# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg
from ..ecg.ecg_rsp import ecg_rsp
from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning
from ..rsp import rsp_process
from ..signal import (
from ..signal.signal_formatpeaks import _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize
from .hrv_utils import _hrv_format_input, _hrv_get_rri
from .intervals_process import intervals_process
def hrv_rsa(
"""**Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA)**
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), also referred to as 'cardiac coherence' or 'physiological
coherence' (though these terms are often encompassing a wider meaning), is the naturally
occurring variation in heart rate during the breathing cycle. Metrics to quantify it are often
used as a measure of parasympathetic nervous system activity. Neurophysiology informs us that
the functional output of the myelinated vagus originating from the nucleus ambiguous has a
respiratory rhythm. Thus, there would a temporal relation between the respiratory rhythm being
expressed in the firing of these efferent pathways and the functional effect on the heart rate
rhythm manifested as RSA. Several methods exist to quantify RSA:
* The **Peak-to-trough (P2T)** algorithm measures the statistical range in milliseconds of the
heart period oscillation associated with synchronous respiration. Operationally, subtracting
the shortest heart period during inspiration from the longest heart period during a breath
cycle produces an estimate of RSA during each breath. The peak-to-trough method makes no
statistical assumption or correction (e.g., adaptive filtering) regarding other sources of
variance in the heart period time series that may confound, distort, or interact with the
metric such as slower periodicities and baseline trend. Although it has been proposed that
the P2T method "acts as a time-domain filter dynamically centered at the exact ongoing
respiratory frequency" (Grossman, 1992), the method does not transform the time series in any
way, as a filtering process would. Instead the method uses knowledge of the ongoing
respiratory cycle to associate segments of the heart period time series with either
inhalation or exhalation (Lewis, 2012).
* The **Porges-Bohrer (PB)** algorithm assumes that heart period time series reflect the sum of
several component time series. Each of these component time series may be mediated by
different neural mechanisms and may have different statistical features. The Porges-Bohrer
method applies an algorithm that selectively extracts RSA, even when the periodic process
representing RSA is superimposed on a complex baseline that may include aperiodic and slow
periodic processes. Since the method is designed to remove sources of variance in the heart
period time series other than the variance within the frequency band of spontaneous
breathing, the method is capable of accurately quantifying RSA when the signal to noise ratio
is low.
ecg_signals : DataFrame
DataFrame obtained from :func:`.ecg_process`. Should contain columns ``ECG_Rate`` and
``ECG_R_Peaks``. Can also take a DataFrame comprising of both ECG and RSP signals,
generated by :func:`.bio_process`.
rsp_signals : DataFrame
DataFrame obtained from :func:`.rsp_process`. Should contain columns ``RSP_Phase`` and
``RSP_PhaseCompletion``. No impact when a DataFrame comprising of both the ECG and RSP
signals are passed as ``ecg_signals``. Defaults to ``None``.
rpeaks : dict
The samples at which the R-peaks of the ECG signal occur. Dict returned by
:func:`.ecg_peaks`, :func:`.ecg_process`, or :func:`.bio_process`. Defaults to ``None``.
sampling_rate : int
The sampling frequency of signals (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).
continuous : bool
If ``False``, will return RSA properties computed from the data (one value per index).
If ``True``, will return continuous estimations of RSA of the same length as the signal.
See below for more details.
window : int
For calculating RSA second by second. Length of each segment in seconds. If ``None``
(default), window will be set at 32 seconds.
window_number : int
Between 2 and 8. For calculating RSA second by second. Number of windows to be
calculated in Peak Matched Multiple Window. If ``None`` (default), window_number will be
set at 8.
rsa : dict
A dictionary containing the RSA features, which includes:
.. codebookadd::
RSA_P2T_Values|The estimate of RSA during each breath cycle, produced by subtracting \
the shortest heart period (or RR interval) from the longest heart period in ms.
RSA_P2T_Mean|The mean peak-to-trough across all cycles in ms.
RSA_P2T_Mean_log|The logarithm of the mean of RSA estimates.
RSA_P2T_SD|The standard deviation of all RSA estimates.
RSA_P2T_NoRSA|The number of breath cycles from which RSA could not be calculated.
