Source code for neurokit2.complexity.entropy_phase

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .entropy_shannon import entropy_shannon

[docs] def entropy_phase(signal, delay=1, k=4, show=False, **kwargs): """**Phase Entropy (PhasEn)** Phase entropy (PhasEn or PhEn) has been developed by quantifying the distribution of the signal in accross *k* parts (of a two-dimensional phase space referred to as a second order difference plot (SODP). It build on the concept of :func:`Grid Entropy <entropy_grid>`, that uses :func:`Poincaré plot <.hrv_nonlinear>` as its basis. .. figure:: ../img/rohila2019.png :alt: Figure from Rohila et al. (2019). :target: Parameters ---------- signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values. delay : int Time delay (often denoted *Tau* :math:`\\tau`, sometimes referred to as *lag*) in samples. See :func:`complexity_delay` to estimate the optimal value for this parameter. k : int The number of sections that the SODP is divided into. It is a coarse graining parameter that defines how fine the grid is. It is recommended to use even-numbered (preferably multiples of 4) partitions for sake of symmetry. show : bool Plot the Second Order Difference Plot (SODP). **kwargs : optional Other keyword arguments, such as the logarithmic ``base`` to use for :func:`entropy_shannon`. Returns ------- phasen : float Phase Entropy info : dict A dictionary containing additional information regarding the parameters used. See Also -------- entropy_shannon Examples ---------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Simulate a Signal signal = nk.signal_simulate(duration=2, sampling_rate=200, frequency=[5, 6], noise=0.5) # Compute Phase Entropy @savefig p_entropy_phase1.png scale=100% phasen, info = nk.entropy_phase(signal, k=4, show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python phasen .. ipython:: python @savefig p_entropy_phase2.png scale=100% phasen, info = nk.entropy_phase(signal, k=8, show=True) @suppress plt.close() References ---------- * Rohila, A., & Sharma, A. (2019). Phase entropy: A new complexity measure for heart rate variability. Physiological Measurement, 40(10), 105006. """ # Sanity checks if isinstance(signal, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)) and signal.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( "Multidimensional inputs (e.g., matrices or multichannel data) are not supported yet." ) info = {"k": k, "Delay": delay} # 1. Compute SODP axes y = signal[2 * delay :] - signal[delay:-delay] x = signal[delay:-delay] - signal[: -2 * delay] # 2. Compute the slope (angle theta) of each scatter point from the origin with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): theta = np.arctan(y / x) theta[np.logical_and((y < 0), (x < 0))] += np.pi theta[np.logical_and((y < 0), (x > 0))] += 2 * np.pi theta[np.logical_and((y > 0), (x < 0))] += np.pi # 3. The entire plot is divided into k sections having an angle span of 2pi*k radians each angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, k + 1) # 4. The cumulative slope of each sector is obtained by adding the slope of each scatter point # within that sector # 5. The probability distribution of the slopes in each sector is computed freq = [ np.sum(theta[np.logical_and((theta > angles[i]), (theta < angles[i + 1]))]) for i in range(k) ] freq = np.array(freq) / np.sum(freq) # 6. the Shannon entropy computed from the distribution p(i) phasen, _ = entropy_shannon(freq=freq, **kwargs) # Normalize phasen = phasen / np.log(k) if show is True: Tx = np.zeros((k, len(theta))) for i in range(k): Temp = np.logical_and((theta > angles[i]), (theta < angles[i + 1])) Tx[i, Temp] = 1 limx = np.ceil(np.max(np.abs([y, x]))) Tx = Tx.astype(bool) Ys = np.sin(angles) * limx * np.sqrt(2) Xs = np.cos(angles) * limx * np.sqrt(2) resampled_cmap = plt.get_cmap("jet").resampled(k) colors = resampled_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, k)) plt.figure() for i in range(k): plt.plot(x[Tx[i, :]], y[Tx[i, :]], ".", color=tuple(colors[i, :])) plt.plot( np.vstack((np.zeros(k + 1), Xs)), np.vstack((np.zeros(k + 1), Ys)), color="red" ) plt.axis([-limx, limx, -limx, limx]) plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", "box") plt.xlabel(r"$X(n + \tau) - X(n)$"), plt.ylabel(r"$X(n + 2 \tau) - X(n + \tau)$") plt.xticks([-limx, 0, limx]) plt.yticks([-limx, 0, limx]) plt.title("Second Order Difference Plot (SODP)") return phasen, info