# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.metrics.pairwise
from ..misc import expspace
from .utils_complexity_embedding import complexity_embedding
def fractal_correlation(signal, delay=1, dimension=2, radius=64, show=False, **kwargs):
"""**Correlation Dimension (CD)**
The Correlation Dimension (CD, also denoted *D2*) is a lower bound estimate of the fractal
dimension of a signal.
The time series is first :func:`time-delay embedded <complexity_embedding>`, and distances
between all points in the trajectory are calculated. The "correlation sum" is then computed,
which is the proportion of pairs of points whose distance is smaller than a given radius. The
final correlation dimension is then approximated by a log-log graph of correlation sum vs. a
sequence of radiuses.
This function can be called either via ``fractal_correlation()`` or ``complexity_cd()``.
signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values.
delay : int
Time delay (often denoted *Tau* :math:`\\tau`, sometimes referred to as *lag*) in samples.
See :func:`complexity_delay` to estimate the optimal value for this parameter.
dimension : int
Embedding Dimension (*m*, sometimes referred to as *d* or *order*). See
:func:`complexity_dimension` to estimate the optimal value for this parameter.
radius : Union[str, int, list]
The sequence of radiuses to test. If an integer is passed, will get an exponential sequence
of length ``radius`` ranging from 2.5% to 50% of the distance range. Methods implemented in
other packages can be used via ``"nolds"``, ``"Corr_Dim"`` or ``"boon2008"``.
show : bool
Plot of correlation dimension if ``True``. Defaults to ``False``.
Other arguments to be passed (not used for now).
cd : float
The Correlation Dimension (CD) of the time series.
info : dict
A dictionary containing additional information regarding the parameters used
to compute the correlation dimension.
For some completely unclear reasons, uncommenting the following examples messes up the figures
path of all the subsequent documented function. So, commenting it for now.
.. ipython:: python
import neurokit2 as nk
signal = nk.signal_simulate(duration=1, frequency=[10, 14], noise=0.1)
# @savefig p_fractal_correlation1.png scale=100%
# cd, info = nk.fractal_correlation(signal, radius=32, show=True)
# @suppress
# plt.close()
.. ipython:: python
# @savefig p_fractal_correlation2.png scale=100%
# cd, info = nk.fractal_correlation(signal, radius="nolds", show=True)
# @suppress
# plt.close()
.. ipython:: python
# @savefig p_fractal_correlation3.png scale=100%
# cd, info = nk.fractal_correlation(signal, radius='boon2008', show=True)
# @suppress
# plt.close()
* Bolea, J., Laguna, P., Remartínez, J. M., Rovira, E., Navarro, A., & Bailón, R. (2014).
Methodological framework for estimating the correlation dimension in HRV signals.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2014.
* Boon, M. Y., Henry, B. I., Suttle, C. M., & Dain, S. J. (2008). The correlation dimension:
A useful objective measure of the transient visual evoked potential?. Journal of vision,
8(1), 6-6.
# Sanity checks
if isinstance(signal, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)) and signal.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Multidimensional inputs (e.g., matrices or multichannel data) are not supported yet."
# Get embedded
embedded = complexity_embedding(signal, delay=delay, dimension=dimension)
dist = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.euclidean_distances(embedded)
r_vals = _fractal_correlation_get_r(radius, signal, dist)
# Store parameters
info = {"Dimension": dimension, "Delay": delay, "Radius": r_vals}
# Get only upper triang of the distance matrix to reduce computational load
upper = dist[np.triu_indices_from(dist, k=1)]
corr = np.array([np.sum(upper < r) for r in r_vals])
corr = corr / len(upper)
# filter zeros from correlation sums
r_vals = r_vals[np.nonzero(corr)[0]]
corr = corr[np.nonzero(corr)[0]]
# Compute trend
if len(corr) == 0:
return np.nan, info
cd, intercept = np.polyfit(np.log2(r_vals), np.log2(corr), 1)
if show is True:
plt.title("Correlation Dimension")
plt.ylabel(r"$\log_{2}$(correlation sum)")
fit = 2 ** np.polyval((cd, intercept), np.log2(r_vals))
plt.loglog(r_vals, corr, "bo")
plt.loglog(r_vals, fit, "r", label=f"$CD$ = {np.round(cd, 2)}")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
return cd, info
# =============================================================================
# Utilities
# =============================================================================
def _fractal_correlation_get_r(radius, signal, dist):
if isinstance(radius, str):
if radius == "nolds":
sd = np.std(signal, ddof=1)
min_r, max_r, factor = 0.1 * sd, 0.5 * sd, 1.03
r_n = int(np.floor(np.log(1.0 * max_r / min_r) / np.log(factor)))
r_vals = np.array([min_r * (factor ** i) for i in range(r_n + 1)])
elif radius == "Corr_Dim":
r_min, r_max = np.min(dist[np.where(dist > 0)]), np.exp(np.floor(np.log(np.max(dist))))
n_r = int(np.floor(np.log(r_max / r_min))) + 1
ones = -1 * np.ones([n_r])
r_vals = r_max * np.exp(ones * np.arange(n_r) - ones)
elif radius == "boon2008":
r_min, r_max = np.min(dist[np.where(dist > 0)]), np.max(dist)
r_vals = r_min + np.arange(1, 65) * ((r_max - r_min) / 64)
if isinstance(radius, int):
dist_range = np.max(dist) - np.min(dist)
r_min, r_max = (np.min(dist) + 0.025 * dist_range), (np.min(dist) + 0.5 * dist_range)
r_vals = expspace(r_min, r_max, radius, base=2, out="float")
return r_vals