# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from ..stats import fit_loess, fit_polynomial
from .signal_decompose import signal_decompose
def signal_detrend(
"""**Signal Detrending**
Apply a baseline (order = 0), linear (order = 1), or polynomial (order > 1) detrending to the
signal (i.e., removing a general trend). One can also use other methods, such as smoothness
priors approach described by Tarvainen (2002) or LOESS regression, but these scale badly for
long signals.
signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values.
method : str
Can be one of ``"polynomial"`` (default; traditional detrending of a given order) or
``"tarvainen2002"`` to use the smoothness priors approach described by Tarvainen (2002)
(mostly used in HRV analyses as a lowpass filter to remove complex trends), ``"loess"`` for
LOESS smoothing trend removal or ``"locreg"`` for local linear regression (the *'runline'*
algorithm from chronux).
order : int
Only used if ``method`` is ``"polynomial"``. The order of the polynomial. 0, 1 or > 1 for a
baseline ('constant detrend', i.e., remove only the mean), linear (remove the linear trend)
or polynomial detrending, respectively. Can also be ``"auto"``, in which case it will
attempt to find the optimal order to minimize the RMSE.
regularization : int
Only used if ``method="tarvainen2002"``. The regularization parameter (default to 500).
alpha : float
Only used if ``method`` is "loess". The parameter which controls the degree of smoothing.
window : float
Only used if ``method`` is "locreg". The detrending ``window`` should correspond to the
1 divided by the desired low-frequency band to remove
(``window = 1 / detrend_frequency``)
For instance, to remove frequencies below ``0.67Hz`` the window should be ``1.5``
(``1 / 0.67 = 1.5``).
stepsize : float
Only used if ``method`` is ``"locreg"``.
components : list
Only used if ``method`` is ``"EMD"``. What Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) from EMD to
remove. By default, the last one.
sampling_rate : int, optional
Only used if ``method`` is "locreg". Sampling rate (Hz) of the signal.
If not None, the ``stepsize`` and ``window`` arguments will be multiplied
by the sampling rate. By default 1000.
Vector containing the detrended signal.
See Also
signal_filter, fit_loess, signal_decompose
.. ipython:: python
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import neurokit2 as nk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Simulate signal with low and high frequency
signal = nk.signal_simulate(frequency=[0.1, 2], amplitude=[2, 0.5], sampling_rate=100)
signal = signal + (3 + np.linspace(0, 6, num=len(signal))) # Add baseline and linear trend
# Apply detrending algorithms
# ---------------------------
# Method 1: Default Polynomial Detrending of a Given Order
# Constant detrend (removes the mean)
baseline = nk.signal_detrend(signal, order=0)
# Linear Detrend (removes the linear trend)
linear = nk.signal_detrend(signal, order=1)
# Polynomial Detrend (removes the polynomial trend)
quadratic = nk.signal_detrend(signal, order=2) # Quadratic detrend
cubic = nk.signal_detrend(signal, order=3) # Cubic detrend
poly10 = nk.signal_detrend(signal, order=10) # Linear detrend (10th order)
# Method 2: Tarvainen's smoothness priors approach (Tarvainen et al., 2002)
tarvainen = nk.signal_detrend(signal, method="tarvainen2002")
# Method 3: LOESS smoothing trend removal
loess = nk.signal_detrend(signal, method="loess")
# Method 4: Local linear regression (100Hz)
locreg = nk.signal_detrend(signal, method="locreg",
window=1.5, stepsize=0.02, sampling_rate=100)
# Method 5: EMD
emd = nk.signal_detrend(signal, method="EMD", components=[-2, -1])
# Visualize different methods
@savefig signal_detrend1.png scale=100%
axes = pd.DataFrame({"Original signal": signal,
"Baseline": baseline,
"Linear": linear,
"Quadratic": quadratic,
"Cubic": cubic,
"Polynomial (10th)": poly10,
"Tarvainen": tarvainen,
"LOESS": loess,
"Local Regression": locreg,
"EMD": emd}).plot(subplots=True)
# Plot horizontal lines to better visualize the detrending
for subplot in axes:
subplot.axhline(y=0, color="k", linestyle="--")
* Tarvainen, M. P., Ranta-Aho, P. O., & Karjalainen, P. A. (2002). An advanced detrending
method with application to HRV analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49(2),
signal = np.array(signal) # Force vector
method = method.lower()
if method in ["tarvainen", "tarvainen2002"]:
detrended = _signal_detrend_tarvainen2002(signal, regularization)
elif method in ["poly", "polynomial"]:
detrended = signal - fit_polynomial(signal, X=None, order=order)[0]
elif method in ["loess", "lowess"]:
detrended = signal - fit_loess(signal, alpha=alpha)[0]
elif method in ["locdetrend", "runline", "locreg", "locregression"]:
detrended = _signal_detrend_locreg(
signal, window=window, stepsize=stepsize, sampling_rate=sampling_rate
elif method in ["emd"]:
detrended = _signal_detrend_emd(signal, components=components)
raise ValueError(
"NeuroKit error: signal_detrend(): 'method' should be one of 'polynomial', 'loess'"
+ "'locreg', 'EMD' or 'tarvainen2002'."
