

rsp_process(rsp_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method='khodadad2018', method_rvt='harrison2021', report=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Process a respiration (RSP) signal

Convenience function that automatically processes a respiration signal with one of the following methods:

  • rsp_signal (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The raw respiration channel (as measured, for instance, by a respiration belt).

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of rsp_signal() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str) – The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of "khodadad2018" (default) or "biosppy".

  • method_rvt (str) – The rvt method to apply. Can be one of "harrison2021" (default), "birn2006" or "power2020".

  • report (str) – The filename of a report containing description and figures of processing (e.g. "myreport.html"). Needs to be supplied if a report file should be generated. Defaults to None. Can also be "text" to just print the text in the console without saving anything.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to specific methods. For more information, see rsp_methods().


  • signals (DataFrame) – A DataFrame of same length as rsp_signal() containing the following columns:

    • RSP_Raw: The raw signal.

    • RSP_Clean: The raw signal.

    • RSP_Peaks: The respiratory peaks (exhalation onsets) marked as “1” in a list of zeros.

    • RSP_Troughs: The respiratory troughs (inhalation onsets) marked as “1” in a list of zeros.

    • RSP_Rate: The breathing rate interpolated between inhalation peaks.

    • RSP_Amplitude: The breathing amplitude interpolated between inhalation peaks.

    • RSP_Phase: The breathing phase, marked by “1” for inspiration and “0” for expiration.

    • RSP_Phase_Completion: The breathing phase completion, expressed in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current respiratory phase.

    • RSP_RVT: Respiratory volume per time (RVT).

  • info (dict) – A dictionary containing the samples at which inhalation peaks and exhalation troughs occur, accessible with the keys "RSP_Peaks", and "RSP_Troughs" respectively, as well as the signals’ sampling rate.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=90, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: signals, info = nk.rsp_process(rsp, sampling_rate=1000, report="text")
The raw signal, sampled at 1000 Hz, was preprocessed using a second order 0.05-3 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter.

The peak detection was carried out using the method described in Khoadadad et al. (2018).

The respiratory volume per time computation was carried out using the method described in Harrison et al. (2021).

|   RSP_Rate_Mean |   RSP_Rate_SD |
|         14.9766 |       1.56918 |

- Harrison, S. J., Bianchi, S., Heinzle, J., Stephan, K. E., Iglesias, S., & Kasper, L. (2021).
            A Hilbert-based method for processing respiratory timeseries.
            Neuroimage, 230, 117787.
- Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Müller, B., Waldmann, A., Yerworth, R., Becher, T., ... & Bayford, R. (2018).
            Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography.
            Physiological measurement, 39(9), 094001.
- Makowski, D., Pham, T., Lau, Z. J., Brammer, J. C., Lespinasse, F., Pham, H.,
    Schölzel, C., & Chen, S. A. (2021). NeuroKit2: A Python toolbox for neurophysiological signal processing.
    Behavior Research Methods, 53(4), 1689–1696.

In [4]: fig = nk.rsp_plot(signals, info)


rsp_analyze(data, sampling_rate=1000, method='auto')[source]#

RSP Analysis

Performs RSP analysis on either epochs (event-related analysis) or on longer periods of data such as resting-state data.

  • data (dict or DataFrame) – A dictionary of epochs, containing one DataFrame per epoch, usually obtained via epochs_create(), or a DataFrame containing all epochs, usually obtained via epochs_to_df(). Can also take a DataFrame of processed signals from a longer period of data, typically generated by rsp_process() or bio_process(). Can also take a dict containing sets of separate periods of data.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000Hz.

  • method (str) – Can be one of "event-related" for event-related analysis on epochs, or "interval-related" for analysis on longer periods of data. Defaults to "auto" where the right method will be chosen based on the mean duration of the data ("event-related" for duration under 10s).


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed RSP features. If event-related analysis is conducted, each epoch is indicated by the Label column. See rsp_eventrelated() and rsp_intervalrelated() docstrings for details.

