# - * - coding: utf-8 - * -
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import scipy
from ..epochs import epochs_to_df
from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning
from ..signal import signal_interpolate
from ..signal.signal_power import signal_power
from ..stats import distance, rescale
from .ecg_peaks import ecg_peaks
from .ecg_segment import ecg_segment
def ecg_quality(
ecg_cleaned, rpeaks=None, sampling_rate=1000, method="averageQRS", approach=None
"""**ECG Signal Quality Assessment**
Assess the quality of the ECG Signal using various methods:
* The ``"averageQRS"`` method computes a continuous index of quality of the ECG signal, by
interpolating the distance of each QRS segment from the average QRS segment present in the *
data. This index is therefore relative: 1 corresponds to heartbeats that are the closest to
the average sample and 0 corresponds to the most distant heartbeat from that average sample.
Note that 1 does not necessarily means "good": if the majority of samples are bad, then being
close to the average will likely mean bad as well. Use this index with care and plot it
alongside your ECG signal to see if it makes sense.
* The ``"zhao2018"`` method (Zhao et al., 2018) extracts several signal quality indexes (SQIs):
QRS wave power spectrum distribution pSQI, kurtosis kSQI, and baseline relative power basSQI.
An additional R peak detection match qSQI was originally computed in the paper but left out
in this algorithm. The indices were originally weighted with a ratio of [0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1]
to generate the final classification outcome, but because qSQI was dropped, the weights have
been rearranged to [0.6, 0.2, 0.2] for pSQI, kSQI and basSQI respectively.
ecg_cleaned : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
The cleaned ECG signal in the form of a vector of values.
rpeaks : tuple or list
The list of R-peak samples returned by ``ecg_peaks()``. If None, peaks is computed from
the signal input.
sampling_rate : int
The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).
method : str
The method for computing ECG signal quality, can be ``"averageQRS"`` (default) or ``"zhao2018"``.
approach : str
The data fusion approach as documented in Zhao et al. (2018). Can be ``"simple"``
or ``"fuzzy"``. The former performs simple heuristic fusion of SQIs and the latter performs
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. If ``None`` (default), simple heuristic fusion is used.
Keyword arguments to be passed to ``signal_power()`` in the computation of basSQI and pSQI.
array or str
Vector containing the quality index ranging from 0 to 1 for ``"averageQRS"`` method,
returns string classification (``Unacceptable``, ``Barely acceptable`` or ``Excellent``)
of the signal for ``"zhao2018"`` method.
See Also
ecg_segment, ecg_delineate
* Zhao, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2018). "SQI quality evaluation mechanism of single-lead ECG signal
based on simple heuristic fusion and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation". Frontiers in
Physiology, 9, 727.
* **Example 1:** 'averageQRS' method
.. ipython:: python
import neurokit2 as nk
ecg = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=30, sampling_rate=300, noise=0.2)
ecg_cleaned = nk.ecg_clean(ecg, sampling_rate=300)
quality = nk.ecg_quality(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=300)
@savefig p_ecg_quality.png scale=100%
nk.signal_plot([ecg_cleaned, quality], standardize=True)
* **Example 2:** Zhao et al. (2018) method
.. ipython:: python
method = method.lower() # remove capitalised letters
# Run peak detection algorithm
if method in ["averageqrs"]:
quality = _ecg_quality_averageQRS(
ecg_cleaned, rpeaks=rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate
elif method in ["zhao2018", "zhao", "SQI"]:
if approach is None:
approach = "simple"
elif approach not in ["simple", "fuzzy"]:
"Please enter a relevant input if using method='zhao2018',"
" 'simple' for simple heuristic fusion approach or"
" 'fuzzy' for fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.",
quality = _ecg_quality_zhao2018(
ecg_cleaned, rpeaks=rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, mode=approach
return quality
# =============================================================================
# Average QRS method
# =============================================================================
def _ecg_quality_averageQRS(ecg_cleaned, rpeaks=None, sampling_rate=1000):
# Sanitize inputs
if rpeaks is None:
_, rpeaks = ecg_peaks(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
rpeaks = rpeaks["ECG_R_Peaks"]
# Get heartbeats
heartbeats = ecg_segment(ecg_cleaned, rpeaks, sampling_rate)
data = epochs_to_df(heartbeats).pivot(
index="Label", columns="Time", values="Signal"
data.index = data.index.astype(int)
data = data.sort_index()
# Filter Nans
missing = data.T.isnull().sum().values
nonmissing = np.where(missing == 0)[0]
data = data.iloc[nonmissing, :]
# Compute distance
dist = distance(data, method="mean")
dist = rescale(np.abs(dist), to=[0, 1])
dist = np.abs(dist - 1) # So that 1 is top quality
# Replace missing by 0
quality = np.zeros(len(heartbeats))
quality[nonmissing] = dist
# Interpolate
quality = signal_interpolate(
rpeaks, quality, x_new=np.arange(len(ecg_cleaned)), method="previous"
return quality
# =============================================================================
# Zhao (2018) method
# =============================================================================
def _ecg_quality_zhao2018(
"""Return ECG quality classification of based on Zhao et al. (2018),
based on three indices: pSQI, kSQI, basSQI (qSQI not included here).
If "Excellent", the ECG signal quality is good.
If "Unacceptable", analyze the SQIs. If kSQI and basSQI are unqualified, it means that
noise artefacts are present, and de-noising the signal is important before reevaluating the
ECG signal quality. If pSQI (or qSQI, not included here) are unqualified, recollect ECG data.
