Source code for neurokit2.epochs.epochs_average

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .epochs_to_df import epochs_to_df

[docs] def epochs_average(epochs, which=None, show=False, **kwargs): """**Compute Grand Average** Average epochs and returns the grand average, as well as the SD and the confidence interval. Parameters ---------- epochs : dict A dict containing one DataFrame per event/trial. Usually obtained via `epochs_create()`. which : str or list The name of the column(s) to compute the average from. **kwargs Other arguments to pass (not used for now). See Also ---------- events_find, events_plot, epochs_create, epochs_to_df Examples ---------- * **Example with ECG Peaks** .. ipython:: python signal = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=10) events = nk.ecg_findpeaks(signal) epochs = nk.epochs_create(signal, events=events["ECG_R_Peaks"], epochs_start=-0.5, epochs_end=0.5) @savefig p_epochs_average1.png scale=100% grand_av = nk.epochs_average(epochs, which="Signal", show=True) @suppress plt.close() """ data = epochs_to_df(epochs) assert ( "Time" in data.columns ), "Something is wrong with the epochs data, could not find a 'Time' column in them." # Select only the first column if which is None: which = data.columns[0] if isinstance(which, str): which = [which] # Define quantile functions def q1(x): return x.quantile(0.025) def q2(x): return x.quantile(0.975) # Format which what = {i: ["mean", "std", q1, q2] for i in which} # Group by and average av = data.groupby(["Time"], as_index=False).agg(what).reset_index() av.columns = ["%s%s" % (a, "_%s" % b if b else "") for a, b in av.columns] # Format av.columns = av.columns.str.replace("_mean", "_Mean") av.columns = av.columns.str.replace("_std", "_SD") av.columns = av.columns.str.replace("_q1", "_CI_low") av.columns = av.columns.str.replace("_q2", "_CI_high") # Plot if show is True: for i in which: plt.plot(av["Time"], av[f"{i}_Mean"], label=i) plt.fill_between( av["Time"], av[f"{i}_CI_low"], av[f"{i}_CI_high"], alpha=0.3, ) plt.legend() return av