See also

bio_process, rsp_process, epochs_create, rsp_eventrelated, rsp_intervalrelated


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Example 1: Download the data for event-related analysis
In [2]: data ="bio_eventrelated_100hz")

# Process the data for event-related analysis
In [3]: df, info = nk.bio_process(rsp=data["RSP"], sampling_rate=100)

In [4]: events = nk.events_find(data["Photosensor"], threshold_keep='below',
   ...:                        event_conditions=["Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Negative"])

In [5]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(df, events, sampling_rate=100, epochs_start=-0.1, epochs_end=1.9)

# Analyze
In [6]: nk.rsp_analyze(epochs, sampling_rate=100)
  Label Condition  ...  RSP_RVT_Baseline  RSP_RVT_Mean
1     1  Negative  ...          0.225643      0.004368
2     2   Neutral  ...          0.169809     -0.013798
3     3   Neutral  ...          0.127095      0.008785
4     4  Negative  ...          0.080601      0.001421

[4 rows x 23 columns]

# Example 2: Download the resting-state data
In [7]: data ="bio_resting_5min_100hz")

# Process the data
In [8]: df, info = nk.rsp_process(data["RSP"], sampling_rate=100)

# Analyze
In [9]: nk.rsp_analyze(df, sampling_rate=100)
   RSP_Rate_Mean  ...  RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio
0      15.860331  ...                  0.664482

[1 rows x 40 columns]


rsp_simulate(duration=10, length=None, sampling_rate=1000, noise=0.01, respiratory_rate=15, method='breathmetrics', random_state=None, random_state_distort='spawn')[source]#

Simulate a respiratory signal

Generate an artificial (synthetic) respiratory signal of a given duration and rate.

  • duration (int) – Desired length of duration (s).

  • sampling_rate (int) – The desired sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • length (int) – The desired length of the signal (in samples).

  • noise (float) – Noise level (amplitude of the laplace noise).

  • respiratory_rate (float) – Desired number of breath cycles in one minute.

  • method (str) – The model used to generate the signal. Can be "sinusoidal" for a simulation based on a trigonometric sine wave that roughly approximates a single respiratory cycle. If "breathmetrics" (default), will use an advanced model desbribed by Noto, et al. (2018).

  • random_state (None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator) – Seed for the random number generator. See for misc.check_random_state for further information.

  • random_state_distort ({‘legacy’, ‘spawn’}, None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator) – Random state to be used to distort the signal. If "legacy", use the same random state used to generate the signal (discouraged as it creates dependent random streams). If "spawn", spawn independent children random number generators from the random_state argument. If any of the other types, generate independent children random number generators from the random_state_distort provided (this allows generating multiple version of the same signal distorted by different random noise realizations).

See also

rsp_clean, rsp_findpeaks, signal_rate, rsp_process, rsp_plot


array – Vector containing the respiratory signal.


In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [3]: rsp1 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, method="sinusoidal")

In [4]: rsp2 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, method="breathmetrics")

In [5]: pd.DataFrame({"RSP_Simple": rsp1, "RSP_Complex": rsp2}).plot(subplots=True)
Out[5]: array([<Axes: >, <Axes: >], dtype=object)


  • Noto, T., Zhou, G., Schuele, S., Templer, J., & Zelano, C. (2018). Automated analysis of breathing waveforms using BreathMetrics: A respiratory signal processing toolbox. Chemical Senses, 43(8), 583-597.


rsp_plot(rsp_signals, info=None, static=True)[source]#

Visualize respiration (RSP) data

  • rsp_signals (DataFrame) – DataFrame obtained from rsp_process().

  • info (dict) – The information Dict returned by rsp_process(). Defaults to None.

  • static (bool) – If True, a static plot will be generated with matplotlib. If False, an interactive plot will be generated with plotly. Defaults to True.

See also



See ecg_plot() for details on how to access the figure, modify the size and save it.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Simulate data
In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=90, respiratory_rate=15, sampling_rate=100)

# Process signal
In [3]: rsp_signals, info = nk.rsp_process(rsp, sampling_rate=100)

# Plot
In [4]: nk.rsp_plot(rsp_signals, info)



rsp_clean(rsp_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method='khodadad2018', **kwargs)[source]#

Preprocess a respiration (RSP) signal

Clean a respiration signal using different sets of parameters, such as:

  • khodadad2018: Second order 0.05-3 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter. Note that the implementation differs from the referenced paper (see issue #950).

  • BioSPPy: Second order 0.1-0.35 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter followed by a constant detrending).

