# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
from .fractal_correlation import fractal_correlation
from .utils_complexity_embedding import complexity_embedding
def complexity_dimension(signal, delay=1, dimension_max=20, method="afnn", show=False, **kwargs):
"""**Automated selection of the optimal Embedding Dimension (m)**
The Embedding Dimension (*m*, sometimes referred to as *d* or *order*) is the second
critical parameter (the first being the :func:`delay <complexity_delay>` :math:`\\tau`)
involved in the construction of the time-delay embedding of a signal. It corresponds to the
number of delayed states (versions of the signals lagged by :math:`\\tau`) that we include in
the embedding.
Though one can commonly find values of 2 or 3 used in practice, several authors suggested
different numerical methods to guide the choice of *m*:
* **Correlation Dimension** (CD): One of the earliest method to estimate the optimal *m*
was to calculate the :func:`correlation dimension <fractal_correlation>` for embeddings of
various sizes and look for a saturation (i.e., a plateau) in its value as the embedding
dimension increases. One of the limitation is that a saturation will also occur when there is
not enough data to adequately fill the high-dimensional space (note that, in general, having
such large embeddings that it significantly shortens the length of the signal is not
* **FNN** (False Nearest Neighbour): The method, introduced by Kennel et al. (1992), is based
on the assumption that two points that are near to each other in the sufficient embedding
dimension should remain close as the dimension increases. The algorithm checks the neighbours
in increasing embedding dimensions until it finds only a negligible number of false
neighbours when going from dimension :math:`m` to :math:`m+1`. This corresponds to the lowest
embedding dimension, which is presumed to give an unfolded space-state reconstruction. This
method can fail in noisy signals due to the futile attempt of unfolding the noise (and in
purely random signals, the amount of false neighbors does not substantially drops as *m*
increases). The **figure** below show how projections to higher-dimensional spaces can be
used to detect false nearest neighbours. For instance, the red and the yellow points are
neighbours in the 1D space, but not in the 2D space.
.. figure:: ../img/douglas2022b.png
:alt: Illustration of FNN (Douglas et al., 2022).
* **AFN** (Average False Neighbors): This modification by Cao (1997) of the FNN method
addresses one of its main drawback, the need for a heuristic choice for the tolerance
thresholds *r*. It uses the maximal Euclidian distance to represent nearest neighbors, and
averages all ratios of the distance in :math:`m+1` to :math:`m` dimension and defines *E1* and
*E2* as parameters. The optimal dimension corresponds to when *E1* stops changing (reaches a
plateau). E1 reaches a plateau at a dimension *d0* if the signal comes from an attractor.
Then *d0*+1 is the optimal minimum embedding dimension. *E2* is a useful quantity to
distinguish deterministic signals from stochastic signals. A constant *E2* close to 1 for any
embedding dimension *d* suggests random data, since the future values are independent of the
past values.
signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values.
delay : int
Time delay (often denoted Tau :math:`\\tau`, sometimes referred to as Lag) in samples.
See :func:`complexity_delay()` to choose the optimal value for this parameter.
dimension_max : int
The maximum embedding dimension to test.
method : str
Can be ``"afn"`` (Average False Neighbor), ``"fnn"`` (False Nearest Neighbour), or ``"cd"``
(Correlation Dimension).
show : bool
Visualize the result.
Other arguments, such as ``R=10.0`` or ``A=2.0`` (relative and absolute tolerance, only for
``'fnn'`` method).
dimension : int
Optimal embedding dimension.
parameters : dict
A dictionary containing additional information regarding the parameters used
to compute the optimal dimension.
See Also
complexity, complexity_dimension, complexity_delay, complexity_tolerance
.. ipython:: python
import neurokit2 as nk
signal = nk.signal_simulate(duration=2, frequency=[5, 7, 8], noise=0.01)
# Correlation Dimension
@savefig p_complexity_dimension1.png scale=100%
optimal_dimension, info = nk.complexity_dimension(signal,
.. ipython:: python
@savefig p_complexity_dimension2.png scale=100%
optimal_dimension, info = nk.complexity_dimension(signal,
.. ipython:: python
@savefig p_complexity_dimension3.png scale=100%
optimal_dimension, info = nk.complexity_dimension(signal,
* Kennel, M. B., Brown, R., & Abarbanel, H. D. (1992). Determining embedding dimension for
phase-space reconstruction using a geometrical construction. Physical review A, 45(6), 3403.
* Cao, L. (1997). Practical method for determining the minimum embedding dimension of a scalar
time series. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 110(1-2), 43-50.
* Rhodes, C., & Morari, M. (1997). The false nearest neighbors algorithm: An overview.
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 21, S1149-S1154.
* Krakovská, A., Mezeiová, K., & Budáčová, H. (2015). Use of false nearest neighbours for
selecting variables and embedding parameters for state space reconstruction. Journal of
Complex Systems, 2015.