RSA_PorgesBohrer|The Porges-Bohrer estimate of RSA, optimal when the signal to noise \
ratio is low, in ln(ms^2).
.. ipython:: python
import neurokit2 as nk
# Download data
data = nk.data("bio_eventrelated_100hz")
# Process the data
ecg_signals, info = nk.ecg_process(data["ECG"], sampling_rate=100)
rsp_signals, _ = nk.rsp_process(data["RSP"], sampling_rate=100)
# Get RSA features
nk.hrv_rsa(ecg_signals, rsp_signals, info, sampling_rate=100, continuous=False)
# Get RSA as a continuous signal
rsa = nk.hrv_rsa(ecg_signals, rsp_signals, info, sampling_rate=100, continuous=True)
@savefig hrv_rsa1.png scale=100%
nk.signal_plot([ecg_signals["ECG_Rate"], rsp_signals["RSP_Rate"], rsa], standardize=True)
* Servant, D., Logier, R., Mouster, Y., & Goudemand, M. (2009). La variabilité de la fréquence
cardiaque. Intérêts en psychiatrie. L'Encéphale, 35(5), 423-428.
* Lewis, G. F., Furman, S. A., McCool, M. F., & Porges, S. W. (2012). Statistical strategies to
quantify respiratory sinus arrhythmia: Are commonly used metrics equivalent?. Biological
psychology, 89(2), 349-364.
* Zohar, A. H., Cloninger, C. R., & McCraty, R. (2013). Personality and heart rate variability:
exploring pathways from personality to cardiac coherence and health. Open Journal of Social
Sciences, 1(06), 32.
signals, ecg_period, rpeaks, sampling_rate = _hrv_rsa_formatinput(
ecg_signals, rsp_signals, rpeaks, sampling_rate
# Extract cycles
rsp_cycles = _hrv_rsa_cycles(signals)
rsp_onsets = rsp_cycles["RSP_Inspiration_Onsets"]
rsp_peaks = np.argwhere(signals["RSP_Peaks"].values == 1)[:, 0]
rsp_peaks = np.array(rsp_peaks)[rsp_peaks > rsp_onsets[0]]
if len(rsp_peaks) - len(rsp_onsets) == 0:
rsp_peaks = rsp_peaks[:-1]
if len(rsp_peaks) - len(rsp_onsets) != -1:
"Couldn't find rsp cycles onsets and centers. Check your RSP signal."
+ " Returning empty dict.",
return {}
# Methods ------------------------
# Peak-to-Trough
rsa_p2t = _hrv_rsa_p2t(
# Porges-Bohrer
rsa_pb = _hrv_rsa_pb(ecg_period, sampling_rate, continuous=continuous)
# RSAsecondbysecond
if window is None:
window = 32 # 32 seconds
input_duration = rpeaks[-1] / sampling_rate
if input_duration >= window:
rsa_gates = _hrv_rsa_gates(
f"The duration of recording is shorter than the duration of the window ({window}"
" seconds). Returning RSA by Gates method as Nan. Consider using a longer recording.",
if continuous is False:
rsa_gates = np.nan
rsa_gates = np.full(len(rsa_p2t), np.nan)
if continuous is False:
rsa = {} # Initialize empty dict
rsa = pd.DataFrame({"RSA_P2T": rsa_p2t, "RSA_Gates": rsa_gates})
return rsa
# =============================================================================
# Methods (Domains)
# =============================================================================
def _hrv_rsa_p2t(
rsp_onsets, rpeaks, sampling_rate, continuous=False, ecg_period=None, rsp_peaks=None
"""Peak-to-trough algorithm (P2T)"""
# Find all RSP cycles and the Rpeaks within
cycles_rri_inh = []
cycles_rri_exh = []
# Add 750 ms offset to exhalation peak and end of the cycle in order to include next RRI
# (see Grossman, 1990)
rsp_offset = 0.75 * sampling_rate
for idx in range(len(rsp_onsets) - 1):
cycle_init = rsp_onsets[idx]
rsp_peak_offset = rsp_peaks[idx] + rsp_offset
rsp_peak = rsp_peaks[idx]
cycle_end = rsp_onsets[idx + 1] + rsp_offset