  • hampel: Applies a median-based Hampel filter by replacing values which are 3 (can be changed via threshold) mad() away from the rolling median.

  • rsp_signal (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The raw respiration channel (as measured, for instance, by a respiration belt).

  • sampling_rate (int, optional) – The sampling frequency of rsp_signal() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str, optional) – The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of "khodadad2018" (default), "biosppy" or "hampel".

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to pass to the cleaning method.


array – Vector containing the cleaned respiratory signal.

See also

rsp_findpeaks, signal_rate, rsp_amplitude, rsp_process, rsp_plot


In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [3]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, sampling_rate=50, noise=0.1)

In [4]: signals = pd.DataFrame({
   ...:     "RSP_Raw": rsp,
   ...:     "RSP_Khodadad2018": nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=50, method="khodadad2018"),
   ...:     "RSP_BioSPPy": nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=50, method="biosppy"),
   ...:     "RSP_Hampel": nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=50, method="hampel", threshold=3)
   ...: })

In [5]: signals.plot()
Out[5]: <Axes: >


  • Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Müller, B., Waldmann, A., Yerworth, R., Becher, T., … & Bayford, R. (2018). Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography. Physiological measurement, 39(9), 094001.

  • Power, J., Lynch, C., Dubin, M., Silver, B., Martin, A., Jones, R.,(2020) Characteristics of respiratory measures in young adults scanned at rest, including systematic changes and “missed” deep breaths. NeuroImage, Volume 204, 116234


rsp_amplitude(rsp_cleaned, peaks, troughs=None, method='standard', interpolation_method='monotone_cubic')[source]#

Compute respiratory amplitude

Compute respiratory amplitude given the raw respiration signal and its extrema. The standard method computes the amplitude as the difference between a peak and its preceding trough, while the prepost method computes the amplitude as the average of the differences of peak to its preceding and succeeding troughs (Cole, 2019).

  • rsp_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned respiration channel as returned by rsp_clean().

  • peaks (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the respiration peaks (exhalation onsets) occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • troughs (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the respiration troughs (inhalation onsets) occur. If a dict or a is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • method (str) – The method to use to compute the amplitude. Can be "standard" or "prepost".

  • interpolation_method (str) – Method used to interpolate the amplitude between peaks. See signal_interpolate(). "monotone_cubic" is chosen as the default interpolation method since it ensures monotone interpolation between data point (i.e., it prevents physiologically implausible “overshoots” or “undershoots” in the y-direction). In contrast, the widely used cubic spline ‘interpolation does not ensure monotonicity.


array – A vector containing the respiratory amplitude.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=90, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: peak_signals, info = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned)

In [5]: amplitude = nk.rsp_amplitude(cleaned, peak_signals)

In [6]: fig = nk.signal_plot([rsp, amplitude], labels=["RSP", "Amplitude"], subplots=True)
In [7]: amp2 = nk.rsp_amplitude(cleaned, peak_signals, method="prepost")

In [8]: fig = nk.signal_plot([amplitude, amp2], labels=["Standard", "Prepost"])


  • Cole, S., & Voytek, B. (2019). Cycle-by-cycle analysis of neural oscillations. Journal of neurophysiology, 122(2), 849-861.


rsp_peaks(rsp_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method='khodadad2018', **kwargs)[source]#

Identify extrema in a respiration (RSP) signal

This function runs rsp_findpeaks() and rsp_fixpeaks() to identify and process peaks (exhalation onsets) and troughs (inhalation onsets) in a preprocessed respiration signal using different sets of parameters, such as:

  • khodad2018: Uses the parameters in Khodadad et al. (2018).

  • biosppy: Uses the parameters in BioSPPy’s resp() function.

  • scipy Uses the scipy peak-detection function.

  • rsp_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned respiration channel as returned by rsp_clean().

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of rsp_cleaned() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str) – The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of "khodadad2018" (default), "biosppy" or "scipy".

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to the different peak finding methods. See rsp_findpeaks().


  • info (dict) – A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the samples at which peaks (exhalation onsets) and troughs (inhalation onsets) occur, accessible with the keys "RSP_Peaks", and "RSP_Troughs", respectively, as well as the signals’ sampling rate.

