Source code for neurokit2.benchmark.benchmark_ecg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..signal import signal_period

[docs] def benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, ecg, rpeaks=None, sampling_rate=1000): """**Benchmark ECG preprocessing pipelines** Parameters ---------- function : function Must be a Python function which first argument is the ECG signal and which has a ``sampling_rate`` argument. ecg : pd.DataFrame or str The path to a folder where you have an `ECGs.csv` file or directly its loaded DataFrame. Such file can be obtained by running THIS SCRIPT (TO COMPLETE). rpeaks : pd.DataFrame or str The path to a folder where you have an `Rpeaks.csv` fils or directly its loaded DataFrame. Such file can be obtained by running THIS SCRIPT (TO COMPLETE). sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of ``ecg_signal`` (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Only used if ``ecgs`` and ``rpeaks`` are single vectors. Returns -------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the results of the benchmarking Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Define a preprocessing routine def function(ecg, sampling_rate): signal, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg, method="engzeemod2012", sampling_rate=sampling_rate) return info["ECG_R_Peaks"] # Synthetic example ecg = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=20, sampling_rate=200) true_rpeaks = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg, sampling_rate=200)[1]["ECG_R_Peaks"] nk.benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, ecg, true_rpeaks, sampling_rate=200) # Example using database (commented-out) # nk.benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, r"path/to/GUDB_database") """ # find data if rpeaks is None: rpeaks = ecg if isinstance(ecg, str): ecg = pd.read_csv(ecg + "/ECGs.csv") if isinstance(rpeaks, str): rpeaks = pd.read_csv(rpeaks + "/Rpeaks.csv") if isinstance(ecg, pd.DataFrame): results = _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing_databases(function, ecg, rpeaks) else: results = _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, ecg, rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) return results
# ============================================================================= # Utils # ============================================================================= def _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing_databases(function, ecgs, rpeaks): """A wrapper over _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing when the input is a database.""" # Run algorithms results = [] for participant in ecgs["Participant"].unique(): for database in ecgs[ecgs["Participant"] == participant]["Database"].unique(): # Extract the right slice of data ecg_slice = ecgs[(ecgs["Participant"] == participant) & (ecgs["Database"] == database)] rpeaks_slice = rpeaks[(rpeaks["Participant"] == participant) & (rpeaks["Database"] == database)] sampling_rate = ecg_slice["Sampling_Rate"].unique()[0] # Extract values ecg = ecg_slice["ECG"].values rpeak = rpeaks_slice["Rpeaks"].values # Run benchmark result = _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, ecg, rpeak, sampling_rate) # Add info result["Participant"] = participant result["Database"] = database results.append(result) return pd.concat(results) def _benchmark_ecg_preprocessing(function, ecg, rpeak, sampling_rate=1000): # Apply function t0 = try: found_rpeaks = function(ecg, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) duration = ( - t0).total_seconds() # In case of failure except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except return pd.DataFrame( { "Sampling_Rate": [sampling_rate], "Duration": [np.nan], "Score": [np.nan], "Recording_Length": [len(ecg) / sampling_rate / 60], "Error": str(error), } ) # Compare R peaks score, error = benchmark_ecg_compareRpeaks(rpeak, found_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) return pd.DataFrame( { "Sampling_Rate": [sampling_rate], "Duration": [duration], "Score": [score], "Recording_Length": [len(ecg) / sampling_rate / 60], "Error": error, } ) # ============================================================================= # Comparison methods # ============================================================================= def benchmark_ecg_compareRpeaks(true_rpeaks, found_rpeaks, sampling_rate=250): # Failure to find sufficient R-peaks if len(found_rpeaks) <= 3: return np.nan, "R-peaks detected <= 3" length = np.max(np.concatenate([true_rpeaks, found_rpeaks])) true_interpolated = signal_period( true_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=length, interpolation_method="linear" ) found_interpolated = signal_period( found_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=length, interpolation_method="linear" ) return np.mean(np.abs(found_interpolated - true_interpolated)), "None"