Source code for neurokit2.eda.eda_simulate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

from ..misc import check_random_state, check_random_state_children
from ..signal import signal_distort, signal_merge

[docs] def eda_simulate( duration=10, length=None, sampling_rate=1000, noise=0.01, scr_number=1, drift=-0.01, random_state=None, random_state_distort="spawn", ): """**Simulate Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signal** Generate an artificial (synthetic) EDA signal of a given duration and sampling rate. Parameters ---------- duration : int Desired recording length in seconds. sampling_rate : int The desired sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000Hz. length : int The desired length of the signal (in samples). Defaults to None. noise : float Noise level (amplitude of the laplace noise). Defaults to 0.01. scr_number : int Desired number of skin conductance responses (SCRs), i.e., peaks. Defaults to 1. drift : float or list The slope of a linear drift of the signal. Defaults to -0.01. random_state : None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator Seed for the random number generator. See for ``misc.check_random_state`` for further information. random_state_distort : {'legacy', 'spawn'}, None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator Random state to be used to distort the signal. If ``"legacy"``, use the same random state used to generate the signal (discouraged as it creates dependent random streams). If ``"spawn"``, spawn independent children random number generators from the random_state argument. If any of the other types, generate independent children random number generators from the random_state_distort provided (this allows generating multiple version of the same signal distorted by different random noise realizations). Returns ---------- array Vector containing the EDA signal. Examples ---------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk import pandas as pd eda = nk.eda_simulate(duration=10, scr_number=3) @savefig p_eda_simulate1.png scale=100% fig = nk.signal_plot(eda) @suppress plt.close() See Also -------- ecg_simulate, rsp_simulate, emg_simulate, ppg_simulate References ----------- * Bach, D. R., Flandin, G., Friston, K. J., & Dolan, R. J. (2010). Modelling event-related skin conductance responses. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 75(3), 349-356. """ # Seed the random generator for reproducible results rng = check_random_state(random_state) random_state_distort = check_random_state_children(random_state, random_state_distort, n_children=1) # Generate number of samples automatically if length is unspecified if length is None: length = duration * sampling_rate eda = np.full(length, 1.0) eda += drift * np.linspace(0, duration, length) time = [0, duration] start_peaks = np.linspace(0, duration, scr_number, endpoint=False) for start_peak in start_peaks: relative_time_peak = np.abs(rng.normal(0, 5, size=1)) + 3.0745 scr = _eda_simulate_scr(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, time_peak=relative_time_peak) time_scr = [start_peak, start_peak + 9] if time_scr[0] < 0: scr = scr[int(np.round(np.abs(time_scr[0]) * sampling_rate)) : :] time_scr[0] = 0 if time_scr[1] > duration: scr = scr[0 : int(np.round((duration - time_scr[0]) * sampling_rate))] time_scr[1] = duration eda = signal_merge(signal1=eda, signal2=scr, time1=time, time2=time_scr) # Add random noise if noise > 0: eda = signal_distort( eda, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, noise_amplitude=noise, noise_frequency=[5, 10, 100], noise_shape="laplace", silent=True, random_state=random_state_distort[0], ) return eda
def _eda_simulate_scr(sampling_rate=1000, length=None, time_peak=3.0745, rise=0.7013, decay=[3.1487, 14.1257]): """Simulate a canonical skin conductance response (SCR) Based on `Bach (2010) <>`_ Parameters ----------- sampling_rate : int The desired sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000Hz. length : int The desired length of the signal (in samples). Defaults to None. time_peak : float Time to peak. rise : float Variance of rise defining gaussian. decay : list Decay constants. Returns ---------- array Vector containing the SCR signal. Examples -------- # scr1 = _eda_simulate_scr(time_peak=3.0745) # scr2 = _eda_simulate_scr(time_peak=10) # pd.DataFrame({"SCR1": scr1, "SCR2": scr2}).plot() """ if length is None: length = 9 * sampling_rate t = np.linspace(sampling_rate / 10000, 90, length) gt = np.exp(-((t - time_peak) ** 2) / (2 * rise ** 2)) ht = np.exp(-t / decay[0]) + np.exp(-t / decay[1]) # pylint: disable=E1130 ft = np.convolve(gt, ht) ft = ft[0 : len(t)] ft = ft / np.max(ft) return ft def _eda_simulate_bateman(sampling_rate=1000, t1=0.75, t2=2): """Generates the bateman function: :math:`b = e^{-t/T1} - e^{-t/T2}` Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : float Sampling frequency t1 : float Defaults to 0.75. t2 : float Defaults to 2. Parameters of the bateman function Returns ------- bateman : array The bateman function Examples ---------- # bateman = _eda_simulate_bateman() # nk.signal_plot(bateman) """ idx_T1 = t1 * sampling_rate idx_T2 = t2 * sampling_rate len_bat = idx_T2 * 10 idx_bat = np.arange(len_bat) bateman = np.exp(-idx_bat / idx_T2) - np.exp(-idx_bat / idx_T1) # normalize bateman = sampling_rate * bateman / np.sum(bateman) return bateman