  • peak_signal (DataFrame) – A DataFrame of same length as the input signal in which occurrences of peaks (exhalation onsets) and troughs (inhalation onsets) are marked as “1” in lists of zeros with the same length as rsp_cleaned(). Accessible with the keys "RSP_Peaks" and "RSP_Troughs" respectively.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, respiratory_rate=15)

In [4]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [5]: peak_signal, info = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned, sampling_rate=1000)

In [6]: data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"RSP": rsp}), peak_signal], axis=1)

In [7]: fig = nk.signal_plot(data)


  • Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Müller, B., Waldmann, A., Yerworth, R., Becher, T., … & Bayford, R. (2018). Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography. Physiological measurement, 39(9), 094001.


rsp_findpeaks(rsp_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method='khodadad2018', amplitude_min=0.3, peak_distance=0.8, peak_prominence=0.5)[source]#

Extract extrema in a respiration (RSP) signal

Low-level function used by rsp_peaks() to identify inhalation and exhalation onsets (troughs and peaks respectively) in a preprocessed respiration signal using different sets of parameters. See rsp_peaks() for details.

  • rsp_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned respiration channel as returned by rsp_clean().

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of rsp_cleaned() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str) – The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of "khodadad2018" (default), "scipy" or "biosppy".

  • amplitude_min (float) – Only applies if method is "khodadad2018". Extrema that have a vertical distance smaller than(outlier_threshold * average vertical distance) to any direct neighbour are removed as false positive outliers. I.e., outlier_threshold should be a float with positive sign (the default is 0.3). Larger values of outlier_threshold correspond to more conservative thresholds (i.e., more extrema removed as outliers).

  • peak_distance (float) – Only applies if method is "scipy". Minimal distance between peaks. Default is 0.8 seconds.

  • peak_prominence (float) – Only applies if method is "scipy". Minimal prominence between peaks. Default is 0.5.


info (dict) – A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the samples at which inhalation onsets and exhalation onsets occur, accessible with the keys "RSP_Troughs" and "RSP_Peaks", respectively.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: info = nk.rsp_findpeaks(cleaned)

In [5]: nk.events_plot([info["RSP_Peaks"], info["RSP_Troughs"]], cleaned)


rsp_fixpeaks(peaks, troughs=None)[source]#

Correct RSP peaks

Low-level function used by rsp_peaks() to correct the peaks found by rsp_findpeaks(). Doesn’t do anything for now for RSP. See rsp_peaks() for details.

  • peaks (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which respiration peaks (exhalation onsets) occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • troughs (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which respiration troughs (inhalation onsets) occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().


info (dict) – A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the samples at which inhalation onsets and exhalation onsets occur, accessible with the keys "RSP_Troughs" and "RSP_Peaks", respectively.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: info = nk.rsp_findpeaks(cleaned)

In [5]: info = nk.rsp_fixpeaks(info)

In [6]: nk.events_plot([info["RSP_Peaks"], info["RSP_Troughs"]], cleaned)


rsp_phase(peaks, troughs=None, desired_length=None)[source]#

Compute respiratory phase (inspiration and expiration)

Finds the respiratory phase, labelled as 1 for inspiration and 0 for expiration.

  • peaks (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation peaks occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • troughs (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation troughs occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • desired_length (int) – By default, the returned respiration rate has the same number of elements as peaks. If set to an integer, the returned rate will be interpolated between peaks over desired_length samples. Has no effect if a DataFrame is passed in as the peaks argument.


pd.DataFrame – A DataFrame of same length as rsp_signal() containing the following columns:

  • "RSP_Phase": breathing phase, marked by “1” for inspiration and “0” for expiration.

  • "RSP_Phase_Completion": breathing phase completion, expressed in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current respiratory phase.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=30, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: peak_signal, info = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned)

In [5]: phase = nk.rsp_phase(peak_signal, desired_length=len(cleaned))

In [6]: fig = nk.signal_plot([rsp, phase], standardize=True)


rsp_rate(rsp_cleaned, troughs=None, sampling_rate=1000, window=10, hop_size=1, method='trough', peak_method='khodadad2018', interpolation_method='monotone_cubic')[source]#

Find respiration rate

  • rsp_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned respiration channel as returned by rsp_clean().

