Source code for neurokit2.stats.density_bandwidth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

[docs] def density_bandwidth(x, method="KernSmooth", resolution=401): """**Bandwidth Selection for Density Estimation** Bandwidth selector for :func:`.density` estimation. See ``bw_method`` argument in :func:`.scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. The ``"KernSmooth"`` method is adapted from the ``dpik()`` function from the *KernSmooth* R package. In this case, it estimates the optimal AMISE bandwidth using the direct plug-in method with 2 levels for the Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator with Gaussian kernel. Parameters ----------- x : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series] A vector of values. method : float The bandwidth of the kernel. The larger the values, the smoother the estimation. Can be a number, or ``"scott"`` or ``"silverman"`` (see ``bw_method`` argument in :func:`.scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`), or ``"KernSmooth"``. resolution : int Only when ``method="KernSmooth"``. The number of equally-spaced points over which binning is performed to obtain kernel functional approximation (see ``gridsize`` argument in ``KernSmooth::dpik()``). Returns ------- float Bandwidth value. See Also -------- density Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=100) bw = nk.density_bandwidth(x) bw nk.density_bandwidth(x, method="scott") nk.density_bandwidth(x, method=1) @savefig p_density_bandwidth.png scale=100% x, y = nk.density(signal, bandwidth=bw, show=True) @suppress plt.close() References ---------- * Jones, W. M. (1995). Kernel Smoothing, Chapman & Hall. """ if isinstance(method, str): method = method.lower() if isinstance(method, (float, int)) or method != "kernsmooth": return scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(x, bw_method=method).factor n = len(x) stdev = np.nanstd(x, ddof=1) iqr = np.diff(np.percentile(x, [25, 75]))[0] / 1.349 scalest = min(stdev, iqr) data_scaled = (x - np.nanmean(x)) / scalest min_scaled = np.nanmin(data_scaled) max_scaled = np.nanmax(data_scaled) gcounts = _density_linearbinning( x=data_scaled, gpoints=np.linspace(min_scaled, max_scaled, resolution), truncate=True, ) alpha = (2 * np.sqrt(2) ** 9 / (7 * n)) ** (1 / 9) psi6hat = _density_bkfe(gcounts, 6, alpha, min_scaled, max_scaled) alpha = (-3 * np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) / (psi6hat * n)) ** (1 / 7) psi4hat = _density_bkfe(gcounts, 4, alpha, min_scaled, max_scaled) delta_0 = 1 / ((4 * np.pi) ** (1 / 10)) output = scalest * delta_0 * (1 / (psi4hat * n)) ** (1 / 5) return output
def _density_linearbinning(x, gpoints, truncate=True): """ Linear binning. Adapted from KernSmooth R package. """ n = len(x) M = gpoints.shape[0] a = gpoints[0] b = gpoints[-1] # initialization of gcounts: gcounts = np.zeros(M) Delta = (b - a) / (M - 1) for i in range(n): lxi = ((x[i] - a) / Delta) + 1 li = int(lxi) rem = lxi - li if (li >= 1) and (li < M): gcounts[li - 1] = gcounts[li - 1] + 1 - rem gcounts[li] = gcounts[li] + rem elif (li < 1) and (truncate is False): gcounts[0] = gcounts[0] + 1 elif (li >= M) and (truncate is False): gcounts[M - 1] = gcounts[M - 1] + 1 return gcounts def _density_bkfe(gcounts, drv, h, a, b): """ 'bkfe' function adapted from KernSmooth R package. """ resol = len(gcounts) # Set the sample size and bin width n = np.nansum(gcounts) delta = (b - a) / (resol - 1) # Obtain kernel weights tau = drv + 4 L = min(int(tau * h / delta), resol) if L == 0: warnings.warn( "WARNING : Binning grid too coarse for current (small) bandwidth: consider increasing 'resolution'" ) lvec = np.arange(L + 1) arg = lvec * delta / h dnorm = np.exp(-np.square(arg) / 2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) kappam = dnorm / h ** (drv + 1) hmold0 = 1 hmold1 = arg hmnew = 1 if drv >= 2: for i in np.arange(2, drv + 1): hmnew = arg * hmold1 - (i - 1) * hmold0 hmold0 = hmold1 # Compute mth degree Hermite polynomial hmold1 = hmnew # by recurrence. kappam = hmnew * kappam # Now combine weights and counts to obtain estimate P = 2 ** (int(np.log(resol + L + 1) / np.log(2)) + 1) kappam = np.concatenate((kappam, np.zeros(P - 2 * L - 1), kappam[1:][::-1]), axis=0) Gcounts = np.concatenate((gcounts, np.zeros(P - resol)), axis=0) kappam = np.fft.fft(kappam) Gcounts = np.fft.fft(Gcounts) gcounter = gcounts * (np.real(np.fft.ifft(kappam * Gcounts)))[0:resol] return np.nansum(gcounter) / n**2