Source code for neurokit2.signal.signal_psd

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal

from ..misc import NeuroKitWarning

[docs] def signal_psd( signal, sampling_rate=1000, method="welch", show=False, normalize=True, min_frequency="default", max_frequency=np.inf, window=None, window_type="hann", order=16, order_criteria="KIC", order_corrected=True, silent=True, t=None, **kwargs, ): """**Compute the Power Spectral Density (PSD)** Parameters ---------- signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). method : str Either ``"welch"`` (default), ``"fft"``, ``"multitapers"`` (requires the 'mne' package), ``"lombscargle"`` (requires the 'astropy' package) or ``"burg"``. show : bool If ``True``, will return a plot. If ``False``, will return the density values that can be plotted externally. normalize : bool Normalization of power by maximum PSD value. Default to ``True``. Normalization allows comparison between different PSD methods. min_frequency : str, float The minimum frequency. If default, min_frequency is chosen based on the sampling rate and length of signal to optimize the frequency resolution. max_frequency : float The maximum frequency. window : int Length of each window in seconds (for "Welch" method). If ``None`` (default), window will be automatically calculated to capture at least 2 cycles of min_frequency. If the length of recording does not allow the formal, window will be default to half of the length of recording. window_type : str Desired window to use. Defaults to ``"hann"``. See :func:`.scipy.signal.get_window` for list of windows. order : int The order of autoregression (only used for autoregressive (AR) methods such as ``"burg"``). order_criteria : str The criteria to automatically select order in parametric PSD (only used for autoregressive (AR) methods such as ``"burg"``). order_corrected : bool Should the order criteria (AIC or KIC) be corrected? If unsure which method to use to choose the order, rely on the default (i.e., the corrected KIC). silent : bool If ``False``, warnings will be printed. Default to ``True``. t : array The timestamps corresponding to each sample in the signal, in seconds (for ``"lombscargle"`` method). Defaults to None. **kwargs : optional Keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`.scipy.signal.welch`. See Also -------- signal_filter, mne.time_frequency.psd_array_multitaper, scipy.signal.welch Returns ------- data : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the Power Spectrum values and a plot if ``show`` is ``True``. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk signal = nk.signal_simulate(duration=2, frequency=[5, 6, 50, 52, 80], noise=0.5) # FFT method (based on numpy) @savefig p_signal_psd1.png scale=100% psd_multitapers = nk.signal_psd(signal, method="fft", show=True) @suppress plt.close .. ipython:: python # Welch method (based on scipy) @savefig p_signal_psd2.png scale=100% psd_welch = nk.signal_psd(signal, method="welch", min_frequency=1, show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Multitapers method (requires MNE) @savefig p_signal_psd3.png scale=100% psd_multitapers = nk.signal_psd(signal, method="multitapers", show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Burg method @savefig p_signal_psd4.png scale=100% psd_burg = nk.signal_psd(signal, method="burg", min_frequency=1, show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # Lomb method (requires AstroPy) @savefig p_signal_psd5.png scale=100% psd_lomb = nk.signal_psd(signal, method="lomb", min_frequency=1, show=True) @suppress plt.close() """ # Constant Detrend signal = signal - np.mean(signal) # Sanitize method name method = method.lower() # Sanitize min_frequency N = len(signal) if isinstance(min_frequency, str): if sampling_rate is None: # This is to compute min_frequency if both min_frequency and sampling_rate are not provided (#800) min_frequency = (2 * np.median(np.diff(t))) / (N / 2) # for high frequency resolution else: min_frequency = (2 * sampling_rate) / (N / 2) # for high frequency resolution # MNE if method in ["multitaper", "multitapers", "mne"]: frequency, power = _signal_psd_multitaper( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, min_frequency=min_frequency, max_frequency=max_frequency, ) # FFT (Numpy) elif method in ["fft"]: frequency, power = _signal_psd_fft(signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, **kwargs) # Lombscargle (AtroPy) elif method.lower() in ["lombscargle", "lomb"]: frequency, power = _signal_psd_lomb( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, min_frequency=min_frequency, max_frequency=max_frequency, t=t ) # Method that are using a window else: # Define window length if min_frequency == 0: min_frequency = 0.001 # sanitize min_frequency if window is not None: nperseg = int(window * sampling_rate) else: # to capture at least 2 cycles of min_frequency nperseg = int((2 / min_frequency) * sampling_rate) # in case duration of recording is not sufficient if nperseg > N / 2: if silent is False: warn( "The duration of recording is too short to support a" " sufficiently long window for high frequency resolution." " Consider using a longer recording or increasing the `min_frequency`", category=NeuroKitWarning, ) nperseg = int(N / 2) # Welch (Scipy) if method.lower() in ["welch"]: frequency, power = _signal_psd_welch( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, nperseg=nperseg, window_type=window_type, **kwargs, ) # BURG elif method.lower() in ["burg", "pburg", "spectrum"]: frequency, power = _signal_psd_burg( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, criteria=order_criteria, corrected=order_corrected, side="one-sided", nperseg=nperseg, ) # Normalize if normalize is True: power /= np.max(power) # Store results data = pd.DataFrame({"Frequency": frequency, "Power": power}) # Filter data = data.loc[np.logical_and(data["Frequency"] >= min_frequency, data["Frequency"] <= max_frequency)] # data["Power"] = 10 * np.log(data["Power"]) if show is True: ax = data.plot(x="Frequency", y="Power", title="Power Spectral Density (" + str(method) + " method)") ax.set(xlabel="Frequency (Hz)", ylabel="Spectrum") return data
# ============================================================================= # Multitaper method # ============================================================================= def _signal_psd_fft(signal, sampling_rate=1000, n=None): # Power-spectrum density (PSD) power = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(signal, n=n)) ** 2 frequency = np.linspace(0, sampling_rate / 2, len(power)) return frequency, power # ============================================================================= # Multitaper method # ============================================================================= def _signal_psd_multitaper(signal, sampling_rate=1000, min_frequency=0, max_frequency=np.inf): try: import mne except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: signal_psd(): the 'mne'", " module is required for the 'mne' method to run.", " Please install it first (`pip install mne`).", ) from e power, frequency = mne.time_frequency.psd_array_multitaper( signal, sfreq=sampling_rate, fmin=min_frequency, fmax=max_frequency, adaptive=True, normalization="full", verbose=False, ) return frequency, power # ============================================================================= # Welch method # ============================================================================= def _signal_psd_welch(signal, sampling_rate=1000, nperseg=None, window_type="hann", **kwargs): if nperseg is not None: nfft = int(nperseg * 2) else: nfft = None frequency, power = scipy.signal.welch( signal, fs=sampling_rate, scaling="density", detrend=False, nfft=nfft, average="mean", nperseg=nperseg, window=window_type, **kwargs, ) return frequency, power # ============================================================================= # Lomb method # ============================================================================= def _signal_psd_lomb(signal, sampling_rate=1000, min_frequency=0, max_frequency=np.inf, t=None): try: import astropy.timeseries if t is None: if max_frequency == np.inf: max_frequency = sampling_rate / 2 # sanitize highest frequency t = np.arange(len(signal)) / sampling_rate frequency, power = astropy.timeseries.LombScargle(t, signal, normalization="psd").autopower( minimum_frequency=min_frequency, maximum_frequency=max_frequency ) else: # determine maximum frequency with astropy defaults for unevenly spaced data # frequency, power = astropy.timeseries.LombScargle(t, signal, normalization="psd").autopower( minimum_frequency=min_frequency ) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "NeuroKit error: signal_psd(): the 'astropy'", " module is required for the 'lomb' method to run.", " Please install it first (`pip install astropy`).", ) from e return frequency, power # ============================================================================= # Burg method # ============================================================================= def _signal_psd_burg( signal, sampling_rate=1000, order=16, criteria="KIC", corrected=True, side="one-sided", nperseg=None, ): nfft = int(nperseg * 2) ar, rho, _ = _signal_arma_burg(signal, order=order, criteria=criteria, corrected=corrected) psd = _signal_psd_from_arma(ar=ar, rho=rho, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, nfft=nfft, side=side) # signal is real, not complex if nfft % 2 == 0: power = psd[0 : int(nfft / 2 + 1)] * 2 else: power = psd[0 : int((nfft + 1) / 2)] * 2 # angular frequencies, w # for one-sided psd, w spans [0, pi] # for two-sdied psd, w spans [0, 2pi) # for dc-centered psd, w spans (-pi, pi] for even nfft, (-pi, pi) for add nfft if side == "one-sided": w = np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1, len(power)) # elif side == "two-sided": # w = np.pi * np.linspace(0, 2, len(power), endpoint=False) #exclude last point # elif side == "centerdc": # if nfft % 2 == 0: # w = np.pi * np.linspace(-1, 1, len(power)) # else: # w = np.pi * np.linspace(-1, 1, len(power) + 1, endpoint=False) # exclude last point # w = w[1:] # exclude first point (extra) frequency = (w * sampling_rate) / (2 * np.pi) return frequency, power def _signal_arma_burg(signal, order=16, criteria="KIC", corrected=True): # Sanitize order and signal N = len(signal) if order <= 0.0: raise ValueError("Order must be > 0") if order > N: raise ValueError("Order must be less than length signal minus 2") if not isinstance(signal, np.ndarray): signal = np.array(signal) # Initialisation # rho is variance