Source code for

import numpy as np

from ..misc import progress_bar

[docs] def video_face(video, verbose=True): """**Extract face from video** This function extracts the faces from a video. This function requires the `cv2, `menpo` and `menpodetect` modules to be installed. .. note:: This function is experimental. If you are interested in helping us improve that aspect of NeuroKit (e.g., by adding more detection algorithms), please get in touch! Parameters ---------- video : np.ndarray An video data numpy array of the shape (frame, channel, height, width) verbose : bool Whether to print the progress bar. Returns ------- list A list of cropped faces. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python import neurokit2 as nk # video, sampling_rate = nk.read_video("video.mp4") # faces = nk.video_face(video) # nk.video_plot([video, faces]) """ faceboxes = np.full([len(video), 3, 500, 500], 0) for i, frame in progress_bar(video, verbose=verbose): faces = _video_face_landmarks(frame) if len(faces) > 0: faceboxes[i, :, :, :] = _video_face_crop(frame, faces[0]) return faceboxes.astype("uint8")
# ============================================================================== # Internals # ============================================================================== def _video_face_crop(frame, face): # Try loading cv2 try: import cv2 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'cv2' module is required for this function to run. ", "Please install it first (`pip install opencv-python`).", ) facebox = face.as_vector().reshape(-1, 2).astype(int) # Crop img = frame[:, facebox[0, 0] : facebox[1, 0], facebox[0, 1] : facebox[2, 1]] # Resize img = cv2.resize(img.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2), (500, 500)) return img.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 2).astype(int) def _video_face_landmarks(frame): # Try loading menpo try: import import menpo.landmark import menpodetect except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'menpo' and 'menpodetect' modules are required for this function to run. ", "Please install them first (`pip install menpo` and `pip install menpodetect`).", ) img = menpo.image.Image(frame, copy=True) img_bw = img.as_greyscale() # Face detection faces = menpodetect.load_opencv_frontal_face_detector()(img_bw) # Eyes detection # eyes = menpodetect.load_opencv_eye_detector()(img_bw) return faces