# Separately select RRI for inhalation and exhalation
rpeaks[np.logical_and(rpeaks >= cycle_init, rpeaks < rsp_peak_offset)]
rpeaks[np.logical_and(rpeaks >= rsp_peak, rpeaks < cycle_end)]
# Iterate over all cycles
rsa_values = np.full(len(cycles_rri_exh), np.nan)
for i in range(len(cycles_rri_exh)):
# Estimate of RSA during each breathing phase
RRis_inh = np.diff(cycles_rri_inh[i]) / sampling_rate * 1000
RRis_exh = np.diff(cycles_rri_exh[i]) / sampling_rate * 1000
if np.logical_and(
len(RRis_inh) > 0, len(RRis_exh) > 0
): # you need at least one RRI
rsa_value = np.max(RRis_exh) - np.min(RRis_inh)
if rsa_value > 0:
# Take into consideration only rsp cycles in which the max exh > than min inh
rsa_values[i] = rsa_value
# Negative effect should be factor into the mean using 0 (see Grossman 1990)
rsa_values[i] = 0
if continuous is False:
rsa = {"RSA_P2T_Mean": np.nanmean(rsa_values)}
rsa["RSA_P2T_Mean_log"] = np.log(rsa["RSA_P2T_Mean"]) # pylint: disable=E1111
rsa["RSA_P2T_SD"] = np.nanstd(rsa_values, ddof=1)
rsa["RSA_P2T_NoRSA"] = len(
rsa = signal_interpolate(
return rsa
def _hrv_rsa_pb(ecg_period, sampling_rate, continuous=False):
"""Porges-Bohrer method."""
if continuous is True:
return None
# Re-sample at 2 Hz
resampled = signal_resample(
ecg_period, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=2
# Fit 21-point cubic polynomial filter (zero mean, 3rd order)
# with a low-pass cutoff frequency of 0.095Hz
trend = signal_filter(
zero_mean = resampled - trend
# Remove variance outside bandwidth of spontaneous respiration
zero_mean_filtered = signal_filter(
zero_mean, sampling_rate=2, lowcut=0.12, highcut=0.40
# Divide into 30-second epochs
time = np.arange(0, len(zero_mean_filtered)) / 2
time = pd.DataFrame({"Epoch Index": time // 30, "Signal": zero_mean_filtered})
time = time.set_index("Epoch Index")
epochs = [time.loc[i] for i in range(int(np.max(time.index.values)) + 1)]
variance = []
for epoch in epochs:
variance.append(np.log(epoch.var(axis=0) / 1000)) # convert ms
variance = [row for row in variance if not np.isnan(row).any()]
return {"RSA_PorgesBohrer": pd.concat(variance).mean()}
# def _hrv_rsa_synchrony(ecg_period, rsp_signal, sampling_rate=1000, method="correlation", continuous=False):
# """Experimental method
# """
# if rsp_signal is None:
# return None
# filtered_period = signal_filter(ecg_period, sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
# lowcut=0.12, highcut=0.4, order=6)
# coupling = signal_synchrony(filtered_period, rsp_signal, method=method, window_size=sampling_rate*3)
# coupling = signal_filter(coupling, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, highcut=0.4, order=6)
# if continuous is False:
# rsa = {}
# rsa["RSA_Synchrony_Mean"] = np.nanmean(coupling)
# rsa["RSA_Synchrony_SD"] = np.nanstd(coupling, ddof=1)
# return rsa
# else:
# return coupling
# def _hrv_rsa_servant(ecg_period, sampling_rate=1000, continuous=False):
# """Servant, D., Logier, R., Mouster, Y., & Goudemand, M. (2009). La variabilité de la fréquence
# cardiaque. Intérêts en psychiatrie. L’Encéphale, 35(5), 423–428. doi:10.1016/j.encep.2008.06.016
# """
# rpeaks, _ = nk.ecg_peaks(nk.ecg_simulate(duration=90))
# ecg_period = nk.ecg_rate(rpeaks) / 60 * 1000
# sampling_rate=1000
# if len(ecg_period) / sampling_rate <= 60:
# return None
# signal = nk.signal_filter(ecg_period, sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
# lowcut=0.1, highcut=1, order=6)
# signal = nk.standardize(signal)
# nk.signal_plot([ecg_period, signal], standardize=True)
# troughs = nk.signal_findpeaks(-1 * signal)["Peaks"]
# trough_signal = nk.signal_interpolate(x_values=troughs,
# y_values=signal[troughs],
# desired_length=len(signal))
# first_trough = troughs[0]
# # Initial parameters
# n_windows = int(len(trough_signal[first_trough:]) / sampling_rate / 16) # How many windows of 16 s
# onsets = (np.arange(n_windows) * 16 * sampling_rate) + first_trough
# areas_under_curve = np.zeros(len(onsets))
# for i, onset in enumerate(onsets):
# areas_under_curve[i] = sklearn.metrics.auc(np.linspace(0, 16, 16*sampling_rate),
# trough_signal[onset:onset+(16*sampling_rate)])
# max_auc = np.max(areas_under_curve)
# # Moving computation
# onsets = np.arange(first_trough, len(signal)-16*sampling_rate, step=4*sampling_rate)
# areas_under_curve = np.zeros(len(onsets))
# for i, onset in enumerate(onsets):
# areas_under_curve[i] = sklearn.metrics.auc(np.linspace(0, 16, 16*sampling_rate),
# trough_signal[onset:onset+(16*sampling_rate)])
# rsa = (max_auc - areas_under_curve) / max_auc + 1
# # Not sure what to do next, sent an email to Servant.
# pass
# =============================================================================
# Second-by-second RSA
# =============================================================================
def _hrv_rsa_gates(
# Boundaries of rsa freq
min_frequency = 0.12
max_frequency = 0.40
# Retrieve IBI and interpolate it
rri, rri_time, _ = _hrv_get_rri(rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
# Re-sample at 4 Hz
desired_sampling_rate = 4
rri, rri_time, sampling_rate = intervals_process(
# Sanitize parameters
overlap = int((window - 1) * desired_sampling_rate)
nperseg = window * desired_sampling_rate
if window_number is None:
window_number = 8
# Get multipeak window
multipeak, weight = _get_multipeak_window(nperseg, window_number)
for i in range(4):
_, time, psd = signal_timefrequency(
window_type=multipeak[:, i],
if i == 0:
rsa = np.zeros_like(psd)
rsa = psd * weight[i] + rsa # add weights
meanRSA = np.log(2 * sum(rsa) / nperseg)
# Sanitize output
if continuous is False:
rsa = {"RSA_Gates_Mean": np.nanmean(meanRSA)}
rsa["RSA_Gates_Mean_log"] = np.log(
) # pylint: disable=E1111
rsa["RSA_Gates_SD"] = np.nanstd(meanRSA, ddof=1)
# For window=32, meanRSA is RSA from 16th second to xth second where x=recording
# duration-16secs
# Padding the missing first and list window/2 segments
pad_length = window / 2
time_start = np.arange(0, pad_length)
time_end = np.arange(time[-1], time[-1] + pad_length)[1:]
time = np.concatenate((time_start, time, time_end))
rsa_start = np.full(len(time_start), meanRSA[0])
rsa_end = np.full(len(time_end), meanRSA[-1])
meanRSA = np.concatenate((rsa_start, meanRSA, rsa_end))
# Convert to samples
time = np.multiply(time, sampling_rate)
rsa = signal_interpolate(
time.astype(int), meanRSA, x_new=len(ecg_signals), method="monotone_cubic"
return rsa
def _get_multipeak_window(nperseg, window_number=8):
"""Get Peak Matched Multiple Window
Hansson, M., & Salomonsson, G. (1997). A multiple window method for estimation of peaked spectra.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 45(3), 778-781.
