Source code for neurokit2.signal.signal_timefrequency

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal

from ..signal.signal_detrend import signal_detrend

[docs] def signal_timefrequency( signal, sampling_rate=1000, min_frequency=0.04, max_frequency=None, method="stft", window=None, window_type="hann", mode="psd", nfreqbin=None, overlap=None, analytical_signal=True, show=True, ): """**Quantify changes of a nonstationary signal’s frequency over time** The objective of time-frequency analysis is to offer a more informative description of the signal which reveals the temporal variation of its frequency contents. There are many different Time-Frequency Representations (TFRs) available: * Linear TFRs: efficient but create tradeoff between time and frequency resolution * Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT): the time-domain signal is windowed into short segments and FT is applied to each segment, mapping the signal into the TF plane. This method assumes that the signal is quasi-stationary (stationary over the duration of the window). The width of the window is the trade-off between good time (requires short duration window) versus good frequency resolution (requires long duration windows) * Wavelet Transform (WT): similar to STFT but instead of a fixed duration window function, a varying window length by scaling the axis of the window is used. At low frequency, WT proves high spectral resolution but poor temporal resolution. On the other hand, for high frequencies, the WT provides high temporal resolution but poor spectral resolution. * Quadratic TFRs: better resolution but computationally expensive and suffers from having cross terms between multiple signal components * Wigner Ville Distribution (WVD): while providing very good resolution in time and frequency of the underlying signal structure, because of its bilinear nature, existence of negative values, the WVD has misleading TF results in the case of multi-component signals such as EEG due to the presence of cross terms and inference terms. Cross WVD terms can be reduced by using smoothing kernel functions as well as analyzing the analytic signal (instead of the original signal) * Smoothed Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution (SPWVD): to address the problem of cross-terms suppression, SPWVD allows two independent analysis windows, one in time and the other in frequency domains. Parameters ---------- signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). method : str Time-Frequency decomposition method. min_frequency : float The minimum frequency. max_frequency : float The maximum frequency. window : int Length of each segment in seconds. If ``None`` (default), window will be automatically calculated. For ``"STFT" method``. window_type : str Type of window to create, defaults to ``"hann"``. See :func:`.scipy.signal.get_window` to see full options of windows. For ``"STFT" method``. mode : str Type of return values for ``"STFT" method``. Can be ``"psd"``, ``"complex"`` (default, equivalent to output of ``"STFT"`` with no padding or boundary extension), ``"magnitude"``, ``"angle"``, ``"phase"``. Defaults to ``"psd"``. nfreqbin : int, float Number of frequency bins. If ``None`` (default), nfreqbin will be set to ``0.5*sampling_rate``. overlap : int Number of points to overlap between segments. If ``None``, ``noverlap = nperseg // 8``. Defaults to ``None``. analytical_signal : bool If ``True``, analytical signal instead of actual signal is used in `Wigner Ville Distribution` methods. show : bool If ``True``, will return two PSD plots. Returns ------- frequency : np.array Frequency. time : np.array Time array. stft : np.array Short Term Fourier Transform. Time increases across its columns and frequency increases down the rows. Examples ------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk sampling_rate = 100 signal = nk.signal_simulate(100, sampling_rate, frequency=[3, 10]) # STFT Method @savefig p_signal_timefrequency1.png scale=100% f, t, stft = nk.signal_timefrequency(signal, sampling_rate, max_frequency=20, method="stft", show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # CWTM Method @savefig p_signal_timefrequency2.png scale=100% f, t, cwtm = nk.signal_timefrequency(signal, sampling_rate, max_frequency=20, method="cwt", show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # WVD