return detrended
# =============================================================================
# Internals
# =============================================================================
def _signal_detrend_tarvainen2002(signal, regularization=500):
"""Method by Tarvainen et al., 2002.
- Tarvainen, M. P., Ranta-Aho, P. O., & Karjalainen, P. A. (2002). An advanced detrending method
with application to HRV analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49(2), 172-175.
N = len(signal)
identity = np.eye(N)
B = np.dot(np.ones((N - 2, 1)), np.array([[1, -2, 1]]))
D_2 = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((B.T, [0, 1, 2]), shape=(N - 2, N)) # pylint: disable=E1101
inv = np.linalg.inv(identity + regularization**2 * D_2.T @ D_2)
z_stat = ((identity - inv)) @ signal
trend = np.squeeze(np.asarray(signal - z_stat))
# detrend
return signal - trend
def _signal_detrend_locreg(signal, window=1.5, stepsize=0.02, sampling_rate=1000):
"""Local linear regression ('runline' algorithm from chronux). Based on https://github.com/sappelhoff/pyprep.
- http://chronux.org/chronuxFiles/Documentation/chronux/spectral_analysis/continuous/locdetrend.html
- https://github.com/sappelhoff/pyprep/blob/master/pyprep/removeTrend.py
- https://github.com/VisLab/EEG-Clean-Tools/blob/master/PrepPipeline/utilities/localDetrend.m
length = len(signal)
# Sanitize input
if sampling_rate is None:
sampling_rate = 1
# Sanity checks
window = int(window * sampling_rate)
stepsize = int(stepsize * sampling_rate)
if window > length:
raise ValueError(
"NeuroKit error: signal_detrend(): 'window' should be "
"less than the number of samples. Try using 1.5 * sampling rate."
if stepsize <= 1:
raise ValueError(
"NeuroKit error: signal_detrend(): 'stepsize' should be more than 1. Increase its value."
y_line = np.zeros((length, 1))
norm = np.zeros((length, 1))
nwin = int(np.ceil((length - window) / stepsize))
yfit = np.zeros((nwin, window))
xwt = (np.arange(1, window + 1) - window / 2) / (window / 2)
wt = np.power(1 - np.power(np.absolute(xwt), 3), 3) # pylint: disable=E1111
for j in range(0, nwin):
tseg = signal[(stepsize * j) : (stepsize * j + window)]
y1 = np.mean(tseg)
y2 = np.mean(np.multiply(np.arange(1, window + 1), tseg)) * (2 / (window + 1))
a = np.multiply(np.subtract(y2, y1), 6 / (window - 1))
b = np.subtract(y1, a * (window + 1) / 2) # pylint: disable=E1111
yfit[j, :] = np.multiply(np.arange(1, window + 1), a) + b
y_line[(j * stepsize) : (j * stepsize + window)] = y_line[
(j * stepsize) : (j * stepsize + window)
] + np.reshape(np.multiply(yfit[j, :], wt), (window, 1))
norm[(j * stepsize) : (j * stepsize + window)] = norm[
(j * stepsize) : (j * stepsize + window)
] + np.reshape(wt, (window, 1))
above_norm = np.where(norm[:, 0] > 0)
y_line[above_norm] = y_line[above_norm] / norm[above_norm]
indx = (nwin - 1) * stepsize + window - 1
npts = length - indx + 1
y_line[indx - 1 :] = np.reshape(
(np.multiply(np.arange(window + 1, window + npts + 1), a) + b), (npts, 1)
detrended = signal - y_line[:, 0]
return detrended
def _signal_detrend_emd(signal, components=-1):
"""The function calculates the Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) of a given
timeseries, subtracts the user-chosen IMFs for detrending, and returns the
detrended timeseries."""
# Calculate the IMFs
imfs = signal_decompose(signal, method="emd")
return signal - np.sum(imfs[components, :], axis=0)