Source code for neurokit2.ecg.ecg_findpeaks

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal
import scipy.stats
from warnings import warn
from bisect import insort
from collections import deque

from ..signal import (
from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning

[docs] def ecg_findpeaks( ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method="neurokit", show=False, **kwargs ): """**Locate R-peaks** Low-level function used by :func:`ecg_peaks` to identify R-peaks in an ECG signal using a different set of algorithms. Use the main function and see its documentation for details. Parameters ---------- ecg_cleaned : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] See :func:`ecg_peaks()`. sampling_rate : int See :func:`ecg_peaks()`. method : string See :func:`ecg_peaks()`. show : bool If ``True``, will return a plot to visualizing the thresholds used in the algorithm. Useful for debugging. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments, usually specific for each ``method``. Returns ------- info : dict A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the samples at which R-peaks occur, accessible with the key ``"ECG_R_Peaks"``. See Also -------- ecg_peaks, .signal_fixpeaks """ # Try retrieving right column if isinstance(ecg_cleaned, pd.DataFrame): try: ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG_Clean"] except (NameError, KeyError): try: ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG_Raw"] except (NameError, KeyError): ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG"] # Sanitize input ecg_cleaned = signal_sanitize(ecg_cleaned) method = method.lower() # remove capitalised letters # Run peak detection algorithm try: func = _ecg_findpeaks_findmethod(method) rpeaks = func(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, show=show, **kwargs) except ValueError as error: raise error # Prepare output. info = {"ECG_R_Peaks": rpeaks} return info
# Returns the peak detector function by name def _ecg_findpeaks_findmethod(method): if method in ["nk", "nk2", "neurokit", "neurokit2"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_neurokit elif method in ["pantompkins", "pantompkins1985"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_pantompkins elif method in ["nabian", "nabian2018"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_nabian2018 elif method in ["gamboa2008", "gamboa"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_gamboa elif method in ["ssf", "slopesumfunction"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_ssf elif method in ["zong", "zong2003", "wqrs"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_zong elif method in ["hamilton", "hamilton2002"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_hamilton elif method in ["christov", "christov2004"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_christov elif method in ["engzee", "engzee2012", "engzeemod", "engzeemod2012"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_engzee elif method in ["manikandan", "manikandan2012"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_manikandan elif method in ["elgendi", "elgendi2010"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_elgendi elif method in ["kalidas2017", "swt", "kalidas"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_kalidas elif method in ["martinez2004", "martinez"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_WT elif method in ["rodrigues2020", "rodrigues2021", "rodrigues", "asi"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_rodrigues elif method in ["vg", "vgraph", "fastnvg", "emrich", "emrich2023"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_visibilitygraph elif method in ["koka2022", "koka"]: warn( "The 'koka2022' method has been replaced by 'emrich2023'." " Please replace method='koka2022' by method='emrich2023'.", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) return _ecg_findpeaks_visibilitygraph elif method in ["promac", "all"]: return _ecg_findpeaks_promac else: raise ValueError( f"NeuroKit error: ecg_findpeaks(): '{method}' not implemented." ) # ============================================================================= # Probabilistic Methods-Agreement via Convolution (ProMAC) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_promac( signal, sampling_rate=1000, show=False, promac_methods=[ "neurokit", "gamboa", "ssf", "zong", "engzee", "elgendi", "manikandan", "kalidas", "martinez", "rodrigues", ], threshold=0.33, gaussian_sd=100, **kwargs, ): """Probabilistic Methods-Agreement via Convolution (ProMAC). Parameters ---------- signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The (cleaned) ECG channel, e.g. as returned by `ecg_clean()`. