Source code for neurokit2.emg.emg_activation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import events_find
from ..misc import as_vector
from ..signal import (

[docs] def emg_activation( emg_amplitude=None, emg_cleaned=None, sampling_rate=1000, method="threshold", threshold="default", duration_min="default", size=None, threshold_size=None, **kwargs, ): """**Locate EMG Activity** Detects onset in EMG signal based on the amplitude threshold. Parameters ---------- emg_amplitude : array At least one EMG-related signal. Either the amplitude of the EMG signal, obtained from ``emg_amplitude()`` for methods like ``"threshold"`` or ``"mixture"``), and / or the cleaned EMG signal (for methods like ``"pelt"``, ``"biosppy"`` or ``"silva"``). emg_cleaned : array At least one EMG-related signal. Either the amplitude of the EMG signal, obtained from ``emg_amplitude()`` for methods like ``"threshold"`` or ``"mixture"``), and / or the cleaned EMG signal (for methods like ``"pelt"``, ``"biosppy"`` or ``"silva"``). sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of ``emg_signal`` (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). method : str The algorithm used to discriminate between activity and baseline. Can be one of ``"mixture"`` (default) or ``"threshold"``. If ``"mixture"``, will use a Gaussian Mixture Model to categorize between the two states. If ``"threshold"``, will consider as activated all points which amplitude is superior to the threshold. Can also be ``"pelt"`` or ``"biosppy"`` or ``"silva"``. threshold : str If ``method`` is ``"mixture"``, then it corresponds to the minimum probability required to be considered as activated (default to 0.33). If ``method`` is ``"threshold"``, then it corresponds to the minimum amplitude to detect as onset i.e., defaults to one tenth of the standard deviation of ``emg_amplitude``. If ``method`` is ``"silva"``, defaults to 0.05. If ``method`` is ``"biosppy"``, defaults to 1.2 times of the mean of the absolute of the smoothed, full-wave-rectified signal. If ``method`` is ``"pelt"``, threshold defaults to ``None`` as changepoints are used as a basis for detection. duration_min : float The minimum duration of a period of activity or non-activity in seconds. If ``default``, will be set to 0.05 (50 ms). size: float or int Detection window size (seconds). Applicable only if ``method`` is ``"biosppy"`` or ``"silva"``. If ``None``, defaults to 0.05 for ``"biosppy"`` and 20 for ``"silva"``. threshold_size : int Window size for calculation of the adaptive threshold. Must be bigger than the detection window size. Applicable only if ``method`` is ``"silva``". If ``None``, defaults to 22. kwargs : optional Other arguments. Returns ------- info : dict A dictionary containing additional information, in this case the samples at which the onsets, offsets, and periods of activations of the EMG signal occur, accessible with the key ``"EMG_Onsets"``, ``"EMG_Offsets"``, and ``"EMG_Activity"`` respectively. activity_signal : DataFrame A DataFrame of same length as the input signal in which occurences of onsets, offsets, and activity (above the threshold) of the EMG signal are marked as "1" in lists of zeros with the same length as ``emg_amplitude``. Accessible with the keys ``"EMG_Onsets"``, ``"EMG_Offsets"``, and ``"EMG_Activity"`` respectively. See Also -------- emg_simulate, emg_clean, emg_amplitude, emg_process, emg_plot Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Simulate signal and obtain amplitude emg = nk.emg_simulate(duration=10, burst_number=3) emg_cleaned = nk.emg_clean(emg) emg_amplitude = nk.emg_amplitude(emg_cleaned) * **Example 1:** Threshold method .. ipython:: python activity, info = nk.emg_activation(emg_amplitude=emg_amplitude, method="threshold") @savefig p_emg_activation1.png scale=100% nk.events_plot([info["EMG_Offsets"], info["EMG_Onsets"]], emg_cleaned) @suppress plt.close() * **Example 2:** Pelt method .. ipython:: python activity, info = nk.emg_activation(emg_cleaned=emg_cleaned, method="pelt") @savefig p_emg_activation2.png scale=100% nk.events_plot([info["EMG_Offsets"], info["EMG_Onsets"]], emg_cleaned) @suppress plt.close() * **Example 3:** Biosppy method .. ipython:: python activity, info = nk.emg_activation(emg_cleaned=emg_cleaned, method="biosppy") @savefig p_emg_activation3.png scale=100% nk.events_plot([info["EMG_Offsets"], info["EMG_Onsets"]], emg_cleaned) @suppress plt.close() * **Example 