Source code for neurokit2.signal.signal_noise

import numpy as np

from ..misc import check_random_state

[docs] def signal_noise(duration=10, sampling_rate=1000, beta=1, random_state=None): """**Simulate noise** This function generates pure Gaussian ``(1/f)**beta`` noise. The power-spectrum of the generated noise is proportional to ``S(f) = (1 / f)**beta``. The following categories of noise have been described: * violet noise: beta = -2 * blue noise: beta = -1 * white noise: beta = 0 * flicker / pink noise: beta = 1 * brown noise: beta = 2 Parameters ---------- duration : float Desired length of duration (s). sampling_rate : int The desired sampling rate (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). beta : float The noise exponent. random_state : None, int, numpy.random.RandomState or numpy.random.Generator Seed for the random number generator. See for ``misc.check_random_state`` for further information. Returns ------- noise : array The signal of pure noise. References ---------- * Timmer, J., & Koenig, M. (1995). On generating power law noise. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 300, 707. * * Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Generate pure noise violet = nk.signal_noise(beta=-2) blue = nk.signal_noise(beta=-1) white = nk.signal_noise(beta=0) pink = nk.signal_noise(beta=1) brown = nk.signal_noise(beta=2) # Visualize @savefig p_signal_noise1.png scale=100% nk.signal_plot([violet, blue, white, pink, brown], standardize=True, labels=["Violet", "Blue", "White", "Pink", "Brown"]) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Visualize spectrum psd_violet = nk.signal_psd(violet, sampling_rate=200, method="fft") psd_blue = nk.signal_psd(blue, sampling_rate=200, method="fft") psd_white = nk.signal_psd(white, sampling_rate=200, method="fft") psd_pink = nk.signal_psd(pink, sampling_rate=200, method="fft") psd_brown = nk.signal_psd(brown, sampling_rate=200, method="fft") @savefig p_signal_noise2.png scale=100% plt.loglog(psd_violet["Frequency"], psd_violet["Power"], c="violet") plt.loglog(psd_blue["Frequency"], psd_blue["Power"], c="blue") plt.loglog(psd_white["Frequency"], psd_white["Power"], c="grey") plt.loglog(psd_pink["Frequency"], psd_pink["Power"], c="pink") plt.loglog(psd_brown["Frequency"], psd_brown["Power"], c="brown") @suppress plt.close() """ # Seed the random generator for reproducible results rng = check_random_state(random_state) # The number of samples in the time series n = int(duration * sampling_rate) # Calculate Frequencies (we asume a sample rate of one) # Use fft functions for real output (-> hermitian spectrum) f = np.fft.rfftfreq(n, d=1 / sampling_rate) # Build scaling factors for all frequencies fmin = 1.0 / n # Low frequency cutoff f[f < fmin] = fmin f = f ** (-beta / 2.0) # Calculate theoretical output standard deviation from scaling w = f[1:].copy() w[-1] *= (1 + (n % 2)) / 2.0 # correct f = +-0.5 sigma = 2 * np.sqrt(np.sum(w ** 2)) / n # Generate scaled random power + phase, adjusting size to # generate one Fourier component per frequency sr = rng.normal(scale=f, size=len(f)) si = rng.normal(scale=f, size=len(f)) # If the signal length is even, frequencies +/- 0.5 are equal # so the coefficient must be real. if not n % 2: si[..., -1] = 0 # Regardless of signal length, the DC component must be real si[..., 0] = 0 # Combine power + corrected phase to Fourier components s = sr + 1j * si # Transform to real time series & scale to unit variance y = np.fft.irfft(s, n=n) / sigma return y