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of `ecg_signal` (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000. show : bool If True, will return a plot to visualizing the thresholds used in the algorithm. Useful for debugging. promac_methods : list of string The algorithms to be used for R-peak detection. See the list of acceptable algorithms for the 'ecg_peaks' function. threshold : float The tolerance for peak acceptance. This value is a percentage of the signal's maximum value. Only peaks found above this tolerance will be finally considered as actual peaks. gaussian_sd : int The standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution used to represent the peak location probability. This value should be in millisencods and is usually taken as the size of QRS complexes. """ x = np.zeros(len(signal)) promac_methods = [ method.lower() for method in promac_methods ] # remove capitalised letters error_list = [] # Stores the failed methods for method in promac_methods: try: func = _ecg_findpeaks_findmethod(method) x = _ecg_findpeaks_promac_addconvolve( signal, sampling_rate, x, func, gaussian_sd=gaussian_sd, **kwargs ) except ValueError: error_list.append(f"Method '{method}' is not valid.") except Exception as error: error_list.append(f"{method} error: {error}") # Rescale x = x / np.max(x) convoluted = x.copy() # Remove below threshold x[x < threshold] = 0 # Find peaks peaks = signal_findpeaks(x, height_min=threshold)["Peaks"] if show is True: signal_plot( pd.DataFrame({"ECG": signal, "Convoluted": convoluted}), standardize=True ) [ plt.axvline(x=peak, color="red", linestyle="--") for peak in peaks ] # pylint: disable=W0106 # I am not sure if mandatory print the best option if error_list: # empty? print(error_list) return peaks # _ecg_findpeaks_promac_addmethod + _ecg_findpeaks_promac_convolve # Joining them makes parameters exposition more consistent def _ecg_findpeaks_promac_addconvolve( signal, sampling_rate, x, fun, gaussian_sd=100, **kwargs ): peaks = fun(signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, **kwargs) mask = np.zeros(len(signal)) mask[peaks] = 1 # SD is defined as a typical QRS size, which for adults if 100ms sd = sampling_rate * gaussian_sd / 1000 shape = scipy.stats.norm.pdf( np.linspace(-sd * 4, sd * 4, num=int(sd * 8)), loc=0, scale=sd ) x += np.convolve(mask, shape, "same") return x # ============================================================================= # NeuroKit # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_neurokit( signal, sampling_rate=1000, smoothwindow=0.1, avgwindow=0.75, gradthreshweight=1.5, minlenweight=0.4, mindelay=0.3, show=False, ): """All tune-able parameters are specified as keyword arguments. The `signal` must be the highpass-filtered raw ECG with a lowcut of .5 Hz. """ if show is True: __, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) # Compute the ECG's gradient as well as the gradient threshold. Run with # show=True in order to get an idea of the threshold. grad = np.gradient(signal) absgrad = np.abs(grad) smooth_kernel = int(np.rint(smoothwindow * sampling_rate)) avg_kernel = int(np.rint(avgwindow * sampling_rate)) smoothgrad = signal_smooth(absgrad, kernel="boxcar", size=smooth_kernel) avggrad = signal_smooth(smoothgrad, kernel="boxcar", size=avg_kernel) gradthreshold = gradthreshweight * avggrad mindelay = int(np.rint(sampling_rate * mindelay)) if show is True: ax1.plot(signal) ax2.plot(smoothgrad) ax2.plot(gradthreshold) # Identify start and end of QRS complexes. qrs = smoothgrad > gradthreshold beg_qrs = np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(qrs[0:-1]), qrs[1:]))[0] end_qrs = np.where(np.logical_and(qrs[0:-1], np.logical_not(qrs[1:])))[0] if len(beg_qrs) == 0: return np.array([]) # Throw out QRS-ends that precede first QRS-start. end_qrs = end_qrs[end_qrs > beg_qrs[0]] # Identify R-peaks within QRS (ignore QRS that are too short). num_qrs = min(beg_qrs.size, end_qrs.size) min_len = np.mean(end_qrs[:num_qrs] - beg_qrs[:num_qrs]) * minlenweight peaks = [0] for i in range(num_qrs): beg = beg_qrs[i] end = end_qrs[i] len_qrs = end - beg if len_qrs < min_len: continue if show is True: ax2.axvspan(beg, end, facecolor="m", alpha=0.5) # Find local maxima and their prominence within QRS. data = signal[beg:end] locmax, props = scipy.signal.find_peaks(data, prominence=(None, None)) if locmax.size > 0: # Identify most prominent local maximum. peak = beg + locmax[np.argmax(props["prominences"])] # Enforce minimum delay between peaks. if peak - peaks[-1] > mindelay: peaks.append(peak) peaks.pop(0) if show is True: ax1.scatter(peaks, signal[peaks], c="r") peaks = np.asarray(peaks).astype(int) # Convert to int return peaks # ============================================================================= # Pan & Tompkins (1985) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_pantompkins(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - Pan, J., & Tompkins, W. J. (1985). A real-time QRS detection algorithm. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, (3), 230-236. """ diff = np.diff(signal) squared = diff * diff N = int(0.12 * sampling_rate) mwa = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(squared, N) mwa[: int(0.2 * sampling_rate)] = 0 mwa_peaks = _ecg_findpeaks_peakdetect(mwa, sampling_rate) mwa_peaks = np.array(mwa_peaks, dtype="int") return mwa_peaks # ============================================================================= # Hamilton (2002) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_hamilton(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - Hamilton, Open Source ECG Analysis Software Documentation, E.P.Limited, 2002. """ diff = np.abs(np.diff(signal)) b = np.ones(int(0.08 * sampling_rate)) b = b / int(0.08 * sampling_rate) a = [1] ma = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, diff) ma[0 : len(b) * 2] = 0 n_pks = deque([], maxlen=8) n_pks_ave = 0.0 s_pks = deque([], maxlen=8) s_pks_ave = 0.0 QRS = [0] RR = deque([], maxlen=8) RR_ave = 0.0 th = 0.0 i = 0 idx = [] peaks = [] for i in range(1, len(ma) - 1): # pylint: disable=C0200,R1702 if ma[i - 1] < ma[i] and ma[i + 1] < ma[i]: # pylint: disable=R1716 peak = i peaks.append(peak) if ma[peak] > th and (peak - QRS[-1]) > 0.3 * sampling_rate: QRS.append(peak) idx.append(peak) s_pks.append(ma[peak]) s_pks_ave = np.mean(s_pks) if RR_ave != 0.0 and QRS[-1] - QRS[-2] > 1.5 * RR_ave: missed_peaks = peaks[idx[-2] + 1 : idx[-1]] missed_peak_added = False for missed_peak in missed_peaks: if ( missed_peak - peaks[idx[-2]] > int(0.36 * sampling_rate) and ma[missed_peak] > 0.5 * th ): insort(QRS, missed_peak) missed_peak_added = True break if missed_peak_added: continue if len(QRS) > 2: RR.append(QRS[-1] - QRS[-2]) RR_ave = int(np.mean(RR)) else: n_pks.append(ma[peak]) n_pks_ave = np.mean(n_pks) th = n_pks_ave + 0.45 * (s_pks_ave - n_pks_ave) QRS.pop(0) QRS = np.array(QRS, dtype="int") return QRS # ============================================================================= # Slope Sum Function (SSF) - Zong et al. (2003) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_ssf( signal, sampling_rate=1000, threshold=20, before=0.03, after=0.01, **kwargs ): """From Group/BioSPPy/blob/e65da30f6379852ecb98f8e2e0c9b4b5175416c3/biosppy/signals/ """ # TODO: Doesn't really seems to work # convert to samples winB = int(before * sampling_rate) winA = int(after * sampling_rate) Rset = set() length = len(signal) # diff dx = np.diff(signal) dx[dx >= 0] = 0 dx = dx**2 # detection (idx,) = np.nonzero(dx > threshold) idx0 = np.hstack(([0], idx)) didx = np.diff(idx0) # search sidx = idx[didx > 1] for item in sidx: a = item - winB if a < 0: a = 0 b = item + winA if b > length: continue r = np.argmax(signal[a:b]) + a Rset.add(r) # output rpeaks = list(Rset) rpeaks.sort() rpeaks = np.array(rpeaks, dtype="int") return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Zong (2003) - WQRS # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_zong(signal, sampling_rate=1000, cutoff=16, window=0.13, **kwargs): """From - Zong, W., Moody, G. B., & Jiang, D. (2003, September). A robust open-source algorithm to detect onset and duration of QRS complexes. In Computers in Cardiology, 2003 (pp. 737-740). IEEE. """ # 1. Filter signal # TODO: Should remove this step? It's technically part of cleaning, # Not sure it is integral to the peak-detection per se. Opinions are welcome. order = 2 # Cutoff normalized by nyquist frequency b, a = scipy.signal.butter(order, cutoff / (0.5 * sampling_rate)) y = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, signal) # Curve length transformation w = int(np.ceil(window * sampling_rate)) tmp = np.zeros(len(y) - w) for i, j in enumerate(np.arange(w, len(y))): s = y[j - w : j] tmp[i] = np.sum( np.sqrt( np.power(1 / sampling_rate, 2) * np.ones(w - 1) + np.power(np.diff(s), 2) ) ) # Pad with the first value clt = np.concatenate([[tmp[0]] * w, tmp]) # Find adaptive threshold window_size = 10 * sampling_rate # Apply fast moving window average with 1D convolution ret = np.pad(clt, (window_size - 1, 0), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0)) ret = np.convolve(ret, np.ones(window_size), "valid") # Check that ret is at least as large as the window if len(ret) < window_size: warn( f"The signal must be at least {window_size} samples long for peak detection with the Zong method. ", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) return np.array([]) for i in range(1, window_size): ret[i - 1] = ret[i - 1] / i ret[window_size - 1 :] = ret[window_size - 1 :] / window_size # Find peaks peaks = [] for i in range(len(clt)): z = sampling_rate * 0.35 if (len(peaks) == 0 or i > peaks[-1] + z) and clt[i] > ret[i]: peaks.append(i) return np.array(peaks) # ============================================================================= # Christov (2004) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_christov(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - Ivaylo I. Christov, Real time electrocardiogram QRS detection using combined adaptive threshold, BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2004, vol. 3:28, 2004. """ total_taps = 0 b = np.ones(int(0.02 * sampling_rate)) b = b / int(0.02 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA1 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, signal) b = np.ones(int(0.028 * sampling_rate)) b = b / int(0.028 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA2 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, MA1) Y = [] for i in range(1, len(MA2) - 1): diff = abs(MA2[i + 1] - MA2[i - 1]) Y.append(diff) b = np.ones(int(0.040 * sampling_rate)) b = b / int(0.040 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA3 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, Y) MA3[0:total_taps] = 0 ms50 = int(0.05 * sampling_rate) ms200 = int(0.2 * sampling_rate) ms1200 = int(1.2 * sampling_rate) ms350 = int(0.35 * sampling_rate) M = 0 newM5 = 0 M_list = [] MM = [] M_slope = np.linspace(1.0, 0.6, ms1200 - ms200) F = 0 F_list = [] R = 0 RR = [] Rm = 0 R_list = [] MFR = 0 MFR_list = [] QRS = [] for i in range(len(MA3)): # pylint: disable=C0200 # M if i < 5 * sampling_rate: M = 0.6 * np.max(MA3[: i + 1]) MM.append(M) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) elif QRS and i < QRS[-1] + ms200: newM5 = 0.6 * np.max(MA3[QRS[-1] : i]) if newM5 > 1.5 * MM[-1]: newM5 = 1.1 * MM[-1] elif QRS and i == QRS[-1] + ms200: if newM5 == 0: newM5 = MM[-1] MM.append(newM5) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) M = np.mean(MM) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and i < QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = np.mean(MM) * M_slope[i - (QRS[-1] + ms200)] elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = 0.6 * np.mean(MM) # F if i > ms350: F_section = MA3[i - ms350 : i] max_latest = np.max(F_section[-ms50:]) max_earliest = np.max(F_section[:ms50]) F += (max_latest - max_earliest) / 150.0 # R if QRS and i < QRS[-1] + int((2.0 / 3.0 * Rm)): R = 0 elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + int((2.0 / 3.0 * Rm)) and i < QRS[-1] + Rm: dec = (M - np.mean(MM)) / 1.4 R = 0 + dec MFR = M + F + R M_list.append(M) F_list.append(F) R_list.append(R) MFR_list.append(MFR) if not QRS and MA3[i] > MFR: QRS.append(i) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and MA3[i] > MFR: QRS.append(i) if len(QRS) > 2: RR.append(QRS[-1] - QRS[-2]) if len(RR) > 5: RR.pop(0) Rm = int(np.mean(RR)) if len(QRS) == 0: return np.array([]) QRS.pop(0) QRS = np.array(QRS, dtype="int") return QRS # ============================================================================= # Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) - Martinez et al. (2004) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_WT(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): # Try loading pywt try: import pywt except ImportError as import_error: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: ecg_delineator(): the 'PyWavelets' module is required for" " this method to run. Please install it first (`pip install PyWavelets`)." ) from import_error # first derivative of the Gaissian signal scales = np.array([1, 2, 4, 8, 16]) cwtmatr, __ = pywt.cwt(signal, scales, "gaus1", sampling_period=1.0 / sampling_rate) # For wt of scale 2^4 signal_4 = cwtmatr[4, :] epsilon_4 = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal_4))) peaks_4, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(signal_4), height=epsilon_4) # For wt of scale 2^3 signal_3 = cwtmatr[3, :] epsilon_3 = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal_3))) peaks_3, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(signal_3), height=epsilon_3) # Keep only peaks_3 that are nearest to peaks_4 peaks_3_keep = np.zeros_like(peaks_4) for i in range(len(peaks_4)): # pylint: disable=C0200 peaks_distance = abs(peaks_4[i] - peaks_3) peaks_3_keep[i] = peaks_3[np.argmin(peaks_distance)] # For wt of scale 2^2 signal_2 = cwtmatr[2, :] epsilon_2 = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal_2))) peaks_2, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(signal_2), height=epsilon_2) # Keep only peaks_2 that are nearest to peaks_3 peaks_2_keep = np.zeros_like(peaks_4) for i in range(len(peaks_4)): peaks_distance = abs(peaks_3_keep[i] - peaks_2) peaks_2_keep[i] = peaks_2[np.argmin(peaks_distance)] # For wt of scale 2^1 signal_1 = cwtmatr[1, :] epsilon_1 = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal_1))) peaks_1, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(signal_1), height=epsilon_1) # Keep only peaks_1 that are nearest to peaks_2 peaks_1_keep = np.zeros_like(peaks_4) for i in range(len(peaks_4)): peaks_distance = abs(peaks_2_keep[i] - peaks_1) peaks_1_keep[i] = peaks_1[np.argmin(peaks_distance)] # Find R peaks max_R_peak_dist = int(0.1 * sampling_rate) rpeaks = [] for index_cur, index_next in zip(peaks_1_keep[:-1], peaks_1_keep[1:]): correct_sign = ( signal_1[index_cur] < 0 and signal_1[index_next] > 0 ) # pylint: disable=R1716 near = (index_next - index_cur) < max_R_peak_dist # limit 2 if near and correct_sign: rpeaks.append( signal_zerocrossings(signal_1[index_cur : index_next + 1])[0] + index_cur ) rpeaks = np.array(rpeaks, dtype="int") return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Gamboa (2008) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_gamboa(signal, sampling_rate=1000, tol=0.002, **kwargs): """From Group/BioSPPy/blob/e65da30f6379852ecb98f8e2e0c9b4b5175416c3/biosppy/signals/ - Gamboa, H. (2008). Multi-modal behavioral biometrics based on HCI and electrophysiology (Doctoral dissertation, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa). """ hist, edges = np.histogram(signal, 100, density=True) TH = 0.01 F = np.cumsum(hist) v0 = edges[np.nonzero(F > TH)[0][0]] v1 = edges[np.nonzero(F < (1 - TH))[0][-1]] nrm = max([abs(v0), abs(v1)]) norm_signal = signal / float(nrm) d2 = np.diff(norm_signal, 2) b = ( np.nonzero((np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(-d2)))) == -2)[0] + 2 ) # pylint: disable=E1130 b = np.intersect1d(b, np.nonzero(-d2 > tol)[0]) # pylint: disable=E1130 rpeaks = [] if len(b) >= 3: b = b.astype("float") previous = b[0] # convert to samples v_100ms = int(0.1 * sampling_rate) v_300ms = int(0.3 * sampling_rate) for i in b[1:]: if i - previous > v_300ms: previous = i rpeaks.append(np.argmax(signal[int(i) : int(i + v_100ms)]) + i) rpeaks = sorted(list(set(rpeaks))) rpeaks = np.array(rpeaks, dtype="int") return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Elgendi et al. (2010) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_elgendi(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - Elgendi, Mohamed & Jonkman, Mirjam & De Boer, Friso. (2010). Frequency Bands Effects on QRS Detection. The 3rd International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS2010). 