Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning
from ..signal import signal_binarize

[docs] def events_find( event_channel, threshold="auto", threshold_keep="above", start_at=0, end_at=None, duration_min=1, duration_max=None, inter_min=0, discard_first=0, discard_last=0, event_labels=None, event_conditions=None, ): """**Find Events** Find and select events in a continuous signal (e.g., from a photosensor). Parameters ---------- event_channel : array or list or DataFrame The channel containing the events. If multiple channels are entered, the channels are handled as reflecting different events new channel is created based on them. threshold : str or float The threshold value by which to select the events. If ``"auto"``, takes the value between the max and the min. If ``"auto"`` is used with multi-channel inputs, the default value of 0.9 is used to capture all events. threshold_keep : str ``"above"`` or ``"below"``, define the events as above or under the threshold. For photosensors, a white screen corresponds usually to higher values. Therefore, if your events are signaled by a black colour, events values are the lower ones (i.e., the signal "drops" when the events onset), and you should set the cut to ``"below"``. start_at : int Keep events which onset is after a particular time point. end_at : int Keep events which onset is before a particular time point. duration_min : int The minimum duration of an event to be considered as such (in time points). duration_max : int The maximum duration of an event to be considered as such (in time points). inter_min : int The minimum duration after an event for the subsequent event to be considered as such (in time points). Useful when spurious consecutive events are created due to very high sampling rate. discard_first : int Discard first or last n events. Useful if the experiment starts with some spurious events. If ``discard_first=0``, no first event is removed. discard_last : int Discard first or last n events. Useful if the experiment ends with some spurious events. If ``discard_last=0``, no last event is removed. event_labels : list A list containing unique event identifiers. If ``None``, will use the event index number. event_conditions : list An optional list containing, for each event, for example the trial category, group or experimental conditions. This option is ignored when multiple channels are supplied, as the function generates these automatically. Returns ---------- dict Dict containing 3 to 5 arrays, ``"onset"`` for event onsets, ``"duration"`` for event durations, ``"label"`` for the event identifiers, the optional ``"condition"`` passed to ``event_conditions`` and the ``events_channel`` if multiple channels were supplied to the function. See Also -------- events_plot, events_to_mne, events_create Example ---------- Simulate a trigger signal (e.g., from photosensor) .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk import numpy as np signal = np.zeros(200) signal[20:60] = 1 signal[100:105] = 1 signal[130:170] = 1 events = nk.events_find(signal) events @savefig p_events_find1.png scale=100% nk.events_plot(events, signal) @suppress plt.close() The second event is an artifact (too short), we can skip it .. ipython:: python events = nk.events_find(signal, duration_min=10) @savefig p_events_find2.png scale=100% nk.events_plot(events, signal) @suppress plt.close() Combine multiple digital signals into a single channel and its compute its events The higher the channel, the higher the bit representation on the channel. .. ipython:: python signal2 = np.zeros(200) signal2[65:80] = 1 signal2[110:125] = 1 signal2[175:190] = 1 @savefig p_events_find3.png scale=100% nk.signal_plot([signal, signal2]) @suppress plt.close() events = nk.events_find([signal, signal2]) events @savefig p_events_find4.png scale=100% nk.events_plot(events, events["events_channel"]) @suppress plt.close() Convert the event condition results its human readable representation .. ipython:: python value_to_condition = {1: "Stimulus 1", 2: "Stimulus 2", 3: "Stimulus 3"} events["condition"] = [value_to_condition[id] for id in events["condition"]] events """ events = _events_find( event_channel, threshold=threshold, threshold_keep=threshold_keep ) # Warning when no events detected if len(events["onset"]) == 0: warn( "No events found. Check your event_channel or adjust 'threshold' or 'keep' arguments.", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) return events # Remove based on duration to_keep = np.full(len(events["onset"]), True) to_keep[events["duration"] < duration_min] = False if duration_max is not None: to_keep[events["duration"] > duration_max] = False