Source code for neurokit2.complexity.utils_complexity_attractor

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs] def complexity_attractor( embedded="lorenz", alpha="time", color="last_dim", shadows=True, linewidth=1, **kwargs ): """**Attractor Graph** Create an attractor graph from an :func:`embedded <complexity_embedding>` time series. Parameters ---------- embedded : Union[str, np.ndarray] Output of ``complexity_embedding()``. Can also be a string, such as ``"lorenz"`` (Lorenz attractor) or ``"rossler"`` (Rössler attractor). alpha : Union[str, float] Transparency of the lines. If ``"time"``, the lines will be transparent as a function of time (slow). color : str Color of the plot. If ``"last_dim"``, the last dimension (max 4th) of the embedded data will be used when the dimensions are higher than 2. Useful to visualize the depth (for 3-dimensions embedding), or the fourth dimension, but it is slow. shadows : bool If ``True``, 2D projections will be added to the sides of the 3D attractor. linewidth: float Set the line width in points. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to the color palette (e.g., ``name="plasma"``), or to the Lorenz system simulator, such as ``duration`` (default = 100), ``sampling_rate`` (default = 10), ``sigma`` (default = 10), ``beta`` (default = 8/3), ``rho`` (default = 28). See Also ------------ complexity_embeddding Examples --------- **Lorenz attractors** .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk @savefig p_complexity_attractor1.png scale=100% fig = nk.complexity_attractor(color = "last_dim", alpha="time", duration=1) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Fast result (fixed alpha and color) @savefig p_complexity_attractor2.png scale=100% fig = nk.complexity_attractor(color = "red", alpha=1, sampling_rate=5000, linewidth=0.2) @suppress plt.close() **Rössler attractors** .. ipython:: python @savefig p_complexity_attractor3.png scale=100% nk.complexity_attractor("rossler", color = "blue", alpha=1, sampling_rate=5000) @suppress plt.close() **2D Attractors using a signal** .. ipython:: python # Simulate Signal signal = nk.signal_simulate(duration=10, sampling_rate=100, frequency = [0.1, 5, 7, 10]) # 2D Attractor embedded = nk.complexity_embedding(signal, delay = 3, dimension = 2) # Fast (fixed alpha and color) @savefig p_complexity_attractor4.png scale=100% nk.complexity_attractor(embedded, color = "red", alpha = 1) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Slow @savefig p_complexity_attractor5.png scale=100% nk.complexity_attractor(embedded, color = "last_dim", alpha = "time") @suppress plt.close() **3D Attractors using a signal** .. ipython:: python # 3D Attractor embedded = nk.complexity_embedding(signal, delay = 3, dimension = 3) # Fast (fixed alpha and color) @savefig p_complexity_attractor6.png scale=100% nk.complexity_attractor(embedded, color = "red", alpha = 1) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Slow @savefig p_complexity_attractor7.png scale=100% nk.complexity_attractor(embedded, color = "last_dim", alpha = "time") @suppress plt.close() **Animated Rotation** .. ipython:: python import matplotlib.animation as animation import IPython fig = nk.complexity_attractor(embedded, color = "black", alpha = 0.5, shadows=False) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] def rotate(angle): ax.view_init(azim=angle) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, rotate, frames=np.arange(0, 361, 10), interval=10) IPython.display.HTML(anim.to_jshtml()) """ if isinstance(embedded, str): embedded = _attractor_equation(embedded, **kwargs) # Parameters ----------------------------- # Color if color == "last_dim": # Get data last_dim = min(3, embedded.shape[1] - 1) # Find last dim with max = 3 color = embedded[:, last_dim] # Create color palette palette = kwargs["name"] if "name" in kwargs else "plasma" cmap = plt.get_cmap(palette) colors = cmap(plt.Normalize(color.min(), color.max())(color)) else: colors = [color] * len(embedded[:, 0]) # Alpha if alpha == "time": alpha = np.linspace(0.01, 1, len(embedded[:, 0])) else: alpha = [alpha] * len(embedded[:, 0]) # Plot ------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure() # 2D if embedded.shape[1] == 2: ax = plt.axes(projection=None) # Fast if len(np.unique(colors)) == 1 and len(np.unique(alpha)) == 1: ax.plot( embedded[:, 0], embedded[:, 1], color=colors[0], alpha=alpha[0], linewidth=linewidth ) # Slow (color and/or alpha) else: ax = _attractor_2D(ax, embedded, colors, alpha, linewidth) # 3D else: ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") # Fast if len(np.unique(colors)) == 1 and len(np.unique(alpha)) == 1: ax = _attractor_3D_fast(ax, embedded, embedded, 0, colors, alpha, shadows, linewidth) else: ax = _attractor_3D(ax, embedded, colors, alpha, shadows, linewidth) return fig