  • troughs (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) – The respiration troughs (inhalation onsets) as returned by rsp_peaks(). If None (default), inhalation onsets will be automatically identified from the rsp_clean() signal.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of rsp_cleaned() (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • window (int) – The duration of the sliding window (in second). Default to 10 seconds.

  • hop_size (int) – The number of samples between each successive window. Default to 1 sample.

  • method (str) – Method can either be "trough" or "xcorr". In "trough" method, respiratory rate is calculated from the periods between successive inspirations (i.e., inhalation onsets/ troughs). In "xcorr" method, cross-correlations between the changes in respiration with a bank of sinusoids of different frequencies are calculated to identify the principal frequency of oscillation.

  • peak_method (str) – Method to identify successive respiratory inspirations, only relevant if method is "trough". Can be one of "khodadad2018" (default) or "biosppy".

  • interpolation_method (str) – Method used to interpolate the rate between inhalation onsets. See signal_interpolate(). "monotone_cubic" is chosen as the default interpolation method since it ensures monotone interpolation between data points (i.e., it prevents physiologically implausible “overshoots” or “undershoots” in the y-direction). In contrast, the widely used cubic spline interpolation does not ensure monotonicity.


rsp_rate (np.ndarray) – Instantenous respiration rate.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp_signal ="rsp_1000hz")

In [3]: rsp_cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp_signal, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: rsp_rate_onsets = nk.rsp_rate(rsp_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method="trough")

In [5]: rsp_rate_xcorr = nk.rsp_rate(rsp_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method="xcorr")


rsp_symmetry(rsp_cleaned, peaks, troughs=None, interpolation_method='monotone_cubic', show=False)[source]#

Respiration Cycle Symmetry Features

Compute symmetry features of the respiration cycle, such as the Peak-Trough symmetry and the Rise-Decay symmetry (see Cole, 2019). Note that the values for each cycle are interpolated to the same length as the signal (and the first and last cycles, for which one cannot compute the symmetry characteristics, are padded).

Figure from Cole and Voytek (2019).
  • rsp_cleaned (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The cleaned respiration channel as returned by rsp_clean().

  • peaks (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation peaks occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • troughs (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation troughs occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • interpolation_method (str) – Method used to interpolate the amplitude between peaks. See signal_interpolate(). "monotone_cubic" is chosen as the default interpolation method since it ensures monotone interpolation between data point (i.e., it prevents physiologically implausible “overshoots” or “undershoots” in the y-direction). In contrast, the widely used cubic spline ‘interpolation does not ensure monotonicity.

  • show (bool) – If True, show a plot of the symmetry features.


pd.DataFrame – A DataFrame of same length as rsp_signal() containing the following columns:

  • "RSP_Symmetry_PeakTrough"

  • "RSP_Symmetry_RiseDecay"


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=45, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: peak_signal, info = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned)

In [5]: symmetry = nk.rsp_symmetry(cleaned, peak_signal, show=True)


  • Cole, S., & Voytek, B. (2019). Cycle-by-cycle analysis of neural oscillations. Journal of neurophysiology, 122(2), 849-861.


rsp_rrv(rsp_rate, troughs=None, sampling_rate=1000, show=False, silent=True)[source]#

Respiratory Rate Variability (RRV)

Computes time domain and frequency domain features for Respiratory Rate Variability (RRV) analysis.

  • rsp_rate (array) – Array containing the respiratory rate, produced by signal_rate().

  • troughs (dict) – The samples at which the inhalation onsets occur. Dict returned by rsp_peaks() (Accessible with the key, "RSP_Troughs"). Defaults to None.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • show (bool) – If True, will return a Poincaré plot, a scattergram, which plots each breath-to-breath interval against the next successive one. The ellipse centers around the average breath-to-breath interval. Defaults to False.

  • silent (bool) – If False, warnings will be printed. Default to True.


DataFrame – DataFrame consisting of the computed RRV metrics, which includes:

  • RRV_SDBB: The standard deviation of the breath-to-breath intervals.

  • RRV_RMSSD: The root mean square of successive differences of the breath-to-breath intervals.

  • RRV_SDSD: The standard deviation of the successive differences between adjacent breath-to-breath intervals.

  • RRV_BBx: The number of successive interval differences that are greater than x seconds.

  • RRV_pBBx: the proportion of breath-to-breath intervals that are greater than x seconds, out of the total number of intervals.

