Source code for neurokit2.eda.eda_fixpeaks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..signal.signal_formatpeaks import _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize

[docs] def eda_fixpeaks(peaks, onsets=None, height=None): """**Correct Skin Conductance Responses (SCR) peaks** Low-level function used by ``"eda_peaks()"`` to correct the peaks found by ``"eda_findpeaks()"``. Doesn't do anything for now for EDA. See :func:`eda_peaks` for details. Parameters ---------- peaks : list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict The samples at which the SCR peaks occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with ``"eda_findpeaks()"``. onsets : list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict The samples at which the SCR onsets occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with ``"eda_findpeaks()"``. Defaults to None. height : list or array or DataFrame or Series or dict The samples at which the amplitude of the SCR peaks occur. If a dict or a DataFrame is passed, it is assumed that these containers were obtained with ``"eda_findpeaks()"``. Defaults to None. Returns ------- info : dict A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the aplitude of the SCR, the samples at which the SCR onset and the SCR peaks occur. Accessible with the keys ``"SCR_Amplitude"``, ``"SCR_Onsets"``, and ``"SCR_Peaks"`` respectively. See Also -------- eda_simulate, eda_clean, eda_phasic, eda_findpeaks, eda_peaks, eda_process, eda_plot Examples --------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Get phasic component eda_signal = nk.eda_simulate(duration=30, scr_number=5, drift=0.1, noise=0) eda_cleaned = nk.eda_clean(eda_signal) eda = nk.eda_phasic(eda_cleaned) eda_phasic = eda["EDA_Phasic"].values # Find and fix peaks info = nk.eda_findpeaks(eda_phasic) info = nk.eda_fixpeaks(info) @savefig p_eda_fixpeaks.png scale=100% nk.events_plot(info["SCR_Peaks"], eda_phasic) @suppress plt.close() """ # Format input. peaks, onsets, height = _eda_fixpeaks_retrieve(peaks, onsets, height) # Do whatever fixing is required (nothing for now) # Prepare output info = {"SCR_Onsets": onsets, "SCR_Peaks": peaks, "SCR_Height": height} return info
# ============================================================================= # Internals # ============================================================================= def _eda_fixpeaks_retrieve(peaks, onsets=None, height=None): # Format input. original_input = peaks peaks = _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize(original_input, key="Peaks") if onsets is None: onsets = _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize(original_input, key="Onsets") if height is None: height = _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize(original_input, key="Height") return peaks, onsets, height