# ============================================================================= # 2D Attractors # ============================================================================= def _attractor_2D(ax, embedded, colors, alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.5): # Create a set of line segments points = np.array([embedded[:, 0], embedded[:, 1]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) for i in range(len(segments)): ax.plot( segments[i][:, 0], segments[i][:, 1], color=colors[i], alpha=alpha[i], linewidth=linewidth, solid_capstyle="round", ) return ax # ============================================================================= # Slow plots # ============================================================================= def _attractor_3D_fast(ax, embedded, seg, i, colors, alpha, shadows, linewidth): # Plot 2D shadows if shadows is True: ax.plot( seg[:, 0], seg[:, 2], zs=np.max(embedded[:, 1]), zdir="y", color="lightgrey", alpha=alpha[i], linewidth=linewidth, zorder=i + 1, solid_capstyle="round", ) ax.plot( seg[:, 1], seg[:, 2], zs=np.min(embedded[:, 0]), zdir="x", color="lightgrey", alpha=alpha[i], linewidth=linewidth, zorder=i + 1 + len(embedded), solid_capstyle="round", ) ax.plot( seg[:, 0], seg[:, 1], zs=np.min(embedded[:, 2]), zdir="z", color="lightgrey", alpha=alpha[i], linewidth=linewidth, zorder=i + 1 + len(embedded) * 2, solid_capstyle="round", ) ax.plot( seg[:, 0], seg[:, 1], seg[:, 2], color=colors[i], alpha=alpha[i], linewidth=linewidth, zorder=i + 1 + len(embedded) * 3, ) return ax def _attractor_3D(ax, embedded, colors, alpha=0.8, shadows=True, linewidth=1.5): # Create a set of line segments points = np.array([embedded[:, 0], embedded[:, 1], embedded[:, 2]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 3) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) for i in range(len(segments)): ax = _attractor_3D_fast(ax, embedded, segments[i], i, colors, alpha, shadows, linewidth) return ax # ============================================================================= # Equations (must be located here to avoid circular imports from complexity_embedding) # ============================================================================= def _attractor_equation(name, **kwargs): if name == "lorenz": return _attractor_lorenz(**kwargs) elif name == "clifford": return _attractor_clifford(**kwargs) else: return _attractor_rossler(**kwargs) def _attractor_lorenz(duration=1, sampling_rate=1000, sigma=10.0, beta=8.0 / 3, rho=28.0): """Simulate Data from Lorenz System""" def lorenz_equation(coord, t0, sigma, beta, rho): return [ sigma * (coord[1] - coord[0]), coord[0] * (rho - coord[2]) - coord[1], coord[0] * coord[1] - beta * coord[2], ] x0 = [1, 1, 1] # starting vector t = np.linspace(0, duration * 20, int(duration * sampling_rate)) return scipy.integrate.odeint(lorenz_equation, x0, t, args=(sigma, beta, rho)) def _attractor_rossler(duration=1, sampling_rate=1000, a=0.1, b=0.1, c=14): """Simulate Data from Rössler System""" def rossler_equation(coord, t0, a, b, c): return [-coord[1] - coord[2], coord[0] + a * coord[1], b + coord[2] * (coord[0] - c)] x0 = [0.1, 0.0, 0.1] # starting vector t = np.linspace(0, duration * 500, int(duration * sampling_rate)) return scipy.integrate.odeint(rossler_equation, x0, t, args=(a, b, c)) def _attractor_clifford(duration=1, sampling_rate=1000, a=-1.4, b=1.6, c=1.0, d=0.7, x0=0, y0=0): """Simulate Data from Clifford System >>> import neurokit2 as nk >>> >>> emb = nk.complexity_embedding("clifford", sampling_rate=100000) >>> plt.plot(emb[:, 0], emb[:, 1], '.', alpha=0.2, markersize=0.5) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [... >>> emb = nk.complexity_embedding("clifford", sampling_rate=100000, a=1.9, b=1.0, c=1.9, d=-1.1) >>> plt.plot(emb[:, 0], emb[:, 1], '.', alpha=0.2, markersize=0.5) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [... """ def clifford_equation(coord, a, b, c, d): return [ np.sin(a * coord[1]) + c * np.cos(a * coord[0]), np.sin(b * coord[0]) + d * np.cos(b * coord[1]), ] emb = np.tile([x0, y0], (int(duration * sampling_rate), 1)).astype(float) for i in range(len(emb) - 1): emb[i + 1, :] = clifford_equation(emb[i, :], a, b, c, d) return emb