428-431. """ window1 = int(0.12 * sampling_rate) mwa_qrs = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(abs(signal), window1) window2 = int(0.6 * sampling_rate) mwa_beat = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(abs(signal), window2) blocks = mwa_qrs > mwa_beat QRS = [] qrs_duration_threshold = int(0.08 * sampling_rate) rr_distance_threshold = int(0.3 * sampling_rate) for i, (prev, cur) in enumerate(zip(blocks, blocks[1:])): if prev < cur: start = i elif prev > cur: end = i - 1 if end - start > qrs_duration_threshold: detection = np.argmax(signal[start : end + 1]) + start if QRS: if detection - QRS[-1] > rr_distance_threshold: QRS.append(detection) else: QRS.append(detection) QRS = np.array(QRS, dtype="int") return QRS # ============================================================================= # Engzee Modified (2012) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_engzee(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - C. Zeelenberg, A single scan algorithm for QRS detection and feature extraction, IEEE Comp. in Cardiology, vol. 6, pp. 37-42, 1979 - A. Lourenco, H. Silva, P. Leite, R. Lourenco and A. Fred, "Real Time Electrocardiogram Segmentation for Finger Based ECG Biometrics", BIOSIGNALS 2012, pp. 49-54, 2012. """ engzee_fake_delay = 0 diff = np.zeros(len(signal)) for i in range(4, len(diff)): diff[i] = signal[i] - signal[i - 4] ci = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1] low_pass = scipy.signal.lfilter(ci, 1, diff) low_pass[: int(0.2 * sampling_rate)] = 0 ms200 = int(0.2 * sampling_rate) ms1200 = int(1.2 * sampling_rate) ms160 = int(0.16 * sampling_rate) neg_threshold = int(0.01 * sampling_rate) M = 0 M_list = [] neg_m = [] MM = [] M_slope = np.linspace(1.0, 0.6, ms1200 - ms200) QRS = [] r_peaks = [] counter = 0 thi_list = [] thi = False thf_list = [] thf = False newM5 = False for i in range(len(low_pass)): # pylint: disable=C0200 # M if i < 5 * sampling_rate: M = 0.6 * np.max(low_pass[: i + 1]) MM.append(M) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) elif QRS and i < QRS[-1] + ms200: newM5 = 0.6 * np.max(low_pass[QRS[-1] : i]) if newM5 > 1.5 * MM[-1]: newM5 = 1.1 * MM[-1] elif newM5 and QRS and i == QRS[-1] + ms200: MM.append(newM5) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) M = np.mean(MM) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and i < QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = np.mean(MM) * M_slope[i - (QRS[-1] + ms200)] elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = 0.6 * np.mean(MM) M_list.append(M) neg_m.append(-M) if not QRS and low_pass[i] > M: QRS.append(i) thi_list.append(i) thi = True elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and low_pass[i] > M: QRS.append(i) thi_list.append(i) thi = True if thi and i < thi_list[-1] + ms160: if low_pass[i] < -M and low_pass[i - 1] > -M: # thf_list.append(i) thf = True if thf and low_pass[i] < -M: thf_list.append(i) counter += 1 elif low_pass[i] > -M and thf: counter = 0 thi = False thf = False elif thi and i > thi_list[-1] + ms160: counter = 0 thi = False thf = False if counter > neg_threshold: unfiltered_section = signal[thi_list[-1] - int(0.01 * sampling_rate) : i] r_peaks.append( engzee_fake_delay + np.argmax(unfiltered_section) + thi_list[-1] - int(0.01 * sampling_rate) ) counter = 0 thi = False thf = False if len(r_peaks) == 0: return np.array([]) r_peaks.pop( 0 ) # removing the 1st detection as it 1st needs the QRS complex amplitude for the threshold r_peaks = np.array(r_peaks, dtype="int") return r_peaks # ============================================================================= # Shannon energy R-peak detection - Manikandan and Soman (2012) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_manikandan(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From A (hopefully) fixed version of """ # Preprocessing ------------------------------------------------------------ # Forward and backward filtering using filtfilt. def cheby1_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5, rp=1): nyq = 0.5 * fs low = lowcut / nyq high = highcut / nyq b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(order, rp=rp, Wn=[low, high], btype="bandpass") y = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, data) return y # Running mean filter function def running_mean(x, N): cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(x, 0, 0)) return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / float(N) # Apply Chebyshev Type I Bandpass filter # Low cut frequency = 6 Hz # High cut frequency = 18 filtered = cheby1_bandpass_filter( signal, lowcut=6, highcut=18, fs=sampling_rate, order=4 ) # Eq. 1: First-order differencing difference dn = np.append(filtered[1:], 0) - filtered # If the signal is flat then return an empty array rather than error out # with a divide by zero error. if np.max(abs(dn)) == 0: return np.array([]) # Eq. 2 dtn = dn / (np.max(abs(dn))) # The absolute value, energy value, Shannon entropy value, and Shannon energy value # # Eq. 3 # an = np.abs(dtn) # # Eq. 4 # en = an**2 # # Eq. 5 # sen = -np.abs(dtn) * np.log10(np.abs(dtn)) # Eq. 6 sn = -(dtn**2) * np.log10(dtn**2) # Apply rectangular window # Length should be approximately the same as the duration of possible wider QRS complex # Normal QRS duration is .12 sec, so we overshoot with 0.15 sec window_len = int(0.15 * sampling_rate) window_len = window_len - 1 if window_len % 2 == 0 else window_len # Make odd window = # The filtering operation is performed in both the forward and reverse directions see = scipy.signal.convolve(sn, window, mode="same") see = np.flip(see) see = scipy.signal.convolve(see, window, "same") see = np.flip(see) # Hilbert Transformation ht = np.imag(scipy.signal.hilbert(see)) # Moving Average to remove low frequency drift # 2.5 sec from Manikanda in 360 Hz (900 samples) # 2.5 sec in 500 Hz == 1250 samples ma_len = int(2.5 * sampling_rate) ma_out = np.insert(running_mean(ht, ma_len), 0, [0] * (ma_len - 1)) # Get the difference between the Hilbert signal and the MA filtered signal zn = ht - ma_out # R-Peak Detection --------------------------------------------------------- # Look for points crossing zero # Find points crossing zero upwards (negative to positive) idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(zn)) > 0).flatten().tolist() # Prepare a container for windows idx_search = [] id_maxes = np.empty(0, dtype=int) search_window_half = int(np.ceil(window_len / 2)) for i in idx: lows = np.arange(i - search_window_half, i) highs = np.arange(i + 1, i + search_window_half + 1) if highs[-1] > len(signal): highs = np.delete( highs, np.arange(np.where(highs == len(signal))[0], len(highs) + 1) ) ekg_window = np.concatenate((lows, [i], highs)) idx_search.append(ekg_window) ekg_window_wave = signal[ekg_window] id_maxes = np.append( id_maxes, ekg_window[np.where(ekg_window_wave == np.max(ekg_window_wave))[0]], ) return np.array(idx) # ============================================================================= # Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) - Kalidas and Tamil (2017) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_kalidas(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """From - Vignesh Kalidas and Lakshman Tamil (2017). Real-time QRS detector using Stationary Wavelet Transform for Automated ECG Analysis. In: 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). Uses the Pan and Tompkins thresolding. """ # Try loading pywt try: import pywt except ImportError as import_error: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: ecg_findpeaks(): the 'PyWavelets' module is required for" " this method to run. Please install it first (`pip install PyWavelets`)." ) from import_error signal_length = len(signal) swt_level = 3 padding = -1 for i in range(1000): if (len(signal) + i) % 2**swt_level == 0: padding = i break if padding > 0: signal = np.pad(signal, (0, padding), "edge") elif padding == -1: print("Padding greater than 1000 required\n") swt_ecg = pywt.swt(signal, "db3", level=swt_level) swt_ecg = np.array(swt_ecg) swt_ecg = swt_ecg[0, 1, :] squared = swt_ecg * swt_ecg f1 = 0.01 / (0.5 * sampling_rate) f2 = 10 / (0.5 * sampling_rate) sos = scipy.signal.butter(3, [f1, f2], btype="bandpass", output="sos") filtered_squared = scipy.signal.sosfilt(sos, squared) # Drop padding to avoid detecting peaks inside it (#456) filtered_squared = filtered_squared[:signal_length] filt_peaks = _ecg_findpeaks_peakdetect(filtered_squared, sampling_rate) filt_peaks = np.array(filt_peaks, dtype="int") return filt_peaks # =========================================================================== # Nabian et al. (2018) # =========================================================================== def _ecg_findpeaks_nabian2018(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """R peak detection method by Nabian et al. (2018) inspired by the Pan-Tompkins algorithm. - Nabian, M., Yin, Y., Wormwood, J., Quigley, K. S., Barrett, L. F., Ostadabbas, S. (2018). An Open-Source Feature Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Peripheral Physiological Data. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 6, 1-11. """ window_size = int(0.4 * sampling_rate) peaks = np.zeros(len(signal)) for i in range(1 + window_size, len(signal) - window_size): ecg_window = signal[i - window_size : i + window_size] rpeak = np.argmax(ecg_window) if i == (i - window_size - 1 + rpeak): peaks[i] = 1 rpeaks = np.where(peaks == 1)[0] # min_distance = 200 return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # ASI (FSM based 2020) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_rodrigues(signal, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """Segmenter by Tiago Rodrigues, inspired by on Gutierrez-Rivas (2015) and Sadhukhan (2012). References ---------- - Gutiérrez-Rivas, R., García, J. J., Marnane, W. P., & Hernández, A. (2015). Novel real-time low-complexity QRS complex detector based on adaptive thresholding. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(10), 6036-6043. - Sadhukhan, D., & Mitra, M. (2012). R-peak detection algorithm for ECG using double difference and RR interval processing. Procedia Technology, 4, 873-877. """ N = int(np.clip(np.round(3 * sampling_rate / 128), 2, None)) Nd = N - 1 Pth = (0.7 * sampling_rate) / 128 + 2.7 # Pth = 3, optimal for fs = 250 Hz Rmin = 0.26 rpeaks = [] i = 1 Ramptotal = 0 # Double derivative squared diff_ecg = [signal[i] - signal[i - Nd] for i in range(Nd, len(signal))] ddiff_ecg = [diff_ecg[i] - diff_ecg[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(diff_ecg))] squar = np.square(ddiff_ecg) # Integrate moving window b = np.array(np.ones(N)) a = [1] processed_ecg = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, squar) tf = len(processed_ecg) rpeakpos = 0 # R-peak finder FSM while i < tf: # ignore last sample of recording # State 1: looking for maximum tf1 = np.round(i + Rmin * sampling_rate) Rpeakamp = 0 while i < tf1 and i < tf: # Rpeak amplitude and position if processed_ecg[i] > Rpeakamp: Rpeakamp = processed_ecg[i] rpeakpos = i + 1 i += 1 Ramptotal = (19 / 20) * Ramptotal + (1 / 20) * Rpeakamp rpeaks.append(rpeakpos) # State 2: waiting state d = tf1 - rpeakpos tf2 = i + np.round(0.2 * 2 - d) while i <= tf2: i += 1 # State 3: decreasing threshold Thr = Ramptotal while i < tf and processed_ecg[i] < Thr: Thr *= np.exp(-Pth / sampling_rate) i += 1 rpeaks = np.array(rpeaks, dtype="int") return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Fast Visibility Graph Detector - by Emrich et al. (2023) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_visibilitygraph( signal, sampling_rate=1000, window_seconds=2, window_overlap=0.5, accelerated=True, **kwargs, ): """Accelerated R-Peak Detector Using Visibility Graphs by Emrich et al. (2023). Implements the FastNVG algorithm, allowing fast and sample precise R-peak detection. References ---------- - J. Emrich, T. Koka, S. Wirth and M. Muma, "Accelerated Sample-Accurate R-Peak Detectors Based on Visibility Graphs," 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2023, pp. 1090-1094, doi: 10.23919/EUSIPCO58844.2023.10290007, - T. Koka and M. Muma (2022), Fast and Sample Accurate R-Peak Detection for Noisy ECG Using Visibility Graphs. In: 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Uses the Pan and Tompkins thresholding. - """ # Try loading ts2vg try: import ts2vg except ImportError as import_error: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: ecg_findpeaks(): the 'ts2vg' module is required for" " this method to run. Please install it first (`pip install ts2vg`)." ) from import_error # Initialize variables N = len(signal) # Signal length M = int(window_seconds * sampling_rate) # Length of window segment L = 0 # Left segment boundary R = M # Right segment boundary dM = int(np.ceil(window_overlap * M)) # Size of segment overlap n_segments = int(np.ceil(((N - R) / (M - dM) + 1))) # Number of segments weights = np.zeros(N) # Empty array to store the weights BETA = 0.55 # Target number of nonzero elements in the resulting weight vector # if the input signal is flat, return an empty array, otherwise the visiblity graph will fail if np.max(signal) == np.min(signal): return np.array([]) # If input length is smaller than window, compute only one segment of this length if N < M: M, R = N, N n_segments = 1 # Do computation in small segments for jj in range(n_segments): segment = signal[L:R] # Select indicies and values to construct the visibility graph if accelerated: # Compute the threshold for the segment threshold = np.quantile(segment, 0.5) # Find local maxima indices_maxima = scipy.signal.find_peaks(segment)[0] segment_maxima = segment[indices_maxima] # Select local maxima above the threshold greater = np.argwhere(segment_maxima > threshold).flatten() indices = indices_maxima[greater] segment = segment_maxima[greater] else: indices = np.arange(len(segment)) # Compute the adjacency matrix to the directed visibility graph A = ( ts2vg.NaturalVG(directed="top_to_bottom") .build(segment, indices) .adjacency_matrix() ) # Compute the ECG weights using k-Hop-paths size = len(indices) w = np.ones(size) / size while np.count_nonzero(w) / size >= BETA: _w = np.matmul(A, w) _w /= np.linalg.norm(_w) if np.any(np.isnan(_w)): break w = _w # Update weight vector by merging overlaping segments if L == 0: weights[L + indices] = w elif N - dM + 1 <= L and L + 1 <= N: weights[L + indices] = 0.5 * (weights[L + indices] + w) else: weights[L + indices[indices <= dM]] = 0.5 * ( w[indices <= dM] + weights[L + indices[indices <= dM]] ) weights[L + indices[indices > dM]] = w[indices > dM] if R - L < M: break # Update segment boundaries L += M - dM if R + (M - dM) <= N: R += M - dM else: R = N # Weigh signal with obtained weights and use thresholding algorithm for peak localization weighted_signal = signal * weights rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_visgraphthreshold(weighted_signal, sampling_rate) rpeaks = np.array(rpeaks, dtype="int") return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Utilities # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(signal, window_size, **kwargs): """Based on Optimized for vectorized computation. """ window_size = int(window_size) # Scipy's uniform_filter1d is a fast and accurate way of computing # moving averages. By default it computes the averages of `window_size` # elements centered around each element in the input array, including # `(window_size - 1) // 2` elements after the current element (when # `window_size` is even, the extra element is taken from before). To # return causal moving averages, i.e. each output element is the average # of window_size input elements ending at that position, we