events["onset"] = events["onset"][to_keep] events["duration"] = events["duration"][to_keep] # Remove based on index if start_at > 0: events["duration"] = events["duration"][events["onset"] >= start_at] events["onset"] = events["onset"][events["onset"] >= start_at] if end_at is not None: events["duration"] = events["duration"][events["onset"] <= end_at] events["onset"] = events["onset"][events["onset"] <= end_at] # Remove based on interval min if inter_min > 0: inter = np.diff(events["onset"]) events["onset"] = np.concatenate( [events["onset"][0:1], events["onset"][1::][inter >= inter_min]] ) events["duration"] = np.concatenate( [events["duration"][0:1], events["duration"][1::][inter >= inter_min]] ) # Remove first and last n if discard_first > 0: events["onset"] = events["onset"][discard_first:] events["duration"] = events["duration"][discard_first:] if discard_last > 0: events["onset"] = events["onset"][0 : -1 * discard_last] events["duration"] = events["duration"][0 : -1 * discard_last] events = _events_find_label( events, event_labels=event_labels, event_conditions=event_conditions ) return events
# ============================================================================= # Internals # ============================================================================= def _events_find_label( events, event_labels=None, event_conditions=None, function_name="events_find" ): # Get n events n = len(events["onset"]) # Labels if event_labels is None: event_labels = (np.arange(n) + 1).astype(str) if len(list(set(event_labels))) != n: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: " + function_name + "(): oops, it seems like the `event_labels` that you provided " + "are not unique (all different). Please provide " + str(n) + " distinct labels." ) if len(event_labels) != n: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: " + function_name + "(): oops, it seems like you provided " + str(len(event_labels)) + " `event_labels`, but " + str(n) + " events got detected :(. Check your event names or the event signal!" ) events["label"] = event_labels # Condition if event_conditions is not None and "condition" not in events: if len(event_conditions) != n: raise ValueError( "NeuroKit error: " + function_name + "(): oops, it seems like you provided " + str(len(event_conditions)) + " `event_conditions`, but " + str(n) + " events got detected :(. Check your event conditions or the event signal!" ) events["condition"] = event_conditions return events def _events_find(event_channel, threshold="auto", threshold_keep="above"): events_channel = _events_generate_events_channel(event_channel) # Differing setup based on multi-channel input or single channel input if events_channel is not None: if threshold == "auto": threshold = 0.9 binary = signal_binarize(events_channel, threshold=threshold) else: binary = signal_binarize(event_channel, threshold=threshold) if threshold_keep not in ["above", "below"]: raise ValueError( "In events_find(), 'threshold_keep' must be one of 'above' or 'below'." ) if threshold_keep != "above": binary = np.abs(binary - 1) # Reverse if events are below # Initialize data events = {"onset": [], "duration": []} if events_channel is not None: events["events_channel"] = events_channel events["condition"] = [] index = 0 for event, group in itertools.groupby(binary): duration = len(list(group)) if event == 1: events["onset"].append(index) events["duration"].append(duration) if events_channel is not None: events["condition"].append(int(events["events_channel"][index])) index += duration # Convert to array events["onset"] = np.array(events["onset"]) events["duration"] = np.array(events["duration"]) return events def _events_generate_events_channel(event_channels): # check if nested list / array is_nested_loop = isinstance(event_channels, (list, np.ndarray)) and ( len(event_channels) > 1 and isinstance(event_channels[0], (list, np.ndarray)) ) # check if dataframe is_dataframe = ( isinstance(event_channels, pd.DataFrame) and len(event_channels.columns) > 1 ) # if neither, return None and continue if not is_nested_loop and not is_dataframe: return None stim_channel = None # create stim events array if is_dataframe: stim_channel = np.zeros(event_channels.shape[0]) # add channels based on order and multiply by power of 2 for i, column in enumerate(event_channels): peak_value = np.max(event_channels[column]) stim_channel += np.floor(event_channels[column] / peak_value) * 2**i elif is_nested_loop: stim_channel = np.zeros(len(event_channels[0])) for i, channel in enumerate(event_channels): peak_value = np.max(channel) stim_channel += np.floor(channel / peak_value) * 2**i return stim_channel