4:** Silva method .. ipython:: python activity, info = nk.emg_activation(emg_cleaned=emg_cleaned, method="silva") @savefig p_emg_activation4.png scale=100% nk.events_plot([info["EMG_Offsets"], info["EMG_Onsets"]], emg_cleaned) @suppress plt.close() References ---------- * Silva H, Scherer R, Sousa J, Londral A , "Towards improving the ssability of electromyographic interfacess", Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, pp. 1-2, 2012. """ # Sanity checks. if emg_amplitude is not None: emg_amplitude = as_vector(emg_amplitude) if emg_cleaned is not None: emg_cleaned = as_vector(emg_cleaned) if emg_amplitude is None: emg_amplitude = as_vector(emg_cleaned) if duration_min == "default": duration_min = int(0.05 * sampling_rate) # Find offsets and onsets. method = method.lower() # remove capitalised letters if method == "threshold": if emg_amplitude is None: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'threshold' method needs 'emg_amplitude' signal to be passed." ) activity = _emg_activation_threshold(emg_amplitude, threshold=threshold) elif method == "mixture": if emg_amplitude is None: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'mixture' method needs 'emg_amplitude' signal to be passed." ) activity = _emg_activation_mixture(emg_amplitude, threshold=threshold) elif method == "pelt": if emg_cleaned is None: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'pelt' method needs 'emg_cleaned' (cleaned or raw EMG) signal to " "be passed." ) activity = _emg_activation_pelt( emg_cleaned, duration_min=duration_min, **kwargs ) elif method == "biosppy": if emg_cleaned is None: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'biosppy' method needs 'emg_cleaned' (cleaned EMG) " "signal to be passed." ) if size is None: size = 0.05 activity = _emg_activation_biosppy( emg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, size=size, threshold=threshold ) elif method == "silva": if emg_cleaned is None: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'silva' method needs 'emg_cleaned' (cleaned EMG) " "signal to be passed." ) if size is None: size = 20 if threshold_size is None: threshold_size = 22 activity = _emg_activation_silva( emg_cleaned, size=size, threshold=threshold, threshold_size=threshold_size ) else: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): 'method' should be one of 'mixture', 'threshold', 'pelt' or 'biosppy'." ) # Sanitize activity. info = _emg_activation_activations(activity, duration_min=duration_min) # Prepare Output. df_activity = signal_formatpeaks( {"EMG_Activity": info["EMG_Activity"]}, desired_length=len(emg_amplitude), peak_indices=info["EMG_Activity"], ) df_onsets = signal_formatpeaks( {"EMG_Onsets": info["EMG_Onsets"]}, desired_length=len(emg_amplitude), peak_indices=info["EMG_Onsets"], ) df_offsets = signal_formatpeaks( {"EMG_Offsets": info["EMG_Offsets"]}, desired_length=len(emg_amplitude), peak_indices=info["EMG_Offsets"], ) # Modify output produced by signal_formatpeaks. for x in range(len(emg_amplitude)): if df_activity.loc[x, "EMG_Activity"] != 0: if df_activity.index[x] == df_activity.index.get_loc(x): df_activity.loc[x, "EMG_Activity"] = 1 else: df_activity.loc[x, "EMG_Activity"] = 0 if df_offsets.loc[x, "EMG_Offsets"] != 0: if df_offsets.index[x] == df_offsets.index.get_loc(x): df_offsets.loc[x, "EMG_Offsets"] = 1 else: df_offsets.loc[x, "EMG_Offsets"] = 0 activity_signal = pd.concat([df_activity, df_onsets, df_offsets], axis=1) return activity_signal, info
# ============================================================================= # Methods # ============================================================================= def _emg_activation_threshold(emg_amplitude, threshold="default"): if threshold == "default": threshold = (1 / 10) * np.std(emg_amplitude) if threshold > np.max(emg_amplitude): raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): the threshold specified exceeds the maximum of the signal" "amplitude." ) activity = signal_binarize(emg_amplitude, method="threshold", threshold=threshold) return activity def _emg_activation_mixture(emg_amplitude, threshold="default"): if threshold == "default": threshold = 0.33 activity = signal_binarize(emg_amplitude, method="mixture", threshold=threshold) return activity def _emg_activation_pelt(emg_cleaned, threshold="default", duration_min=0.05, **kwargs): if threshold == "default": threshold = None # Get changepoints changepoints = signal_changepoints(emg_cleaned, change="var", show=False, **kwargs) # Add first point if changepoints[0] != 0: changepoints = np.append(0, changepoints) # Sanitize lengths = np.append(0, np.diff(changepoints)) changepoints = changepoints[1:][lengths[1:] > duration_min] # reèAdd first point if changepoints[0] != 0: changepoints = np.append(0, changepoints) binary = np.full(len(emg_cleaned), np.nan) binary[changepoints[0::2]] = 0 binary[changepoints[1::2]] = 1 activity = pd.Series(binary).ffill().values # Label as 1 to parts that have the larger SD (likely to be activations) if emg_cleaned[activity == 1].std() > emg_cleaned[activity == 0].std(): activity = np.abs(activity - 1) activity[0] = 0 activity[-1] = 0 return activity def _emg_activation_biosppy( emg_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, size=0.05, threshold="default" ): """Adapted from `find_onsets` in Biosppy.""" # check inputs if emg_cleaned is None: raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.") # full-wave rectification fwlo = np.abs(emg_cleaned) # smooth size = int(sampling_rate * size) mvgav = signal_smooth(fwlo, method="convolution", kernel="boxzen", size=size) # threshold if threshold == "default": aux = np.abs(mvgav) threshold = 1.2 * np.mean(aux) # find onsets # length = len(signal) # start = np.nonzero(mvgav > threshold)[0] # stop = np.nonzero(mvgav <= threshold)[0] # onsets = np.union1d(np.intersect1d(start - 1, stop), # np.intersect1d(start + 1, stop)) # if np.any(onsets): # if onsets[-1] >= length: # onsets[-1] = length - 1 activity = signal_binarize(mvgav, method="threshold", threshold=threshold) return activity def _emg_activation_silva(emg_cleaned, size=20, threshold_size=22, threshold="default"): """Follows the approach by Silva et al. 2012, adapted from `Biosppy`.""" if threshold_size <= size: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: emg_activation(): The window size for calculation of the " "adaptive threshold must be bigger than the detection window size." ) if threshold == "default": threshold = 0.05 # subtract baseline offset signal_zero_mean = emg_cleaned - np.mean(emg_cleaned) # full-wave rectification fwlo = np.abs(signal_zero_mean) # moving average for calculating the test function tf_mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((size,)) / size, mode="valid") # moving average for calculating the adaptive threshold threshold_mvgav = np.convolve( fwlo, np.ones((threshold_size,)) / threshold_size, mode="valid" ) onset_time_list = [] offset_time_list = [] onset = False for k in range(0, len(threshold_mvgav)): if onset is True: # an onset was previously detected, look for offset time if tf_mvgav[k] < threshold_mvgav[k] and tf_mvgav[k] < threshold: offset_time_list.append(k) onset = False # the offset has been detected, and we can look for another activation else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected if tf_mvgav[k] >= threshold_mvgav[k] and tf_mvgav[k] >= threshold: onset_time_list.append(k) onset = True onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list, offset_time_list) # adjust indices because of moving average onsets += int(size / 2) binary = np.full(len(emg_cleaned), np.nan) binary[onsets[0::2]] = 0 binary[onsets[1::2]] = 1 activity = pd.Series(binary).bfill().values activity = pd.Series(activity).fillna(0) return activity # ============================================================================= # Internals # ============================================================================= def _emg_activation_activations(activity, duration_min=0.05): activations = events_find( activity, threshold=0.5, threshold_keep="above", duration_min=duration_min ) activations["offset"] = activations["onset"] + activations["duration"] baseline = events_find( activity == 0, threshold=0.5, threshold_keep="above", duration_min=duration_min ) baseline["offset"] = baseline["onset"] + baseline["duration"] # Cross-comparison valid = np.isin(activations["onset"], baseline["offset"]) onsets = activations["onset"][valid] offsets = activations["offset"][valid] # make sure offset indices are within length of signal offsets = offsets[offsets < len(activity)] new_activity = np.array([]) for x, y in zip(onsets, offsets): activated = np.arange(x, y) new_activity = np.append(new_activity, activated) # Prepare Output. info = {"EMG_Onsets": onsets, "EMG_Offsets": offsets, "EMG_Activity": new_activity} return info