Source code for neurokit2.eda.eda_peaks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..misc import find_closest
from ..signal import signal_formatpeaks
from .eda_findpeaks import eda_findpeaks
from .eda_fixpeaks import eda_fixpeaks

[docs] def eda_peaks(eda_phasic, sampling_rate=1000, method="neurokit", amplitude_min=0.1): """**Find Skin Conductance Responses (SCR) in Electrodermal Activity (EDA)** Identify Skin Conductance Responses (SCR) peaks in the phasic component of Electrodermal Activity (EDA) with different possible methods, such as: * `Gamboa, H. (2008) <>`_ * `Kim et al. (2004) <>`_ Parameters ---------- eda_phasic : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The phasic component of the EDA signal (from :func:`eda_phasic()`). sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the EDA signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). method : str The processing pipeline to apply. Can be one of ``"neurokit"`` (default), ``"gamboa2008"``, ``"kim2004"`` (the default in BioSPPy), ``"vanhalem2020"`` or ``"nabian2018"``. amplitude_min : float Only used if ``method`` is ``"neurokit"`` or ``"kim2004"``. Minimum threshold by which to exclude SCRs (peaks) as relative to the largest amplitude in the signal. Returns ------- info : dict A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the aplitude of the SCR, the samples at which the SCR onset and the SCR peaks occur. Accessible with the keys ``"SCR_Amplitude"``, ``"SCR_Onsets"``, and ``"SCR_Peaks"`` respectively. It also contains the signals' sampling rate. signals : DataFrame A DataFrame of same length as the input signal in which occurences of SCR peaks are marked as "1" in lists of zeros with the same length as ``"eda_cleaned"``. Accessible with the keys ``"SCR_Peaks"``. See Also -------- eda_simulate, eda_clean, eda_phasic, eda_process, eda_plot Examples --------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Get phasic component eda_signal = nk.eda_simulate(duration=30, scr_number=5, drift=0.1, noise=0, sampling_rate=100) eda_cleaned = nk.eda_clean(eda_signal, sampling_rate=100) eda = nk.eda_phasic(eda_cleaned, sampling_rate=100) eda_phasic = eda["EDA_Phasic"].values # Find peaks _, kim2004 = nk.eda_peaks(eda_phasic, sampling_rate=100, method="kim2004") _, neurokit = nk.eda_peaks(eda_phasic, sampling_rate=100, method="neurokit") _, nabian2018 = nk.eda_peaks(eda_phasic, sampling_rate=100, method="nabian2018") @savefig p_eda_peaks.png scale=100% nk.events_plot([ nabian2018["SCR_Peaks"], kim2004["SCR_Peaks"], neurokit["SCR_Peaks"] ], eda_phasic) @suppress plt.close() References ---------- * Gamboa, H. (2008). Multi-modal behavioral biometrics based on hci and electrophysiology. PhD ThesisUniversidade. * Kim, K. H., Bang, S. W., & Kim, S. R. (2004). Emotion recognition system using short-term monitoring of physiological signals. Medical and biological engineering and computing, 42(3), 419-427. * van Halem, S., Van Roekel, E., Kroencke, L., Kuper, N., & Denissen, J. (2020). Moments That Matter? On the Complexity of Using Triggers Based on Skin Conductance to Sample Arousing Events Within an Experience Sampling Framework. European Journal of Personality. * Nabian, M., Yin, Y., Wormwood, J., Quigley, K. S., Barrett, L. F., & Ostadabbas, S. (2018). An Open-Source Feature Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Peripheral Physiological Data. IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine, 6, 2800711. """ if isinstance(eda_phasic, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): try: eda_phasic = eda_phasic["EDA_Phasic"] except KeyError: eda_phasic = eda_phasic.values # Get basic info = eda_findpeaks( eda_phasic, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, method=method, amplitude_min=amplitude_min ) info = eda_fixpeaks(info) # Get additional features (rise time, half recovery time, etc.) info = _eda_peaks_getfeatures(info, eda_phasic, sampling_rate, recovery_percentage=0.5) # Prepare output. peak_signal = signal_formatpeaks( info, desired_length=len(eda_phasic), peak_indices=info["SCR_Peaks"], other_indices=info["SCR_Recovery"], ) info["sampling_rate"] = sampling_rate # Add sampling rate in dict info return peak_signal, info
# ============================================================================= # Utility # ============================================================================= def _eda_peaks_getfeatures(info, eda_phasic, sampling_rate=1000, recovery_percentage=0.5): # Sanity checks ----------------------------------------------------------- # Peaks (remove peaks before first onset) valid_peaks = np.logical_and( info["SCR_Peaks"] > np.nanmin(info["SCR_Onsets"]), ~np.isnan(info["SCR_Onsets"]) ) # pylint: disable=E1111 peaks = info["SCR_Peaks"][valid_peaks] # Onsets (remove onsets with after last peak) valid_onsets = ~np.isnan(info["SCR_Onsets"]) valid_onsets[valid_onsets] = info["SCR_Onsets"][valid_onsets] < np.nanmax(info["SCR_Peaks"]) onsets = info["SCR_Onsets"][valid_onsets].astype(int) if len(onsets) != len(peaks): raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: eda_peaks(): Peaks and onsets don't ", "match, so cannot get amplitude safely. Check why using `find_peaks()`.", ) # Amplitude and Rise Time ------------------------------------------------- # Amplitudes amplitude = np.full(len(info["SCR_Height"]), np.nan) amplitude[valid_peaks] = info["SCR_Height"][valid_peaks] - eda_phasic[onsets] # Rise times (in seconds) risetime = np.full(len(info["SCR_Peaks"]), np.nan) risetime[valid_peaks] = (peaks - onsets) / sampling_rate # Save info info["SCR_Amplitude"] = amplitude info["SCR_RiseTime"] = risetime # Recovery time ----------------------------------------------------------- # (Half) Recovery times recovery = np.full(len(info["SCR_Peaks"]), np.nan) recovery_time = np.full(len(info["SCR_Peaks"]), np.nan) recovery_values = eda_phasic[onsets] + (amplitude[valid_peaks] * recovery_percentage) for i, peak_index in enumerate(peaks): # Get segment between peak and next peak try: segment = eda_phasic[peak_index : peaks[i + 1]] except IndexError: segment = eda_phasic[peak_index::] # Adjust segment (cut when it reaches minimum to avoid picking out values on the rise of the next peak) segment = segment[0 : np.argmin(segment)] # Find recovery time recovery_value = find_closest( recovery_values[i], segment, direction="smaller", strictly=False ) # Detect recovery points only if there are datapoints below recovery value if np.min(segment) < recovery_value: segment_index = np.where(segment == recovery_value)[0][0] recovery[np.where(valid_peaks)[0][i]] = peak_index + segment_index recovery_time[np.where(valid_peaks)[0][i]] = segment_index / sampling_rate # Save ouput info["SCR_Recovery"] = recovery info["SCR_RecoveryTime"] = recovery_time return info