  • RRV_VLF: Spectral power density pertaining to very low frequency band (i.e., 0 to .04 Hz) by default.

  • RRV_LF: Spectral power density pertaining to low frequency band (i.e., .04 to .15 Hz) by default.

  • RRV_HF: Spectral power density pertaining to high frequency band (i.e., .15 to .4 Hz) by default.

  • RRV_LFHF: The ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power.

  • RRV_LFn: The normalized low frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by the total power.

  • RRV_HFn: The normalized high frequency, obtained by dividing the low frequency power by total power.

  • RRV_SD1: SD1 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré plot perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of short-term variability.

  • RRV_SD2: SD2 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré plot along the line of identity. It is an index of long-term variability.

  • RRV_SD2SD1: The ratio between short and long term fluctuations of the breath-to-breath intervals (SD2 divided by SD1).

  • RRV_DFA_alpha1: The “short-term” fluctuation value generated from Detrended Fluctuation Analysis i.e. the root mean square deviation from the fitted trend of the breath-to-breath intervals. Will only be computed if mora than 160 breath cycles in the signal.

  • RRV_DFA_alpha2: The long-term fluctuation value. Will only be computed if mora than 640 breath cycles in the signal.

  • RRV_ApEn: The approximate entropy of RRV, calculated by :func:`.entropy_approximate`.

  • RRV_SampEn: The sample entropy of RRV, calculated by :func:`.entropy_sample`.

See also

signal_rate, rsp_peaks, signal_power, entropy_sample, entropy_approximate


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=90, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: rsp, info = nk.rsp_process(rsp)

In [4]: nk.rsp_rrv(rsp, show=True)
    RRV_RMSSD   RRV_MeanBB    RRV_SDBB  ...  RRV_SD2SD1  RRV_ApEn  RRV_SampEn
0  970.301299  4116.105263  622.070012  ...    0.743572  0.057158        -inf

[1 rows x 20 columns]


  • Soni, R., & Muniyandi, M. (2019). Breath rate variability: a novel measure to study the meditation effects. International Journal of Yoga, 12(1), 45.


rsp_rvt(rsp_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method='power2020', boundaries=[2.0, 0.03333333333333333], iterations=10, show=False, silent=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Respiratory Volume per Time (RVT)

Computes Respiratory Volume per Time (RVT). RVT is the product of respiratory volume and breathing rate. RVT can be used to identify the global fMRI confounds of breathing, which is often considered noise.

  • rsp_signal (array) – Array containing the respiratory rate, produced by signal_rate().

  • sampling_rate (int, optional) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str, optional) – The rvt method to apply. Can be one of "power2020" (default), "harrison2021" or "birn2006".

  • boundaries (list, optional) – Only applies if method is "harrison". Lower and upper limit of (humanly possible) breath frequency in Hertz.

  • iterations (int, optional) – Only applies if method is "harrison". Amount of phase refinement estimates to remove high frequencies. Synthetic samples often take less than 3.

  • show (bool, optional) – If True, will return a simple plot of the RVT (with the re-scaled original RSP signal).

  • silent (bool, optional) – If True, warnings will not be printed.

  • **kwargs – Arguments to be passed to the underlying peak detection algorithm.


array – Array containing the current RVT at every timestep.

See also

signal_rate, rsp_peaks, rsp_process, rsp_clean


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=60, random_state=1)

In [3]: nk.rsp_rvt(rsp, method="power2020", show=True)
array([       nan,        nan,        nan, ..., 0.00086246, 0.00086246,

In [4]: nk.rsp_rvt(rsp, method="harrison2021", show=True)
array([0.14915545, 0.14915298, 0.14915056, ..., 0.13633738, 0.1363369 ,

In [5]: nk.rsp_rvt(rsp, method="birn2006", show=True)
Out[5]: array([nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan])
../_images/p_rsp_rvt1.png ../_images/p_rsp_rvt2.png ../_images/p_rsp_rvt3.png


  • Birn, R. M., Diamond, J. B., Smith, M. A., & Bandettini, P. A. (2006). Separating respiratory-variation-related fluctuations from neuronal-activity-related fluctuations in fMRI. Neuroimage, 31(4), 1536-1548.

