Sivakumar, R. (2019). Blink: A Fully Automated Unsupervised Algorithm for Eye-Blink Detection in EEG Signals. In 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) (pp. 1113-1121). IEEE.

  • Kleifges, K., Bigdely-Shamlo, N., Kerick, S. E., & Robbins, K. A. (2017). BLINKER: automated extraction of ocular indices from EEG enabling large-scale analysis. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 12.



eog_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False)[source]#

Performs event-related EOG analysis on epochs

  • epochs (Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]) – A dict containing one DataFrame per event/trial, usually obtained via epochs_create(), or a DataFrame containing all epochs, usually obtained via epochs_to_df().

  • silent (bool) – If True, silence possible warnings.


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed EOG features for each epoch, with each epoch indicated by the Label column (if not present, by the Index column). The analyzed features consist of the following:

  • EOG_Rate_Baseline: The baseline EOG rate before stimulus onset.

  • EOG_Rate_Max: The maximum EOG rate after stimulus onset.

  • EOG_Rate_Min: The minimum EOG rate after stimulus onset.

  • EOG_Rate_Mean: The mean EOG rate after stimulus onset.

  • EOG_Rate_SD: The standard deviation of the EOG rate after stimulus onset.

  • EOG_Rate_Max_Time: The time at which maximum EOG rate occurs.

  • EOG_Rate_Min_Time: The time at which minimum EOG rate occurs.

  • EOG_Blinks_Presence: Marked with ‘1’ if a blink occurs in the epoch, and ‘0’ if not.

See also

events_find, epochs_create, bio_process


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Example with real data
In [2]: eog = nk.data('eog_100hz')

# Process the data
In [3]: eog_signals, info = nk.bio_process(eog=eog, sampling_rate=100)

In [4]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(eog_signals, events=[500, 4000, 6000, 9000], sampling_rate=100,
   ...:                           epochs_start=-0.1,epochs_end=1.9)

# Analyze
In [5]: nk.eog_eventrelated(epochs)
  Label  Event_Onset  ...  EOG_Rate_Min_Time  EOG_Blinks_Presence
1     1          500  ...           0.010553                    1
2     2         4000  ...           1.900000                    1
3     3         6000  ...           1.900000                    0
4     4         9000  ...           1.407538                    1

[4 rows x 10 columns]



EOG analysis on longer periods of data

Performs EOG analysis on longer periods of data (typically > 10 seconds), such as resting-state data.


data (Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]) – A DataFrame containing the different processed signal(s) as different columns, typically generated by eog_process() or bio_process(). Can also take a dict containing sets of separately processed DataFrames.


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed EOG features. The analyzed features consist of the following:

  • EOG_Rate_Mean: The mean EOG value.

  • EOG_Peaks_N: The number of blink peak occurrences.

See also

bio_process, eog_eventrelated


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Download data
In [2]: eog = nk.data('eog_200hz')['vEOG']

# Process the data
In [3]: df, info = nk.eog_process(eog, sampling_rate=200)

# Single dataframe is passed
In [4]: nk.eog_intervalrelated(df)
   EOG_Peaks_N  EOG_Rate_Mean
0         42.0      11.816327

# Dictionary is passed
In [5]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(df, events=[0, 30000], sampling_rate=200,
   ...:                           epochs_end=120)

In [6]: nk.eog_intervalrelated(epochs)
  Label  EOG_Peaks_N  EOG_Rate_Mean
1     1           27      18.633351
2     2            8       6.700246



eog_findpeaks(veog_cleaned, sampling_rate=None, method='mne', **kwargs)[source]#

Locate EOG eye blinks

Low-level function used by eog_peaks() to identify blinks in an EOG signal using a different set of algorithms. See eog_peaks() for details.

  • veog_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned vertical EOG channel. Note that it must be positively oriented, i.e., blinks must appear as upward peaks.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The signal sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Needed for method "blinker" or "jammes2008".

  • method (str) – The peak detection algorithm. Can be one of "neurokit", "mne" (requires the MNE package to be installed), or "brainstorm" or "blinker".