Method @savefig p_signal_timefrequency3.png scale=100% f, t, wvd = nk.signal_timefrequency(signal, sampling_rate, max_frequency=20, method="wvd", show=True) @suppress plt.close() .. ipython:: python # PWVD Method @savefig p_signal_timefrequency4.png scale=100% f, t, pwvd = nk.signal_timefrequency(signal, sampling_rate, max_frequency=20, method="pwvd", show=True) @suppress plt.close() """ # Initialize empty container for results # Define window length if min_frequency == 0: min_frequency = 0.04 # sanitize lowest frequency to lf if max_frequency is None: max_frequency = sampling_rate // 2 # nyquist # STFT if method.lower() in ["stft"]: frequency, time, tfr = short_term_ft( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, overlap=overlap, window=window, mode=mode, min_frequency=min_frequency, window_type=window_type, ) # CWT elif method.lower() in ["cwt", "wavelet"]: frequency, time, tfr = continuous_wt( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, min_frequency=min_frequency, max_frequency=max_frequency, ) # WVD elif method in ["WignerVille", "wvd"]: frequency, time, tfr = wvd( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, n_freqbins=nfreqbin, analytical_signal=analytical_signal, method="WignerVille", ) # pseudoWVD elif method in ["pseudoWignerVille", "pwvd"]: frequency, time, tfr = wvd( signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, n_freqbins=nfreqbin, analytical_signal=analytical_signal, method="pseudoWignerVille", ) # Sanitize output lower_bound = len(frequency) - len(frequency[frequency >= min_frequency]) f = frequency[(frequency >= min_frequency) & (frequency <= max_frequency)] z = tfr[lower_bound : lower_bound + len(f)] if show is True: plot_timefrequency( z, time, f, signal=signal, method=method, ) return f, time, z
# ============================================================================= # Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) # ============================================================================= def short_term_ft( signal, sampling_rate=1000, min_frequency=0.04, overlap=None, window=None, window_type="hann", mode="psd", ): """Short-term Fourier Transform.""" if window is not None: nperseg = int(window * sampling_rate) else: # to capture at least 5 times slowest wave-length nperseg = int((2 / min_frequency) * sampling_rate) frequency, time, tfr = scipy.signal.spectrogram( signal, fs=sampling_rate, window=window_type, scaling="density", nperseg=nperseg, nfft=None, detrend=False, noverlap=overlap, mode=mode, ) return frequency, time, np.abs(tfr) # ============================================================================= # Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) - Morlet # ============================================================================= def continuous_wt( signal, sampling_rate=1000, min_frequency=0.04, max_frequency=None, nfreqbin=None ): """**Continuous Wavelet Transform** References ---------- * Neto, O. P., Pinheiro, A. O., Pereira Jr, V. L., Pereira, R., Baltatu, O. C., & Campos, L. A. (2016). Morlet wavelet transforms of heart rate variability for autonomic nervous system activity. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 40(1), 200-206. * Wachowiak, M. P., Wachowiak-Smolíková, R., Johnson, M. J., Hay, D. C., Power, K. E., & Williams-Bell, F. M. (2018). Quantitative feature analysis of continuous analytic wavelet transforms of electrocardiography and electromyography. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2126), 20170250. """ # central frequency w = 6.0 # recommended if nfreqbin is None: nfreqbin = sampling_rate // 2 # frequency frequency = np.linspace(min_frequency, max_frequency, nfreqbin) # time time = np.arange(len(signal)) / sampling_rate widths = w * sampling_rate / (2 * frequency * np.pi) # Mother wavelet = Morlet tfr = scipy.signal.cwt(signal, scipy.signal.morlet2, widths, w=w) return frequency, time, np.abs(tfr) # ============================================================================= # Wigner-Ville Distribution # ============================================================================= def wvd(signal, sampling_rate=1000, n_freqbins=None, analytical_signal=True, method="WignerVille"): """Wigner Ville Distribution and Pseudo-Wigner Ville Distribution.""" # Compute the analytical signal if analytical_signal: signal = scipy.signal.hilbert(signal_detrend(signal)) # Pre-processing if n_freqbins is None: n_freqbins = 256 if method in ["pseudoWignerVille", "pwvd"]: fwindows = np.zeros(n_freqbins + 1) fwindows_mpts = len(fwindows) // 2 windows_length = n_freqbins // 4 windows_length = windows_length - windows_length % 2 + 1 windows = np.hamming(windows_length) fwindows[fwindows_mpts + np.arange(-windows_length // 2, windows_length // 2)] = windows else: fwindows = np.ones(n_freqbins + 1) fwindows_mpts = len(fwindows) // 2 time = np.arange(len(signal)) * 1.0 / sampling_rate # This is discrete frequency (should we return?) if n_freqbins % 2 == 0: frequency = np.hstack((np.arange(n_freqbins / 2), np.arange(-n_freqbins / 2, 0))) else: frequency = np.hstack( (np.arange((n_freqbins - 1) / 2), np.arange(-(n_freqbins - 1) / 2, 0)) ) tfr = np.zeros((n_freqbins, time.shape[0]), dtype=complex) # the time-frequency matrix tausec = round(n_freqbins / 2.0) winlength = tausec - 1 # taulens: len of tau for each step taulens = np.min( np.c_[ np.arange(signal.shape[0]), signal.shape[0] - np.arange(signal.shape[0]) - 1, winlength * np.ones(time.shape), ], axis=1, ) conj_signal = np.conj(signal) # iterate and compute the wv for each indices for idx in range(time.shape[0]): tau = np.arange(-taulens[idx], taulens[idx] + 1).astype(int) # this step is required to use the efficient DFT indices = np.remainder(n_freqbins + tau, n_freqbins).astype(int) tfr[indices, idx] = ( fwindows[fwindows_mpts + tau] * signal[idx + tau] * conj_signal[idx - tau] ) if (idx < signal.shape[0] - tausec) and (idx >= tausec + 1): tfr[tausec, idx] = ( fwindows[fwindows_mpts + tausec] * signal[idx + tausec] * np.conj(signal[idx - tausec]) + fwindows[fwindows_mpts - tausec] * signal[idx - tausec] * conj_signal[idx + tausec] ) tfr[tausec, idx] *= 0.5 # Now tfr contains the product of the signal segments and its conjugate. # To find wd we need to apply fft one more time. tfr = np.fft.fft(tfr, axis=0) tfr = np.real(tfr) # continuous time frequency frequency = 0.5 * np.arange(n_freqbins, dtype=float) / n_freqbins * sampling_rate return frequency, time, tfr # ============================================================================= # Smooth Pseudo-Wigner-Ville Distribution # ============================================================================= def smooth_pseudo_wvd( signal, sampling_rate=1000, freq_length=None, time_length=None, segment_step=1, nfreqbin=None, window_method="hamming", ): """**Smoothed Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution** Parameters ---------- signal : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] The signal (i.e., a time series) in the form of a vector of values. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of the signal (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). freq_length : np.ndarray Lenght of frequency smoothing window. time_length: np.array Lenght of time smoothing window segment_step : int The step between samples in ``time_array``. Default to 1. nfreqbin : int Number of Frequency bins. window_method : str Method used to create smoothing windows. Can be "hanning"/ "hamming" or "gaussian". Returns ------- frequency_array : np.ndarray Frequency array. time_array : np.ndarray Time array. pwvd : np.ndarray SPWVD. Time increases across its columns and frequency increases down the rows. References ---------- * J. M. O' Toole, M. Mesbah, and B. Boashash, (2008), "A New Discrete Analytic Signal for Reducing Aliasing in the Discrete Wigner-Ville Distribution", IEEE Trans. """ # Define parameters N = len(signal) # sample_spacing = 1 / sampling_rate if nfreqbin is None: nfreqbin = 300 # Zero-padded signal to length 2N signal_padded = np.append(signal, np.zeros_like(signal)) # DFT signal_fft = np.fft.fft(signal_padded) signal_fft[1 : N - 1] = signal_fft[1 : N - 1] * 2 signal_fft[N:] = 0 # Inverse FFT signal_ifft = np.fft.ifft(signal_fft) signal_ifft[N:] = 0 # Make analytic signal signal = scipy.signal.hilbert(signal_detrend(signal_ifft)) # Create smoothing windows in time and frequency if freq_length is None: freq_length = np.floor(N / 4.0) # Plus one if window length is not odd if freq_length % 2 == 0: freq_length += 1 elif len(freq_length) % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("The length of frequency smoothing window must be odd.") if time_length is None: time_length = np.floor(N / 