* Gautama, T., Mandic, D. P., & Van Hulle, M. M. (2003, April). A differential entropy based
method for determining the optimal embedding parameters of a signal. In 2003 IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings.
(ICASSP'03). (Vol. 6, pp. VI-29). IEEE.
# Initialize vectors
if isinstance(dimension_max, int):
dimension_seq = np.arange(1, dimension_max + 1)
dimension_seq = np.array(dimension_max)
# Method
method = method.lower()
if method in ["afnn", "afn"]:
# Append value (as it gets cropped afterwards anyway)
dimension_seq = np.append(dimension_seq, [dimension_seq[-1] + 1])
E, Es = _embedding_dimension_afn(signal, dimension_seq=dimension_seq, delay=delay, **kwargs)
E1 = E[1:] / E[:-1]
E2 = Es[1:] / Es[:-1]
# To find where E1 saturates, set a threshold of difference
# threshold = 0.1 * (np.max(E1) - np.min(E1))
min_dimension = [i for i, x in enumerate(E1 >= 0.85 * np.nanmax(E1)) if x][0] + 1
# To standardize the length of dimension_seq with E1 and E2
dimension_seq = dimension_seq[:-1]
# Store information
info = {"Method": method, "Values": dimension_seq, "E1": E1, "E2": E2}
if show is True:
elif method in ["fnn"]:
f1, f2, f3 = _embedding_dimension_ffn(signal, dimension_seq=dimension_seq, delay=delay, **kwargs)
min_dimension = [i for i, x in enumerate(f3 <= 1.85 * np.min(f3[np.nonzero(f3)])) if x][0]
# Store information
info = {"Method": method, "Values": dimension_seq, "f1": f1, "f2": f2, "f3": f3}
if show is True:
elif method in ["correlation", "cd"]:
CDs = _embedding_dimension_correlation(signal, dimension_seq, delay=delay, **kwargs)
# Find elbow (TODO: replace by better method of elbow localization)
min_dimension = dimension_seq[np.where(CDs >= 0.66 * np.max(CDs))[0][0]]
# Store information
info = {"Method": method, "Values": dimension_seq, "CD": CDs}
if show is True:
raise ValueError("NeuroKit error: complexity_dimension(): 'method' not recognized.")
return min_dimension, info
# =============================================================================
# Methods
# =============================================================================
def _embedding_dimension_correlation(signal, dimension_seq, delay=1, **kwargs):
"""Return the Correlation Dimension (CD) for a all d in dimension_seq."""
CDs = np.zeros(len(dimension_seq))
for i, d in enumerate(dimension_seq):
CDs[i] = fractal_correlation(signal, dimension=d, delay=delay, **kwargs)[0]
return CDs
def _embedding_dimension_afn(signal, dimension_seq, delay=1, **kwargs):
values = np.asarray(
[_embedding_dimension_afn_d(signal, dimension, delay, **kwargs) for dimension in dimension_seq]
E, Es = values[0, :], values[1, :]
return E, Es
def _embedding_dimension_afn_d(signal, dimension, delay=1, metric="chebyshev", window=10, maxnum=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns E(d) and E^*(d) for the AFN method for a single d.
E(d) and E^*(d) will be used to calculate E1(d) and E2(d).
E1(d) = E(d + 1)/E(d).
E2(d) = E*(d + 1)/E*(d).
d, dist, index, y2 = _embedding_dimension_d(signal, dimension, delay, metric, window, maxnum)
# Compute the ratio of near-neighbor distances in d + 1 over d dimension
# Its average is E(d)
if any(d == 0) or any(dist == 0):
E = np.nan
Es = np.nan
E = np.mean(d / dist)
# Calculate E^*(d)
Es = np.mean(np.abs(y2[:, -1] - y2[index, -1]))
return E, Es
def _embedding_dimension_ffn(signal, dimension_seq, delay=1, R=10.0, A=2.0, **kwargs):
"""Compute the fraction of false nearest neighbors.
The false nearest neighbors (FNN) method described by Kennel et al.
(1992) to calculate the minimum embedding dimension required to embed a scalar time series.
Returns 3 vectors:
- f1 : Fraction of neighbors classified as false by Test I.
- f2 : Fraction of neighbors classified as false by Test II.