  • Power, J. D., Lynch, C. J., Dubin, M. J., Silver, B. M., Martin, A., & Jones, R. M. (2020). Characteristics of respiratory measures in young adults scanned at rest, including systematic changes and “missed” deep breaths. Neuroimage, 204, 116234.

  • Harrison, S. J., Bianchi, S., Heinzle, J., Stephan, K. E., Iglesias, S., & Kasper, L. (2021). A Hilbert-based method for processing respiratory timeseries. Neuroimage, 230, 117787.



rsp_eventrelated(epochs, silent=False)[source]#

Performs event-related RSP analysis on epochs

  • epochs (Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]) – A dict containing one DataFrame per event/trial, usually obtained via epochs_create(), or a DataFrame containing all epochs, usually obtained via epochs_to_df().

  • silent (bool) – If True, silence possible warnings.


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed RSP features for each epoch, with each epoch indicated by the Label column (if not present, by the Index column). The analyzed features consist of the following:

  • RSP_Rate_Max: The maximum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Rate_Min: The minimum respiratory rate after stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Rate_Mean: The mean respiratory rate after stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Rate_SD: The standard deviation of the respiratory rate after stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Rate_Max_Time: The time at which maximum respiratory rate occurs.

  • RSP_Rate_Min_Time: The time at which minimum respiratory rate occurs.

  • RSP_Amplitude_Baseline: The respiratory amplitude at stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Amplitude_Max: The change in maximum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Amplitude_Min: The change in minimum respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Amplitude_Mean: The change in mean respiratory amplitude from before stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Amplitude_SD: The standard deviation of the respiratory amplitude after stimulus onset.

  • RSP_Phase: Indication of whether the onset of the event concurs with respiratory inspiration (1) or expiration (0).

  • RSP_PhaseCompletion: Indication of the stage of the current respiration phase (0 to 1) at the onset of the event.

See also

events_find, epochs_create, bio_process


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Example with simulated data
In [2]: rsp, info = nk.rsp_process(nk.rsp_simulate(duration=120))

In [3]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(rsp, events=[5000, 10000, 15000], epochs_start=-0.1, epochs_end=1.9)

# Analyze
In [4]: nk.rsp_eventrelated(epochs)
  Label  Event_Onset  ...  RSP_RVT_Baseline  RSP_RVT_Mean
1     1         5000  ...          0.260435      0.006045
2     2        10000  ...          0.232116      0.008499
3     3        15000  ...          0.158227      0.037984

[3 rows x 22 columns]
# Example with real data
In [5]: data ="bio_eventrelated_100hz")

# Process the data
In [6]: df, info = nk.bio_process(rsp=data["RSP"], sampling_rate=100)

In [7]: events = nk.events_find(data["Photosensor"], threshold_keep='below',
   ...:                        event_conditions=["Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Negative"])

In [8]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(df, events, sampling_rate=100, epochs_start=-0.1, epochs_end=2.9)

# Analyze
In [9]: nk.rsp_eventrelated(epochs)
  Label Condition  ...  RSP_RVT_Baseline  RSP_RVT_Mean
1     1  Negative  ...          0.225643     -0.003451
2     2   Neutral  ...          0.169809     -0.008606
3     3   Neutral  ...          0.127095      0.014045
4     4  Negative  ...          0.080601      0.001213

[4 rows x 23 columns]


rsp_intervalrelated(data, sampling_rate=1000)[source]#

State-related Respiration Indices

Performs RSP analysis on longer periods of data (typically > 10 seconds), such as resting-state data. It returns a dataframe containing features and characteristics of respiration in that interval.

  • data (DataFrame or dict) – A DataFrame containing the different processed signal(s) as different columns, typically generated by rsp_process() or bio_process(). Can also take a dict containing sets of separately processed DataFrames.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).


DataFrame – A dataframe containing the analyzed RSP features. The analyzed features consist of the following:

  • RSP_Rate_Mean: The mean respiratory rate.

  • RSP_Amplitude_Mean: The mean respiratory amplitude.

  • RSP_Phase_Duration_Inspiration: The average inspiration duration.

  • RSP_Phase_Duration_Expiration: The average expiration duration.

  • RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio: The inspiration-to-expiratory time ratio (I/E).

