Source code for neurokit2.epochs.epochs_plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .epochs_to_df import epochs_to_df

[docs] def epochs_plot(epochs, legend=True, columns="all", **kwargs): """**Epochs visualization** Plot epochs. Parameters ---------- epochs : dict A dict containing one DataFrame per event/trial. Usually obtained via `epochs_create()`. legend : bool Display the legend (the key of each epoch). columns : str or list Which columns to plot. If 'all', plot all columns. If a list, plot only the columns in the list. **kwargs Other arguments to pass (not used for now). See Also ---------- events_find, events_plot, epochs_create, epochs_to_df Examples ---------- * **Example with data** .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk data ="bio_eventrelated_100hz") events = nk.events_find(data["Photosensor"], threshold_keep='below', event_conditions=["Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Negative"]) epochs = nk.epochs_create(data, events, sampling_rate=100, epochs_end=7) @savefig p_epochs_plot1.png scale=100% nk.epochs_plot(epochs, columns=["EDA", "RSP"]) @suppress plt.close() * **Example with ECG Peaks** .. ipython:: python signal = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=10) events = nk.ecg_findpeaks(signal) epochs = nk.epochs_create(signal, events=events["ECG_R_Peaks"], epochs_start=-0.5, epochs_end=0.5) @savefig p_epochs_plot2.png scale=100% nk.epochs_plot(epochs) @suppress plt.close() """ # sanitize epochs if isinstance(epochs, dict): data = epochs_to_df(epochs) elif isinstance(epochs, object): # Try loading mne try: import mne except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: epochs_plot(): the 'mne' module is required for this function to run. ", "Please install it first (`pip install mne`).", ) from e if not isinstance(epochs, mne.Epochs): raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: epochs_plot(): Please make sure your epochs object passed is `mne.Epochs` object. " ) data = _epochs_mne_sanitize(epochs, **kwargs) cols = data.columns.values cols = [x for x in cols if x not in ["Time", "Condition", "Label", "Index"]] if columns != "all": if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] cols = [x for x in cols if x in columns] if len(cols) == 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots() _epochs_plot(data, ax, cols[0], legend=legend) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(cols)) for i, col in enumerate(cols): _epochs_plot(data, ax=ax[i], col=col, legend=legend)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utils # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _epochs_mne_sanitize(epochs, what): """Channel array extraction from MNE for plotting. Select one or several channels by name and returns them in a dataframe. """ data = epochs.to_data_frame() data = data.rename( columns={"time": "Time", "condition": "Condition", "epoch": "Label"} ) data["Time"] = data["Time"] / 1000 # ms to seconds if isinstance(what, str): data = data[ [ x for x in data.columns.values if x in ["Time", "Condition", "Label", what] ] ] # Select a few specified channels elif isinstance(what, list): data = data[ [ x for x in data.columns.values if x in ["Time", "Condition", "Label"] + what ] ] return data def _epochs_plot(data, ax, col, legend): if "Condition" in data.columns: grouped = data.groupby("Condition") # Colors color_list = [ "red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "purple", "orange", "cyan", "magenta", ] colors = {} for i, cond in enumerate(set(data["Condition"])): colors[cond] = color_list[i] # Plot for key, group in grouped: df = group.pivot_table( index="Time", columns=["Condition", "Label"], values=col ) df.plot(ax=ax, label=col, title=col, style=colors[key], legend=legend) # TODO: Custom legend else: data.pivot(index="Time", columns="Label", values=col).plot( ax=ax, label=col, title=col, legend=legend )