Source code for neurokit2.eda.eda_sympathetic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy

from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning
from ..signal import signal_filter, signal_resample, signal_timefrequency
from ..signal.signal_power import _signal_power_instant_compute
from ..signal.signal_psd import _signal_psd_welch
from ..stats import standardize

[docs] def eda_sympathetic( eda_signal, sampling_rate=1000, frequency_band=[0.045, 0.25], method="posada", show=False ): """**Sympathetic Nervous System Index from Electrodermal activity (EDA)** Derived from Posada-Quintero et al. (2016), who argue that dynamics of the sympathetic component of EDA signal is represented in the frequency band of 0.045-0.25Hz. Note that the Posada method requires a signal of a least 64 seconds. Parameters ---------- eda_signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The EDA signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). frequency_band : list List indicating the frequency range to compute the the power spectral density in. Defaults to [0.045, 0.25]. method : str Can be one of ``"ghiasi"`` or ``"posada"``. show : bool If True, will return a plot of the power spectrum of the EDA signal within the specified frequency band. See Also -------- .signal_filter, .signal_power, .signal_psd Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the EDA sympathetic indexes, accessible by keys ``"EDA_Sympathetic"`` and ``"EDA_SympatheticN"`` (normalized, obtained by dividing EDA_Symp by total power). Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk eda ='bio_resting_8min_100hz')['EDA'] @savefig p_eda_sympathetic1.png scale=100% nk.eda_sympathetic(eda, sampling_rate=100, method='posada', show=True) @suppress plt.close() results = nk.eda_sympathetic(eda, sampling_rate=100, method='ghiasi') results References ---------- * Ghiasi, S., Grecol, A., Nardelli, M., Catrambonel, V., Barbieri, R., Scilingo, E., & Valenza, G. (2018). A New Sympathovagal Balance Index from Electrodermal Activity and Instantaneous Vagal Dynamics: A Preliminary Cold Pressor Study. 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). doi:10.1109/embc.2018.8512932 * Posada-Quintero, H. F., Florian, J. P., Orjuela-Cañón, A. D., Aljama-Corrales, T., Charleston-Villalobos, S., & Chon, K. H. (2016). Power spectral density analysis of electrodermal activity for sympathetic function assessment. Annals of biomedical engineering, 44(10), 3124-3135. """ out = {} if method.lower() in ["ghiasi", "ghiasi2018"]: out = _eda_sympathetic_ghiasi( eda_signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, frequency_band=frequency_band, show=show ) elif method.lower() in ["posada", "posada-quintero", "quintero", "posada2016"]: out = _eda_sympathetic_posada( eda_signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, frequency_band=frequency_band, show=show ) else: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: eda_sympathetic(): 'method' should be " "one of 'ghiasi', 'posada'." ) return out
# ============================================================================= # Methods # ============================================================================= def _eda_sympathetic_posada( eda_signal, frequency_band=[0.045, 0.25], sampling_rate=1000, show=True, out={} ): # This method assumes signal longer than 64 s if len(eda_signal) <= sampling_rate * 64: warn( "The 'posada2016' method requires a signal of length > 60 s. Try with" + " `method='ghiasi2018'`. Returning NaN values for now.", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) return {"EDA_Sympathetic": np.nan, "EDA_SympatheticN": np.nan} # Resample the eda signal before calculate the synpathetic index based on Posada (2016) eda_signal_400hz = signal_resample( eda_signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=400 ) # 8-th order Chebyshev Type I low-pass filter sos = scipy.signal.cheby1(8, 1, 0.8, "lowpass", fs=400, output="sos") eda_signal_filtered = scipy.signal.sosfilt(sos, eda_signal_400hz) # First step of downsampling downsampled_1 = scipy.signal.decimate(eda_signal_filtered, q=10, n=8) # Keep every 10th sample downsampled_2 = scipy.signal.decimate(downsampled_1, q=20, n=8) # Keep every 20th sample # High pass filter eda_filtered = signal_filter( downsampled_2, sampling_rate=2, lowcut=0.01, highcut=None, method="butterworth", order=8 ) nperseg = 128 overlap = nperseg // 2 # 50 % data overlap # Compute psd frequency, power = _signal_psd_welch( eda_filtered, sampling_rate=2, nperseg=nperseg, window_type="blackman", noverlap=overlap ) psd = pd.DataFrame({"Frequency": frequency, "Power": power}) # Get sympathetic nervous system indexes eda_symp = _signal_power_instant_compute(psd, (frequency_band[0], frequency_band[1])) # Compute normalized psd psd["Power"] /= np.max(psd["Power"]) eda_symp_normalized = _signal_power_instant_compute(psd, (frequency_band[0], frequency_band[1])) psd_plot = psd.loc[ np.logical_and(psd["Frequency"] >= frequency_band[0], psd["Frequency"] <= frequency_band[1]) ] if show is True: ax = psd_plot.plot(x="Frequency", y="Power", title="EDA Power Spectral Density (us^2/Hz)") ax.set(xlabel="Frequency (Hz)", ylabel="Spectrum") out = {"EDA_Sympathetic": eda_symp, "EDA_SympatheticN": eda_symp_normalized} return out def _eda_sympathetic_ghiasi( eda_signal, sampling_rate=1000, frequency_band=[0.045, 0.25], show=True, out={} ): min_frequency = frequency_band[0] max_frequency = frequency_band[1] # Downsample, normalize, filter desired_sampling_rate = 50 downsampled = signal_resample( eda_signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=desired_sampling_rate ) normalized = standardize(downsampled) filtered = signal_filter( normalized, sampling_rate=desired_sampling_rate, lowcut=0.01, highcut=0.5, method="butterworth", ) # Divide the signal into segments and obtain the timefrequency representation overlap = 59 * 50 # overlap of 59s in samples # TODO: the plot should be improved for this specific case _, _, bins = signal_timefrequency( filtered, sampling_rate=desired_sampling_rate, min_frequency=min_frequency, max_frequency=max_frequency, method="stft", window=60, window_type="blackman", overlap=overlap, show=show, ) eda_symp = np.mean(bins) eda_symp_normalized = eda_symp / np.max(bins) out = {"EDA_Sympathetic": eda_symp, "EDA_SympatheticN": eda_symp_normalized} return out