  • "RSP_RRV": the different respiratory rate variability metrices. See rsp_rrv() docstrings for details.

See also

bio_process, rsp_eventrelated, rsp_rrv, rsp_rav


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

# Download data
In [2]: data ="bio_resting_5min_100hz")

# Process the data
In [3]: df, info = nk.rsp_process(data["RSP"], sampling_rate=100)

# Single dataframe is passed
In [4]: nk.rsp_intervalrelated(df, sampling_rate=100)
   RSP_Rate_Mean  ...  RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio
0      15.860331  ...                  0.664482

[1 rows x 40 columns]

In [5]: epochs = nk.epochs_create(df, events=[0, 15000], sampling_rate=100, epochs_end=150)

In [6]: nk.rsp_intervalrelated(epochs, sampling_rate=100)
  Label  RSP_Rate_Mean  ...  RSP_Phase_Duration_Expiration  RSP_Phase_Duration_Ratio
1     1      15.330861  ...                       0.024288                  0.617516
2     2      16.389802  ...                       0.021663                  0.716738

[2 rows x 32 columns]

Any function appearing below this point is not explicitly part of the documentation and should be added. Please open an issue if there is one.

Submodule for NeuroKit.

rsp_methods(sampling_rate=1000, method='khodadad', method_cleaning='default', method_peaks='default', method_rvt='power', **kwargs)[source]#

RSP Preprocessing Methods

This function analyzes and specifies the methods used in the preprocessing, and create a textual description of the methods used. It is used by rsp_process() to dispatch the correct methods to each subroutine of the pipeline and rsp_report() to create a preprocessing report.

  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling frequency of the raw RSP signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

  • method (str) – The method used for cleaning and peak finding if "method_cleaning" and "method_peaks" are set to "default". Can be one of "Khodadad", "BioSPPy". Defaults to "Khodadad".

  • method_cleaning (str) – The method used to clean the raw RSP signal. If "default", will be set to the value of "method". Defaults to "default". For more information, see the "method" argument of rsp_clean().

  • method_peaks (str) – The method used to find peaks. If "default", will be set to the value of "method". Defaults to "default". For more information, see the "method" argument of rsp_peaks().

  • method_rvt (str) – The method used to compute respiratory volume per time. Defaults to "harrison". For more information, see the "method" argument of rsp_rvt().

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to rsp_clean(), rsp_peaks(), and rsp_rvt().


report_info (dict) – A dictionary containing the keyword arguments passed to the cleaning and peak finding functions, text describing the methods, and the corresponding references.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: methods = nk.rsp_methods(sampling_rate=100, method="Khodadad", method_cleaning="hampel")

In [3]: print(methods["text_cleaning"])
The raw signal, sampled at 100 Hz, was preprocessed using a median-based Hampel filter by replacing values which are 3 median absolute deviation away from the rolling median;following Power et al. 2020.

In [4]: print(methods["references"][0])
Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Müller, B., Waldmann, A., Yerworth, R., Becher, T., ... & Bayford, R. (2018).
            Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography.
            Physiological measurement, 39(9), 094001.
rsp_rav(amplitude, peaks, troughs=None)[source]#

Respiratory Amplitude Variability (RAV)

Computes indices of amplitude variability, such as the mean and SD of the amplitude, and the RMSSD of the successive differences.


This is an exploratory feature. If you manage to find studies and literature on RAV, please let us know by opening an issue on GitHub. Adding more indices (similar to HRV) would be trivial, but having some evidence as for its usefulness would be prerequisite.

  • amplitude (Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]) – The amplitude signal as returned by rsp_amplitude().

  • peaks (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation peaks occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks().

  • troughs (list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict) – The samples at which the inhalation troughs occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with rsp_findpeaks(). This argument can be inferred from the peaks argument if the information.


pd.DataFrame – A DataFrame of containing the following columns with RAV indices.


In [1]: import neurokit2 as nk

In [2]: rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=45, respiratory_rate=15)

In [3]: cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)

In [4]: peak_signal, info = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned, sampling_rate=1000)

In [5]: amplitude = nk.rsp_amplitude(cleaned, peaks=peak_signal)

In [6]: rav = nk.rsp_rav(amplitude, peaks=peak_signal)

In [7]: rav
0  0.894366  0.090447    0.10313  0.115311