Source code for neurokit2.ppg.ppg_methods

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

from import get_kwargs
from .ppg_clean import ppg_clean
from .ppg_findpeaks import ppg_findpeaks

[docs] def ppg_methods( sampling_rate=1000, method="elgendi", method_cleaning="default", method_peaks="default", **kwargs, ): """**PPG Preprocessing Methods** This function analyzes and specifies the methods used in the preprocessing, and create a textual description of the methods used. It is used by :func:`ppg_process()` to dispatch the correct methods to each subroutine of the pipeline and :func:`ppg_report()` to create a preprocessing report. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the raw PPG signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). method : str The method used for cleaning and peak finding if ``"method_cleaning"`` and ``"method_peaks"`` are set to ``"default"``. Can be one of ``"elgendi"``. Defaults to ``"elgendi"``. method_cleaning: str The method used to clean the raw PPG signal. If ``"default"``, will be set to the value of ``"method"``. Defaults to ``"default"``. For more information, see the ``"method"`` argument of :func:`.ppg_clean`. method_peaks: str The method used to find peaks. If ``"default"``, will be set to the value of ``"method"``. Defaults to ``"default"``. For more information, see the ``"method"`` argument of :func:`.ppg_findpeaks`. **kwargs Other arguments to be passed to :func:`.ppg_clean` and :func:`.ppg_findpeaks`. Returns ------- report_info : dict A dictionary containing the keyword arguments passed to the cleaning and peak finding functions, text describing the methods, and the corresponding references. See Also -------- ppg_process, ppg_clean, ppg_findpeaks Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk methods = nk.ppg_methods(sampling_rate=100, method="elgendi", method_cleaning="nabian2018") print(methods["text_cleaning"]) print(methods["references"][0]) """ # Sanitize inputs method_cleaning = ( str(method).lower() if method_cleaning == "default" else str(method_cleaning).lower() ) method_peaks = ( str(method).lower() if method_peaks == "default" else str(method_peaks).lower() ) # Create dictionary with all inputs report_info = { "sampling_rate": sampling_rate, "method": method, "method_cleaning": method_cleaning, "method_peaks": method_peaks, **kwargs, } # Get arguments to be passed to cleaning and peak finding functions kwargs_cleaning, report_info = get_kwargs(report_info, ppg_clean) kwargs_peaks, report_info = get_kwargs(report_info, ppg_findpeaks) # Save keyword arguments in dictionary report_info["kwargs_cleaning"] = kwargs_cleaning report_info["kwargs_peaks"] = kwargs_peaks # Initialize refs list with NeuroKit2 reference refs = ["""Makowski, D., Pham, T., Lau, Z. J., Brammer, J. C., Lespinasse, F., Pham, H., Schölzel, C., & Chen, S. A. (2021). NeuroKit2: A Python toolbox for neurophysiological signal processing. Behavior Research Methods, 53(4), 1689–1696. """] # 1. Cleaning # ------------ report_info["text_cleaning"] = f"The raw signal, sampled at {sampling_rate} Hz," if method_cleaning in [ "elgendi", "elgendi2013", ]: report_info["text_cleaning"] += ( " was preprocessed using a bandpass filter ([0.5 - 8 Hz], Butterworth 3rd order;" + " following Elgendi et al., 2013)." ) refs.append( """Elgendi M, Norton I, Brearley M, Abbott D, Schuurmans D (2013) Systolic Peak Detection in Acceleration Photoplethysmograms Measured from Emergency Responders in Tropical Conditions PLoS ONE 8(10): e76585. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076585.""" ) elif method_cleaning in ["nabian", "nabian2018"]: if report_info["heart_rate"] is None: cutoff = "of 40 Hz" else: cutoff = f' based on the heart rate of {report_info["heart_rate"]} bpm' report_info["text_cleaning"] = ( f" was preprocessed using a lowpass filter (with a cutoff frequency {cutoff}," + " butterworth 2nd order; following Nabian et al., 2018)." ) refs.append( """Nabian, M., Yin, Y., Wormwood, J., Quigley, K. S., Barrett, L. F., & Ostadabbas, S.(2018). An open-source feature extraction tool for the analysis of peripheral physiological data. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 6, 1-11.""" ) elif method_cleaning in ["none"]: report_info[ "text_cleaning" ] += " was directly used for peak detection without preprocessing." else: # just in case more methods are added report_info["text_cleaning"] = ( "was cleaned following the " + method + " method." ) # 2. Peaks # ---------- if method_peaks in ["elgendi", "elgendi13"]: report_info[ "text_peaks" ] = "The peak detection was carried out using the method described in Elgendi et al. (2013)." refs.append( """Elgendi M, Norton I, Brearley M, Abbott D, Schuurmans D (2013) Systolic Peak Detection in Acceleration Photoplethysmograms Measured from Emergency Responders in Tropical Conditions PLoS ONE 8(10): e76585. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076585.""" ) elif method_peaks in ["none"]: report_info["text_peaks"] = "There was no peak detection carried out." else: report_info[ "text_peaks" ] = f"The peak detection was carried out using the method {method_peaks}." report_info["references"] = list(np.unique(refs)) return report_info