10.0) # Plus one if window length is not odd if time_length % 2 == 0: time_length += 1 elif len(time_length) % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("The length of time smoothing window must be odd.") if window_method == "hamming": freq_window = scipy.signal.hamming(int(freq_length)) # normalize by max time_window = scipy.signal.hamming(int(time_length)) # normalize by max elif window_method == "gaussian": std_freq = freq_length / (6 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) freq_window = scipy.signal.gaussian(freq_length, std_freq) freq_window /= max(freq_window) std_time = time_length / (6 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) time_window = scipy.signal.gaussian(time_length, std_time) time_window /= max(time_window) # to add warning if method is not one of the supported methods # Mid-point index of windows midpt_freq = (len(freq_window) - 1) // 2 midpt_time = (len(time_window) - 1) // 2 # Create arrays time_array = np.arange(start=0, stop=N, step=segment_step, dtype=int) / sampling_rate # frequency_array = np.fft.fftfreq(nfreqbin, sample_spacing)[0:nfreqbin / 2] frequency_array = 0.5 * np.arange(nfreqbin, dtype=float) / N pwvd = np.zeros((nfreqbin, len(time_array)), dtype=complex) # Calculate pwvd for i, t in enumerate(time_array): # time shift tau_max = np.min( [t + midpt_time - 1, N - t + midpt_time, np.round(N / 2.0) - 1, midpt_freq] ) # time-lag list tau = np.arange( start=-np.min([midpt_time, N - t]), stop=np.min([midpt_time, t - 1]) + 1, dtype="int" ) time_pts = (midpt_time + tau).astype(int) g2 = time_window[time_pts] g2 = g2 / np.sum(g2) signal_pts = (t - tau - 1).astype(int) # zero frequency pwvd[0, i] = np.sum(g2 * signal[signal_pts] * np.conjugate(signal[signal_pts])) # other frequencies for m in range(int(tau_max)): tau = np.arange( start=-np.min([midpt_time, N - t - m]), stop=np.min([midpt_time, t - m - 1]) + 1, dtype="int", ) time_pts = (midpt_time + tau).astype(int) g2 = time_window[time_pts] g2 = g2 / np.sum(g2) signal_pt1 = (t + m - tau - 1).astype(int) signal_pt2 = (t - m - tau - 1).astype(int) # compute positive half rmm = np.sum(g2 * signal[signal_pt1] * np.conjugate(signal[signal_pt2])) pwvd[m + 1, i] = freq_window[midpt_freq + m + 1] * rmm # compute negative half rmm = np.sum(g2 * signal[signal_pt2] * np.conjugate(signal[signal_pt1])) pwvd[nfreqbin - m - 1, i] = freq_window[midpt_freq - m + 1] * rmm m = np.round(N / 2.0) if t <= N - m and t >= m + 1 and m <= midpt_freq: tau = np.arange( start=-np.min([midpt_time, N - t - m]), stop=np.min([midpt_time, t - 1 - m]) + 1, dtype="int", ) time_pts = (midpt_time + tau + 1).astype(int) g2 = time_window[time_pts] g2 = g2 / np.sum(g2) signal_pt1 = (t + m - tau).astype(int) signal_pt2 = (t - m - tau).astype(int) x = np.sum(g2 * signal[signal_pt1] * np.conjugate(signal[signal_pt2])) x *= freq_window[midpt_freq + m + 1] y = np.sum(g2 * signal[signal_pt2] * np.conjugate(signal[signal_pt1])) y *= freq_window[midpt_freq - m + 1] pwvd[m, i] = 0.5 * (x + y) pwvd = np.real(np.fft.fft(pwvd, axis=0)) # Visualization return frequency_array, time_array, pwvd # ============================================================================= # Plot function # ============================================================================= def plot_timefrequency(z, time, f, signal=None, method="stft"): """Visualize a time-frequency matrix.""" if method == "stft": figure_title = "Short-time Fourier Transform Magnitude" fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(len(time)): ax.plot(f, z[:, i], label="Segment" + str(np.arange(len(time))[i] + 1)) ax.legend() ax.set_title("Signal Spectrogram") ax.set_ylabel("STFT Magnitude") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") elif method == "cwt": figure_title = "Continuous Wavelet Transform Magnitude" elif method == "wvd": figure_title = "Wigner Ville Distrubution Spectrogram" fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(time, signal) plt.xlabel("Time (sec)") plt.ylabel("Signal") elif method == "pwvd": figure_title = "Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution Spectrogram" fig, ax = plt.subplots() spec = ax.pcolormesh(time, f, z, cmap=plt.get_cmap("magma"), shading="auto") plt.colorbar(spec) ax.set_title(figure_title) ax.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") ax.set_xlabel("Time (sec)") return fig