Source code for neurokit2.eog.eog_plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..epochs import epochs_create, epochs_to_array, epochs_to_df
from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning
from ..stats import standardize

[docs] def eog_plot(eog_signals, info=None): """**Visualize EOG data** Parameters ---------- eog_signals : DataFrame DataFrame obtained from :func:`.eog_process`. info : dict The information Dict returned by ``eog_process()``. Defaults to ``None``. See Also -------- eog_process Returns ------- Though the function returns nothing, the figure can be retrieved and saved as follows: .. code-block:: console # To be run after eog_plot() fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig("myfig.png") Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # Simulate data eog_signal ='eog_100hz') # Process signal eog_signals, info = nk.eog_process(eog_signal, sampling_rate=100) # Plot @savefig p_eog_plot.png scale=100% nk.eog_plot(eog_signals, info) @suppress plt.close() """ if info is None: warn( "'info' dict not provided. Some information might be missing." + " Sampling rate will be set to 1000 Hz.", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) info = { "sampling_rate": 1000, } # Sanity-check input. if not isinstance(eog_signals, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: eog_plot(): The `eog_signals` argument must" " be the DataFrame returned by `eog_process()`." ) # Prepare figure x_axis = np.linspace( 0, eog_signals.shape[0] / info["sampling_rate"], eog_signals.shape[0] ) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1 - 1 / np.pi, 1 / np.pi]) fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=False) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :-1]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :-1]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, -1]) ax0.set_xlabel("Time (seconds)") ax1.set_xlabel("Time (seconds)") ax2.set_xlabel("Time (seconds)") fig.suptitle("Electrooculography (EOG)", fontweight="bold") plt.tight_layout(h_pad=0.3, w_pad=0.2) # Plot cleaned and raw EOG ax0.set_title("Raw and Cleaned Signal") ax0.plot(x_axis, eog_signals["EOG_Raw"], color="#B0BEC5", label="Raw", zorder=1) ax0.plot( x_axis, eog_signals["EOG_Clean"], color="#49A4FD", label="Cleaned", zorder=1, linewidth=1.5, ) ax0.set_ylabel("Amplitude (mV)") # Plot blinks blinks = np.where(eog_signals["EOG_Blinks"] == 1)[0] ax0.scatter( x_axis[blinks], eog_signals["EOG_Clean"][blinks], color="#0146D7", label="Blinks", zorder=2, ) ax0.legend(loc="upper right") # Rate ax1.set_title("Blink Rate") ax1.set_ylabel("Blinks per minute") blink_rate_mean = eog_signals["EOG_Rate"].mean() ax1.plot( x_axis, eog_signals["EOG_Rate"], color="#9C5AFF", label="Rate", linewidth=1.5 ) ax1.axhline(y=blink_rate_mean, label="Mean", linestyle="--", color="#CEAFFF") ax1.legend(loc="upper right") # Plot individual blinks ax2.set_title("Individual Blinks") # Create epochs events = epochs_create( eog_signals["EOG_Clean"], info["EOG_Blinks"], sampling_rate=info["sampling_rate"], epochs_start=-0.3, epochs_end=0.7, ) events_array = epochs_to_array(events) # Convert to 2D array events_array = standardize( events_array ) # Rescale so that all the blinks are on the same scale blinks_df = epochs_to_df(events) blinks_wide = blinks_df.pivot(index="Time", columns="Label", values="Signal") blinks_wide = standardize(blinks_wide) cmap = iter(, 1, num=len(events)))) for x, color in zip(blinks_wide, cmap): ax2.plot(blinks_wide[x], color=color, linewidth=0.4, zorder=1) # Plot with their median (used here as a robust average) ax2.plot( np.array(blinks_wide.index), np.median(events_array, axis=1), linewidth=2, linestyle="--", color="black", label="Median", ) ax2.legend(loc="upper right")