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the EOG signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Needs to be supplied if the method to be used is "'blinker", otherwise defaults to None.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments passed to functions.


array – Vector containing the samples at which EOG-peaks occur,

See also



In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Get data
In [2]: eog_signal = nk.data('eog_100hz')

In [3]: eog_cleaned = nk.eog_clean(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100)
  • Example 1: NeuroKit method

In [4]: neurokit = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned,
   ...:                             sampling_rate=100,
   ...:                             method="neurokit",
   ...:                             threshold=0.33,
   ...:                             show=True)

In [5]: nk.events_plot(neurokit, eog_cleaned)
  • Example 2: MNE-method

In [6]: mne = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned, method="mne")

In [7]: nk.events_plot(mne, eog_cleaned)
  • Example 3: brainstorm method

In [8]: brainstorm = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned, method="brainstorm")

In [9]: nk.events_plot(brainstorm, eog_cleaned)
  • Example 4: blinker method

In [10]: blinker = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned, sampling_rate=100, method="blinker")

In [11]: nk.events_plot(blinker, eog_cleaned)

# Jammes (2008) method
# jammes2008 = nk.eog_findpeaks(eog_cleaned, sampling_rate=100, method="jammes2008")
# nk.events_plot(jammes2008, eog_cleaned)

Submodule for NeuroKit.

eog_rate(peaks, sampling_rate=1000, desired_length=None, interpolation_method='monotone_cubic', show=False)#

Compute Signal Rate

Calculate signal rate (per minute) from a series of peaks. It is a general function that works for any series of peaks (i.e., not specific to a particular type of signal). It is computed as 60 / period, where the period is the time between the peaks (see func:.signal_period).


This function is implemented under signal_rate(), but it also re-exported under different names, such as ecg_rate(), or rsp_rate(). The aliases are provided for consistency.

  • peaks (Union[list, np.array, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, dict]) – The samples at which the peaks occur. If an array is passed in, it is assumed that it was obtained with signal_findpeaks(). If a DataFrame is passed in, it is assumed it is of the same length as the input signal in which occurrences of R-peaks are marked as “1”, with such containers obtained with e.g., :func:.`ecg_findpeaks` or rsp_findpeaks().

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal that contains peaks (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000.

  • desired_length (int) – If left at the default None, the returned rated will have the same number of elements as peaks. If set to a value larger than the sample at which the last peak occurs in the signal (i.e., peaks[-1]), the returned rate will be interpolated between peaks over desired_length samples. To interpolate the rate over the entire duration of the signal, set desired_length to the number of samples in the signal. Cannot be smaller than or equal to the sample at which the last peak occurs in the signal. Defaults to None.

  • interpolation_method (str) – Method used to interpolate the rate between peaks. See signal_interpolate().

    "monotone_cubic" is chosen as the default interpolation method since it ensures monotone interpolation between data points (i.e., it prevents physiologically implausible “overshoots” or “undershoots” in the y-direction). In contrast, the widely used cubic spline interpolation does not ensure monotonicity.


    If True, shows a plot. Defaults to False.


array – A vector containing the rate (peaks per minute).

See also

signal_period, signal_findpeaks, signal_fixpeaks, signal_plot


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Create signal of varying frequency
In [2]: freq = nk.signal_simulate(1, frequency = 1)

In [3]: signal = np.sin((freq).cumsum() * 0.5)

# Find peaks
In [4]: info = nk.signal_findpeaks(signal)

# Compute rate using 2 methods
In [5]: rate1 = nk.signal_rate(peaks=info["Peaks"],
   ...:                        desired_length=len(signal),
   ...:                        interpolation_method="nearest")

In [6]: rate2 = nk.signal_rate(peaks=info["Peaks"],
   ...:                        desired_length=len(signal),
   ...:                        interpolation_method="monotone_cubic")

# Visualize signal and rate on the same scale
In [7]: nk.signal_plot([signal, rate1, rate2],
   ...:                labels = ["Original signal", "Rate (nearest)", "Rate (monotone cubic)"],
   ...:                standardize = True)