K1 = 20 # Peak in dB
K2 = 30 # Penalty value in dB
B = (window_number + 2) / nperseg # Resolution in spectrum
loge = np.log10(np.exp(1))
C = 2 * K1 / 10 / B / loge
length = np.arange(1, nperseg).conj().transpose()
r0 = 2 / C * (1 - np.exp(-C * B / 2))
r_num = 2 * C - np.exp(-C * B / 2) * (
2 * C * np.cos(np.pi * B * length)
- 4 * np.pi * length * np.sin(np.pi * B * length)
r_den = C**2 + (2 * np.pi * length) ** 2
r = np.divide(r_num, r_den)
rpeak = np.append(r0, r) # Covariance function peaked spectrum
r = 2 * np.sin(np.pi * B * length) / (2 * np.pi * length)
rbox = np.append(B, r)
rpen = (
10 ** (K2 / 10) * np.append(1, np.zeros((nperseg - 1, 1)))
- (10 ** (K2 / 10) - 1) * rbox
) # Covariance function penalty function
Ry = scipy.linalg.toeplitz(rpeak)
Rx = scipy.linalg.toeplitz(rpen)
RR = scipy.linalg.cholesky(Rx)
C = scipy.linalg.inv(RR.conj().transpose()).dot(Ry).dot(scipy.linalg.inv(RR))
_, Q = scipy.linalg.schur(C)
F = scipy.linalg.inv(RR).dot(Q)
RD = F.conj().transpose().dot(Ry).dot(F)
RD = np.diag(RD)
RDN = np.sort(RD)
h = np.argsort(RD)
FN = np.zeros((nperseg, nperseg))
for i in range(len(RD)):
FN[:, i] = F[:, h[i]] / np.sqrt(F[:, h[i]].conj().transpose().dot(F[:, h[i]]))
RDN = RDN[len(RD) - 1 : 0 : -1]
FN = FN[:, len(RD) - 1 : 0 : -1]
weight = RDN[:window_number] / np.sum(RDN[:window_number])
multipeak = FN[:, 0:window_number]
return multipeak, weight
# =============================================================================
# Internals
# =============================================================================
def _hrv_rsa_cycles(signals):
"""Extract respiratory cycles."""
inspiration_onsets = np.intersect1d(
np.where(signals["RSP_Phase"] == 1)[0],
np.where(signals["RSP_Phase_Completion"] == 0)[0],
expiration_onsets = np.intersect1d(
np.where(signals["RSP_Phase"] == 0)[0],
np.where(signals["RSP_Phase_Completion"] == 0)[0],
cycles_length = np.diff(inspiration_onsets)
return {
"RSP_Inspiration_Onsets": inspiration_onsets,
"RSP_Expiration_Onsets": expiration_onsets,
"RSP_Cycles_Length": cycles_length,
def _hrv_rsa_formatinput(ecg_signals, rsp_signals, rpeaks=None, sampling_rate=1000):
rpeaks, sampling_rate = _hrv_format_input(
rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, output_format="peaks"
# Sanity Checks
if isinstance(ecg_signals, tuple):
ecg_signals = ecg_signals[0]
rpeaks = None
if isinstance(ecg_signals, pd.DataFrame):
if "ECG_Rate" in ecg_signals.columns:
ecg_period = ecg_signals["ECG_Rate"].values
if "ECG_R_Peaks" in ecg_signals.columns:
ecg_period = signal_rate(
np.where(ecg_signals["ECG_R_Peaks"].values == 1)[0],
raise ValueError(
"NeuroKit error: _hrv_rsa_formatinput():"
"Wrong input, we couldn't extract"
"heart rate signal."
if rsp_signals is None:
rsp_signals = ecg_signals.copy()
elif isinstance(rsp_signals, tuple):
rsp_signals = rsp_signals[0]
if isinstance(rsp_signals, pd.DataFrame):
rsp_cols = [col for col in rsp_signals.columns if "RSP_Phase" in col]
if len(rsp_cols) != 2:
edr = ecg_rsp(ecg_period, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
rsp_signals, _ = rsp_process(edr, sampling_rate)
"RSP signal not found. For this time, we will derive RSP"
" signal from ECG using ecg_rsp(). But the results are"
" definitely not reliable, so please provide a real RSP signal.",
if rpeaks is None:
rpeaks = _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize(ecg_signals)
except NameError as e:
raise ValueError(
"NeuroKit error: _hrv_rsa_formatinput(): "
"Wrong input, we couldn't extract rpeaks indices."
) from e
rpeaks = _signal_formatpeaks_sanitize(rpeaks)
nonduplicates = ecg_signals.columns[
[i not in rsp_signals.columns for i in ecg_signals.columns]
signals = pd.concat([ecg_signals[nonduplicates], rsp_signals], axis=1)
return signals, ecg_period, rpeaks, sampling_rate