of driving white noise process (prediction error) rho = sum(abs(signal) ** 2.0) / float(N) denominator = rho * 2.0 * N ar = np.zeros(0, dtype=complex) # AR parametric signal model estimate ref = np.zeros(0, dtype=complex) # vector K of reflection coefficients (parcor coefficients) ef = signal.astype(complex) # forward prediction error eb = signal.astype(complex) # backward prediction error temp = 1.0 # Main recursion for k in range(0, order): # calculate the next order reflection coefficient numerator = sum([ef[j] * eb[j - 1].conjugate() for j in range(k + 1, N)]) denominator = temp * denominator - abs(ef[k]) ** 2 - abs(eb[N - 1]) ** 2 kp = -2.0 * numerator / denominator # Update the prediction error temp = 1.0 - abs(kp) ** 2.0 new_rho = temp * rho if criteria is not None: # k=k+1 because order goes from 1 to P whereas k starts at 0. residual_new = _criteria(criteria=criteria, N=N, k=k + 1, rho=new_rho, corrected=corrected) if k == 0: residual_old = 2.0 * abs(residual_new) # Stop as criteria has reached if residual_new > residual_old: break # This should be after the criteria residual_old = residual_new rho = new_rho if rho <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Found a negative value (expected positive strictly) {rho}. Decrease the order.") ar = np.resize(ar, ar.size + 1) ar[k] = kp if k == 0: for j in range(N - 1, k, -1): ef_previous = ef[j] # previous value ef[j] = ef_previous + kp * eb[j - 1] # Eq. (8.7) eb[j] = eb[j - 1] + kp.conjugate() * ef_previous else: # Update the AR coeff khalf = (k + 1) // 2 # khalf must be an integer for j in range(0, khalf): ar_previous = ar[j] # previous value ar[j] = ar_previous + kp * ar[k - j - 1].conjugate() # Eq. (8.2) if j != k - j - 1: ar[k - j - 1] = ar[k - j - 1] + kp * ar_previous.conjugate() # Eq. (8.2) # Update the forward and backward prediction errors for j in range(N - 1, k, -1): ef_previous = ef[j] # previous value ef[j] = ef_previous + kp * eb[j - 1] # Eq. (8.7) eb[j] = eb[j - 1] + kp.conjugate() * ef_previous # save the reflection coefficient ref = np.resize(ref, ref.size + 1) ref[k] = kp return ar, rho, ref # ============================================================================= # Utilities # ============================================================================= def _criteria(criteria=None, N=None, k=None, rho=None, corrected=True): """Criteria to automatically select order in parametric PSD. AIC, AICc, KIC and AKICc are based on information theory. They attempt to balance the complexity (or length) of the model against how well the model fits the data. AIC and KIC are biased estimates of the asymmetric and the symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence respectively. AICc and AKICc attempt to correct the bias. Parameters ---------- criteria : str The criteria to be used. The critera can be one of the following: AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), KIC (Kullback Iinformation Criterion), FPE (Final Prediction Error Criterion), MDL (Minimum Description Length), CAT (Criterion Autoregressive Transfer Function), AIC order-selection using eigen values, MDL order-selection using eigen values. N : int The sample size of the signal. k : int The AR order. rho : int The rho at order k. corrected : bool Specify for AIC and KIC methods. Returns ------- residual : Union[int, float] Residuals to select the optimal order. """ if criteria == "AIC": if corrected is True: residual = np.log(rho) + 2.0 * (k + 1) / (N - k - 2) else: residual = N * np.log(np.array(rho)) + 2.0 * (np.array(k) + 1) elif criteria == "KIC": if corrected is True: residual = np.log(rho) + k / N / (N - k) + (3.0 - (k + 2.0) / N) * (k + 1.0) / (N - k - 2.0) else: residual = np.log(rho) + 3.0 * (k + 1.0) / float(N) elif criteria == "FPE": fpe = rho * (N + k + 1.0) / (N - k - 1) return fpe elif criteria == "MDL": mdl = N * np.log(rho) + k * np.log(N) return mdl return residual def _signal_psd_from_arma(ar=None, ma=None, rho=1.0, sampling_rate=1000, nfft=None, side="one-sided"): if ar is None and ma is None: raise ValueError("Either AR or MA model must be provided") psd = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex) if ar is not None: ip = len(ar) den = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex) den[0] = 1.0 + 0j for k in range(0, ip): den[k + 1] = ar[k] denf = np.fft.fft(den, nfft) if ma is not None: iq = len(ma) num = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex) num[0] = 1.0 + 0j for k in range(0, iq): num[k + 1] = ma[k] numf = np.fft.fft(num, nfft) if ar is not None and ma is not None: psd = rho / sampling_rate * abs(numf) ** 2.0 / abs(denf) ** 2.0 elif ar is not None: psd = rho / sampling_rate / abs(denf) ** 2.0 elif ma is not None: psd = rho / sampling_rate * abs(numf) ** 2.0 psd = np.real(psd) # The PSD is a twosided PSD. # convert to one-sided if side == "one-sided": assert len(psd) % 2 == 0 one_side_psd = np.array(psd[0 : len(psd) // 2 + 1]) * 2.0 one_side_psd[0] /= 2.0 # one_side_psd[-1] = psd[-1] psd = one_side_psd # convert to centerdc elif side == "centerdc": first_half = psd[0 : len(psd) // 2] second_half = psd[len(psd) // 2 :] rotate_second_half = second_half[-1:] + second_half[:-1] center_psd = np.concatenate((rotate_second_half, first_half)) center_psd[0] = psd[-1] psd = center_psd return psd