use the # `origin` argument to shift the filter computation accordingly. mwa = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter1d( signal, window_size, origin=(window_size - 1) // 2 ) # Compute actual moving averages for the first `window_size - 1` elements, # which the uniform_filter1d function computes using padding. We want # those output elements to be averages of only the input elements until # that position. head_size = min(window_size - 1, len(signal)) mwa[:head_size] = np.cumsum(signal[:head_size]) / np.linspace( 1, head_size, head_size ) return mwa def _ecg_findpeaks_peakdetect(detection, sampling_rate=1000, **kwargs): """Based on Optimized for vectorized computation. """ min_peak_distance = int(0.3 * sampling_rate) min_missed_distance = int(0.25 * sampling_rate) signal_peaks = [] SPKI = 0.0 NPKI = 0.0 last_peak = 0 last_index = -1 # NOTE: Using plateau_size=(1,1) here avoids detecting flat peaks and # maintains original py-ecg-detectors behaviour. Flat peaks are typically # found in measurement artifacts where the signal saturates at maximum # recording amplitude. Such cases should not be detected as peaks. If we # do encounter recordings where even normal R peaks are flat, then changing # this to something like plateau_size=(1, sampling_rate // 10) might make # sense. See also peaks, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(detection, plateau_size=(1, 1)) for index, peak in enumerate(peaks): peak_value = detection[peak] threshold_I1 = NPKI + 0.25 * (SPKI - NPKI) if peak_value > threshold_I1 and peak > last_peak + min_peak_distance: signal_peaks.append(peak) # RR_missed threshold is based on the previous eight R-R intervals if len(signal_peaks) > 9: RR_ave = (signal_peaks[-2] - signal_peaks[-10]) // 8 RR_missed = int(1.66 * RR_ave) if peak - last_peak > RR_missed: missed_peaks = peaks[last_index + 1 : index] missed_peaks = missed_peaks[ (missed_peaks > last_peak + min_missed_distance) & (missed_peaks < peak - min_missed_distance) ] threshold_I2 = 0.5 * threshold_I1 missed_peaks = missed_peaks[detection[missed_peaks] > threshold_I2] if len(missed_peaks) > 0: signal_peaks[-1] = missed_peaks[ np.argmax(detection[missed_peaks]) ] signal_peaks.append(peak) last_peak = peak last_index = index SPKI = 0.125 * peak_value + 0.875 * SPKI else: NPKI = 0.125 * peak_value + 0.875 * NPKI return signal_peaks def _ecg_findpeaks_visgraphthreshold(weight, sampling_frequency=1000, **kwargs): """Based on the python implementation [3] of the thresholding proposed by Pan and Tompkins in [4]. Modifications were made with respect to the application of R-peak detection using visibility graphs and the k-Hop paths metric. References ---------- [3] [4] J. Pan and W. J. Tompkins, “A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. BME-32, Mar. 1985. pp. 230-236. """ # initialise variables N = len(weight) min_distance = int(0.25 * sampling_frequency) signal_peaks = [-min_distance] noise_peaks = [] # Learning Phase, 2sec spki = ( np.max(weight[0 : 2 * sampling_frequency]) * 0.25 ) # running estimate of signal level npki = ( np.mean(weight[0 : 2 * sampling_frequency]) * 0.5 ) # running estimate of noise level threshold_I1 = spki # iterate over the whole array / series for i in range(N): # skip first and last elements if 0 < i < N - 1: # detect peak candidates based on a rising + falling slope if weight[i - 1] <= weight[i] >= weight[i + 1]: # peak candidates should be greater than signal threshold if weight[i] > threshold_I1: # distance to last peak is greater than minimum detection distance if (i - signal_peaks[-1]) > 0.3 * sampling_frequency: signal_peaks.append(i) spki = 0.125 * weight[signal_peaks[-1]] + 0.875 * spki # candidate is close to last detected peak -> check if current candidate is better choice elif 0.3 * sampling_frequency >= (i - signal_peaks[-1]): # compare slope of last peak with current candidate if ( weight[i] > weight[signal_peaks[-1]] ): # test greater slope -> qrs spki = ( spki - 0.125 * weight[signal_peaks[-1]] ) / 0.875 # reset threshold signal_peaks[-1] = i spki = 0.125 * weight[signal_peaks[-1]] + 0.875 * spki else: noise_peaks.append(i) npki = 0.125 * weight[noise_peaks[-1]] + 0.875 * npki else: # not a peak -> label as noise and update noise level npki = 0.125 * weight[i] + 0.875 * npki # back search for missed peaks if len(signal_peaks) > 8: RR = np.diff(signal_peaks[-9:]) RR_ave = int(np.mean(RR)) RR_missed = int(1.66 * RR_ave) # if time difference of the last two signal peaks found is too large if signal_peaks[-1] - signal_peaks[-2] > RR_missed: threshold_I2 = 0.5 * threshold_I1 # get range of candidates and apply noise threshold missed_section_peaks = range( signal_peaks[-2] + min_distance, signal_peaks[-1] - min_distance, ) missed_section_peaks = [ p for p in missed_section_peaks if weight[p] > threshold_I2 ] # add the largest sample in missed interval to peaks if len(missed_section_peaks) > 0: missed_peak = missed_section_peaks[ np.argmax(weight[missed_section_peaks]) ] signal_peaks.append(signal_peaks[-1]) signal_peaks[-2] = missed_peak else: # not a peak -> label as noise and update noise level npki = 0.125 * weight[i] + 0.875 * npki threshold_I1 = npki + 0.25 * (spki - npki) # remove first dummy elements if signal_peaks[0] == -min_distance: signal_peaks.pop(0) return np.array(signal_peaks)