If "Barely acceptable", ECG quality assessment should be performed again to determine if the
signal is excellent or unacceptable.
ecg_cleaned : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
The cleaned ECG signal in the form of a vector of values.
rpeaks : tuple or list
The list of R-peak samples returned by `ecg_peaks()`. If None, peaks is computed from
the signal input.
sampling_rate : int
The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).
window : int
Length of each window in seconds. See `signal_psd()`.
kurtosis_method : str
Compute kurtosis (kSQI) based on "fisher" (default) or "pearson" definition.
mode : str
The data fusion approach as documented in Zhao et al. (2018). Can be "simple" (default)
or "fuzzy". The former performs simple heuristic fusion of SQIs and the latter performs
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.
Keyword arguments to be passed to `signal_power()`.
Quality classification.
# Sanitize inputs
if rpeaks is None:
_, rpeaks = ecg_peaks(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
rpeaks = rpeaks["ECG_R_Peaks"]
# Compute indexes
kSQI = _ecg_quality_kSQI(ecg_cleaned, method=kurtosis_method)
pSQI = _ecg_quality_pSQI(
ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, window=window, **kwargs
basSQI = _ecg_quality_basSQI(
ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, window=window, **kwargs
# Classify indices based on simple heuristic fusion
if mode == "simple":
# First stage rules (0 = unqualified, 1 = suspicious, 2 = optimal)
# Get the maximum bpm
if len(rpeaks) > 1:
ecg_rate = 60000.0 / (1000.0 / sampling_rate * np.min(np.diff(rpeaks)))
ecg_rate = 1
# pSQI classification
if ecg_rate < 130:
l1, l2, l3 = 0.5, 0.8, 0.4
l1, l2, l3 = 0.4, 0.7, 0.3
if pSQI > l1 and pSQI < l2:
pSQI_class = 2
elif pSQI > l3 and pSQI < l1:
pSQI_class = 1
pSQI_class = 0
# kSQI classification
if kSQI > 5:
kSQI_class = 2
kSQI_class = 0
# basSQI classification
if basSQI >= 0.95:
basSQI_class = 2
elif basSQI < 0.9:
basSQI_class = 0
basSQI_class = 1
class_matrix = np.array([pSQI_class, kSQI_class, basSQI_class])
n_optimal = len(np.where(class_matrix == 2)[0])
n_suspicious = len(np.where(class_matrix == 1)[0])
n_unqualified = len(np.where(class_matrix == 0)[0])
if n_unqualified >= 2 or (n_unqualified == 1 and n_suspicious == 2):
return "Unacceptable"
elif n_optimal >= 2 and n_unqualified == 0:
return "Excellent"
return "Barely acceptable"
# Classify indices based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
elif mode == "fuzzy":
# *R1 left out because of lack of qSQI
# pSQI
# UpH
if pSQI <= 0.25:
UpH = 0
elif pSQI >= 0.35:
UpH = 1
UpH = 0.1 * (pSQI - 0.25)
# UpI
if pSQI < 0.18:
UpI = 0
elif pSQI >= 0.32:
UpI = 0
elif pSQI >= 0.18 and pSQI < 0.22:
UpI = 25 * (pSQI - 0.18)
elif pSQI >= 0.22 and pSQI < 0.28:
UpI = 1
UpI = 25 * (0.32 - pSQI)
# UpJ
if pSQI < 0.15:
UpJ = 1
elif pSQI > 0.25:
UpJ = 0
UpJ = 0.1 * (0.25 - pSQI)
# Get R2
R2 = np.array([UpH, UpI, UpJ])
# kSQI
# Get R3
if kSQI > 5:
R3 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
R3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])
# basSQI
# UbH
if basSQI <= 90:
UbH = 0
elif basSQI >= 95:
UbH = basSQI / 100.0
UbH = 1.0 / (1 + (1 / np.power(0.8718 * (basSQI - 90), 2)))
# UbJ
if basSQI <= 85:
UbJ = 1
UbJ = 1.0 / (1 + np.power((basSQI - 85) / 5.0, 2))
# UbI
UbI = 1.0 / (1 + np.power((basSQI - 95) / 2.5, 2))
# Get R4
R4 = np.array([UbH, UbI, UbJ])
# evaluation matrix R (remove R1 because of lack of qSQI)
# R = np.vstack([R1, R2, R3, R4])
R = np.vstack([R2, R3, R4])
# weight vector W (remove first weight because of lack of qSQI)
# W = np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1])
W = np.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.2])
S = np.array(
[np.sum((R[:, 0] * W)), np.sum((R[:, 1] * W)), np.sum((R[:, 2] * W))]
# classify
V = np.sum(np.power(S, 2) * [1, 2, 3]) / np.sum(np.power(S, 2))
if V < 1.5:
return "Excellent"
elif V >= 2.40:
return "Unnacceptable"
return "Barely acceptable"
def _ecg_quality_kSQI(ecg_cleaned, method="fisher"):
"""Return the kurtosis of the signal, with Fisher's or Pearson's method."""
if method == "fisher":
return scipy.stats.kurtosis(ecg_cleaned, fisher=True)
elif method == "pearson":
return scipy.stats.kurtosis(ecg_cleaned, fisher=False)
def _ecg_quality_pSQI(
num_spectrum=[5, 15],
dem_spectrum=[5, 40],
"""Power Spectrum Distribution of QRS Wave."""
psd = signal_power(
frequency_band=[num_spectrum, dem_spectrum],
num_power = psd.iloc[0, 0]
dem_power = psd.iloc[0, 1]
return num_power / dem_power
def _ecg_quality_basSQI(
num_spectrum=[0, 1],
dem_spectrum=[0, 40],
"""Relative Power in the Baseline."""
psd = signal_power(
frequency_band=[num_spectrum, dem_spectrum],
num_power = psd.iloc[0, 0]
dem_power = psd.iloc[0, 1]
return (1 - num_power) / dem_power