- f3 : Fraction of neighbors classified as false by either Test I or Test II.
values = np.asarray(
[_embedding_dimension_ffn_d(signal, dimension, delay, R=R, A=A, **kwargs) for dimension in dimension_seq]
f1, f2, f3 = values[0, :], values[1, :], values[2, :]
return f1, f2, f3
def _embedding_dimension_ffn_d(signal, dimension, delay=1, R=10.0, A=2.0, metric="euclidean", window=10, maxnum=None):
"""Return fraction of false nearest neighbors for a single d."""
d, dist, index, y2 = _embedding_dimension_d(signal, dimension, delay, metric, window, maxnum)
# Find all potential false neighbors using Kennel et al.'s tests.
dist[dist == 0] = np.nan # assign nan to avoid divide by zero error in next line
f1 = np.abs(y2[:, -1] - y2[index, -1]) / dist > R
f2 = d / np.std(signal) > A
f3 = f1 | f2
return np.mean(f1), np.mean(f2), np.mean(f3)
# =============================================================================
# Internals
# =============================================================================
def _embedding_dimension_d(signal, dimension, delay=1, metric="chebyshev", window=10, maxnum=None):
# We need to reduce the number of points in dimension d by tau
# so that after reconstruction, there'll be equal number of points
# at both dimension d as well as dimension d + 1.
y1 = complexity_embedding(signal[:-delay], delay=delay, dimension=dimension)
y2 = complexity_embedding(signal, delay=delay, dimension=dimension + 1)
# Find near neighbors in dimension d.
index, dist = _embedding_dimension_neighbors(y1, metric=metric, window=window, maxnum=maxnum)
# Compute the near-neighbor distances in d + 1 dimension
# TODO: is there a way to make this faster?
d = [scipy.spatial.distance.chebyshev(i, j) for i, j in zip(y2, y2[index])]
return np.asarray(d), dist, index, y2
def _embedding_dimension_neighbors(y, metric="chebyshev", window=0, maxnum=None, show=False):
"""Find nearest neighbors of all points in the given array. Finds the nearest neighbors of all points in the given
array using SciPy's KDTree search.
y : ndarray
embedded signal: N-dimensional array containing time-delayed vectors.
delay : int
Time delay (often denoted 'Tau', sometimes referred to as 'lag'). In practice, it is common
to have a fixed time lag (corresponding for instance to the sampling rate; Gautama, 2003),
or to find a suitable value using some algorithmic heuristics (see ``delay_optimal()``).
dimension_max : int
The maximum embedding dimension (often denoted 'm' or 'd', sometimes referred to as 'order')
to test.
metric : str
Metric to use for distance computation. Must be one of "cityblock" (aka the Manhattan metric),
"chebyshev" (aka the maximum norm metric), or "euclidean". Defaults to 'chebyshev'.
window : int
Minimum temporal separation (Theiler window) that should exist between near neighbors.
This is crucial while computing Lyapunov exponents and the correlation dimension. Defaults to 0.
maxnum : int
Maximum number of near neighbors that should be found for each point.
In rare cases, when there are no neighbors that are at a nonzero distance, this will have to
be increased (i.e., beyond 2 * window + 3). Defaults to None (optimum).
show : bool
Defaults to False.
index : array
Array containing indices of near neighbors.
dist : array
Array containing near neighbor distances.
if metric == "chebyshev":
p = np.inf
elif metric == "cityblock":
p = 1
elif metric == "euclidean":
p = 2
raise ValueError('Unknown metric. Should be one of "cityblock", ' '"euclidean", or "chebyshev".')
tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(y) # pylint: disable=E1102
n = len(y)
if not maxnum:
maxnum = (window + 1) + 1 + (window + 1)
maxnum = max(1, maxnum)
if maxnum >= n:
raise ValueError("maxnum is bigger than array length.")
# Query for k numbers of nearest neighbors
distances, indices = tree.query(y, k=range(1, maxnum + 2), p=p)
# Substract the first point
valid = indices - np.tile(np.arange(n), (indices.shape[1], 1)).T
# Remove points that are closer than min temporal separation
valid = np.abs(valid) > window
# Remove also self reference (d > 0)
valid = valid & (distances > 0)
# Get indices to keep
valid = (np.arange(len(distances)), np.argmax(valid, axis=1))
distances = distances[valid]
indices = indices[(valid)]
if show is True:
plt.plot(indices, distances)
return indices, distances
# =============================================================================
# Plotting
# =============================================================================
def _embedding_dimension_plot(
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = None
ax.set_title("Optimization of Dimension (d)")
ax.set_xlabel("Embedding dimension $d$")
if method in ["correlation", "cd"]:
ax.set_ylabel("Correlation Dimension (CD)")
ax.plot(dimension_seq, CD, "o-", label="$CD$", color="#852b01")
ax.set_ylabel("$E_1(d)$ and $E_2(d)$")
if method in ["afnn"]:
ax.plot(dimension_seq, E1, "o-", label="$E_1(d)$", color="#FF5722")
ax.plot(dimension_seq, E2, "o-", label="$E_2(d)$", color="#FFC107")
if method in ["fnn"]:
ax.plot(dimension_seq, 100 * f1, "o--", label="Test I", color="#FF5722")
ax.plot(dimension_seq, 100 * f2, "^--", label="Test II", color="#f44336")
ax.plot(dimension_seq, 100 * f3, "s-", label="Test I + II", color="#852b01")
ax.axvline(x=min_dimension, color="#E91E63", label="Optimal dimension: " + str(min_dimension))
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
return fig